Gaujers / Harper / Browne | Smart Marketing for Small Business | Buch | 978-0-07-471075-3 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 69 mm x 94 mm

Gaujers / Harper / Browne

Smart Marketing for Small Business

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 69 mm x 94 mm

ISBN: 978-0-07-471075-3
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

Gaujers / Harper / Browne Smart Marketing for Small Business jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

A Note From the AuthorPrefaceChapter 1 What Is Marketing and How Can It Help Your Business?Chapter 2 Gathering and Analysing Information to Reach Your Market EffectivelyChapter 3 Creating a Successful Marketing MixChapter 4 Analysing The MarketplaceChapter 5 How Personal Selling and Customer Relations Can Help Your BusinessChapter 6 Your Marketing PlanGlossaryReferencesIndex

Harper, Julie-Ann
Julie-Ann Harper holds both teaching and business qualifications and has been involved in small business management for over 12 years. Throughout this time she has worn a number of hats: founding director of a training company specialising in small business management; member of the Small Business Development Corporation in Western Australia, and board member of numerous councils involved with small business. Her success in small business is demonstrated by the fact that she has twice been a runner-up in the Telstra Women in Business Awards. As a partner in Innovative Business Resources, she has co-authored four books and three sets of resources focusing on small business management.

Browne, Jennifer
In a previous life Jennifer Browne taught in schools, colleges and universities before taking early retirement from Edith Cowan University. Having previously authored and co-authored five books, she is now embarked on a second career of writing and publishing as a partner in both B&G Resource Enterprises and Innovative Business Resources. She has since co-authored four books and three sets of resources focusing on small business management.

Gaujers, Regina
Regina Gaujers, having previously established a number of successful businesses, has for eight years been a partner of B&G Resource Enterprises, a provider of educational books. In addition to her practical experience with SMEs, she also has an extensive background in secondary education and is an accomplished writer and publisher of texts for post-compulsory studies. She has co-authored four books and three sets of resources focusing on small business management.

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