Galanakis | Olive Mill Waste | Buch | 978-0-12-805314-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 300 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 660 g


Olive Mill Waste

Recent Advances for Sustainable Management

Buch, Englisch, 300 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 660 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-805314-0
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Olive Mill Waste: Recent Advances for Sustainable Management addresses today's most relevant topics in olive oil industry sustainable management. Emphasizing recent advisable practices, the book explores the potential of reutilizing OMW to power the mill itself, the reuse of OMW as soil amendment, aerobic biological treatment of OMW and compost production, the case study of OMW within the biorefinery concept, the recovery of bioactive compounds from OMW, and their applications in food products and cosmetics.

Recent research efforts have concluded that the successful management of OMW focuses on three main routes: (a) reuse of water, (b) reuse of polyphenols, and (c) reuse of nutrients. Following this consideration, the book covers sustainable practices in the olive oil industry, revealing opportunities for reutilizing the water of OMW within the process or as s soil amendment.

At the same time, it explores all the possibilities of recovering polyphenols and reutilizing them in target products, such as foods and cosmetics. In addition, the book presents successful cases of industrial OMW valorization through real world experiences.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Olive Oil Production Sector: Environmental Effects and Sustainability Challenges2. Olive Mill Waste: Recent Advances for the Sustainable Management of Olive Oil Industry3. The Biorefinery Concept for the Industrial Valorization of Residues from Olive Oil Industry4. Energy recovery alternatives for the sustainable management of olive oil industry5. Reuse of olive mill waste as soil amendment6. Industrial case studies on the detoxificaton of OMWW using Fenton oxidation process followed by biological processes for energy and compost production7. Integrated Biological Treatment of Olive Mill Waste Combining Aerobic Biological Treatment, Constructed Wetlands and Composting8. Co-Composting of Olive Mill Waste for the Production of Soil Amendments9. The use of olive mill wastewater to promote phytoremediation10. Recovery of bioactive compounds from olive mill waste11. Applications of recovered bioactive compounds in food products12. Applications of recovered bioactive compounds in cosmetics and health care products

Galanakis, Charis M.
Dr. Galanakis is an interdisciplinary scientist. He is the research and innovation director of Galanakis Laboratories (Chania, Greece) and the coordinator of the Food Waste Recovery Group of the ISEKI-Food Association (Vienna, Austria). He serves as an expert evaluator and monitor of international and regional funded programs and proposals, whereas he is an editorial board member and subject editor of Food and Bioproducts Processing and Food Research International. He has edited nine books and published ~100 articles

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