Glassman / Hadad | Approaches to Psychology | Buch | 978-0-335-23757-9 |

Buch, Englisch

Glassman / Hadad

Approaches to Psychology

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23757-9
Verlag: Open University Press

Approaches to Psychology provides a contemporary, accessible and coherent introduction to the field of psychology, from its origins to the present, and shows the contribution of psychology in understanding human behaviour and experience.

The book introduces students to the five core conceptual frameworks (or approaches) to psychology: biological, behaviourist, cognitive, psychodynamic and humanistic. The methods, theories and assumptions of each approach are explored so that the reader builds an understanding of psychology as it applies to human development, social and abnormal behaviour.

New to this edition:

- Sections on emerging topics such as coaching psychology, positive psychology, creativity' s relationship to psychopathology

- The World Today boxes help students to relate theory to the world around them, including new examples on reinforcement values in video games, the use of attribution theory in sports psychology and how cognitive dissonance theory can be used to examine terrorism

- New Try it Yourself activities and exercises demonstrate that psychology is all about how humans think, feel and behave

- Informed by the most current and relevant research and theory, the new edition has been updated to include 250 new references

- Updated and expanded Online Learning Centre with student support material and instructor test bank at

Key Features:

- Key Thinker boxes give a brief overview of the work of a notable psychologist and their key contributions

- Putting it all Together discussions at the end of chapters encourage critical thinking by illustrating that there may be no definitive right or wrong answer to a problem

- A review of key research methods provides students with the tools to conduct their own research

- Superb pedagogy aids learning through discussion points and queries, chapter summaries, definitions of key terms, further reading suggestions, a glossary and bibliography

Students and professors have helped to make this the best edition of the most clear and concise introduction to psychology in the market. It is THE introductory book students need.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Ch. 1: Behaviour and Psychology

Ch. 2: The Biological Approach

Ch. 3: The Behaviourist Approach

Ch. 4: The Cognitive Approach

Ch. 5: The Psychodynamic Approach

Ch. 6: The Humanistic Approach

Ch. 7: Perspectives on Development

Ch. 8: Perspectives on Social Behaviour

Ch. 9: Perspectives on Abnormal Behaviour

Ch. 10: Psychology in Perspective

Appendix: Experimental methods and statistics

William E. Glassman, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, brings over 30 years of experience in teaching introductory psychology to the new edition of this highly successful text. His research activities have spanned many areas, with a special interest in problem-solving and short term memory.

Marilyn Hadad is Associate Professor of Psychology at Ryerson University. In addition to her interest in teaching introductory psychology, she specializes in areas of personal adjustment, such as death, dying and bereavement, personal growth and stress management, courses which are delivered across all programs at Ryerson.

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