Gatrell | Managing Part-time Study | Buch | 978-0-335-22976-5 |

Buch, Englisch


Managing Part-time Study

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-22976-5
Verlag: Open University Press

Considering part-time study?

If so, then this is the book for you!

Managing Part-time Study is perfect for the increasing number of students who are considering, or taking, academic courses part-time, whether at postgraduate or undergraduate level. It offers the kind of advice and encouragement that part-time students find difficult to source elsewhere, by recognizing that many of the challenges confronting them are unique to their situation. For example, problems can include the stress of combining study with family or work commitments, alongside pressures caused by studying over a prolonged period.

In response to these issues, the book offers part-time students strategies to:

- Manage their own learning

- Sustain their motivation and keep going

- Prioritize the competing demands on their time

- Anticipate the challenges which they will encounter

Managing Part-time Study provides the most appropriate solutions to frequently encountered situations and offers advice and 'real life' experiences from other part-time students. The book draws upon up-to-date research and also upon Caroline Gatrell's own experience both of teaching part-time students, and of being a part-time student herself.
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Weitere Infos & Material



To be or not to be a part-time student? Choosing and starting your course, and planning ahead

Getting down to it - strategies for managing your own learning

Practical tips for writing assignments, dissertations and theses

Plagiarism, referencing and originality

Coping with exams

The mid-term blues: getting stuck and staying on course

What next?



Caroline Gatrell is Director of the Research Training Programme at Lancaster University Management School and an experienced teacher and supervisor of part-time students. Caroline gained her MBA part-time in 1998 and also went on to study part-time for her PhD, which she gained in 2002. As well as her interest in part-time study, Caroline has written on the motherhood and employment: Hard Labour was published by Open University Press in 2005.

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