Genetics and Genomics for Advanced Practice Nursing | Buch | 978-0-8261-3124-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 524 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm

Genetics and Genomics for Advanced Practice Nursing

Principles and Application

Buch, Englisch, 524 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm

ISBN: 978-0-8261-3124-9
Verlag: Springer Publishing Company

This unique text and reference, the first such book written for graduate-level nursing courses, provides an in-depth foundation for using genetics and genomic concepts in advanced practice and clinical research. Encompassing state-of-the-art knowledge of the most salient issues in genetics and genomics, it teaches students how to apply understanding of the genome structure and the ethical, legal, and social issues associated with genomics to all aspects of clinical practice assessment, genetic counseling, patient care, and research.

The text covers the principles of human and molecular genetics, including variations, patterns of inheritance, and multifactorial inheritance. It examines gene action and expression, cytogenetics, the Human Genome Project, genetics terminology, and basic principles of relevant laboratory methods. The evolving principles of epigenetics, nutrigenomics, and pharmacogenomics in patient care and research are also explored along with their ethical, legal, and social ramifications. Additionally, the text discusses the implications of personalized medicine and direct-to consumer testing in regard to patient care and practice. Inherited and acquired health conditions are used to illustrate the impact of genetics and genomics on nursing practice and on opportunities for research. The text includes numerous case studies and exercises to help understand chromosomal distribution abnormalities along with virtual lab exercises for karyotyping and DNA analysis.

Key Features: - Provides exercises to help understand chromosomal distribution abnormalities
- Includes virtual lab exercises for karyotyping and DNA analysis
- Presents cases to draw pedigrees, and pedigree analysis
- Offers perspectives and case studies regarding ethical, legal, and socioeconomic issues specifically geared to APNs
- Discusses implications of personalized medicine and direct-to-consumer testing
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Weitere Infos & Material

Omanand Koul, PhD, is Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Graduate School of Nursing, where he has received several teaching awards during his tenure since 2004. He is also Research Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, University of Massachusetts School of Medicine, USA. Dr. Koul is an experienced researcher in the area of genetics and its impact on health. He was educated in India, receiving his PhD in Zoology (Biochemistry of Aging) and his Master's in Science in Genetics from Banaras Hindu University. He has been based in the United States since the mid 1970s, and is a Howard Hughes Fellow in Microbiology from Boston University. Dr. Koul has held positions at Harvard Medical School, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, and the EK Shriver for Mental Retardation. Among many other topics, he has conducted research on biomarkers for autism and schizophrenia.

Jean E. Boucher, PhD, ANP-BC, RN, is Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Graduate School of Nursing, and Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School. She is an Adult Nurse Practitioner specializing in oncology. Her current research focuses on quality of life in colorectal cancer patients and their partners, chemotherapy-induced diarrhea, patient-centered care for prostate cancer including partner adjustment in relationships, and genetic predisposition for cancer. She is a Co-Investigator in a University of Massachusetts Memorial Collaborative grant with Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center regarding active surveillance for men with prostate cancer. Dr. Boucher has conducted oncology research and been published in several peer-reviewed journals.

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