Goldstein / Jones / Anderson | Smart Planet Level 2 Andalusia Pack (Student's Book and Andalusia Booklet) | Medienkombination | 978-84-1322-055-0 |

Medienkombination, Englisch, Gewicht: 526 g

Goldstein / Jones / Anderson

Smart Planet Level 2 Andalusia Pack (Student's Book and Andalusia Booklet)

Medienkombination, Englisch, Gewicht: 526 g

ISBN: 978-84-1322-055-0
Verlag: Cambridge University Press

Smart Planet is a secondary-level course which appeals to students' curiosity about the world around them. Stimulating materials complemented by fascinating videos from Discovery Education help bring classes to life and are the ideal starting point for successful language learning. The Student's Book includes: a thorough vocabulary and grammar treatment; Culture and CLIL pages complemented by Discovery Education videos; a guided, step-by-step approach to writing and speaking; 'Get it right!' common error pages and boxes; and the Student's DVD-ROM, with the Discovery Education videos and interactive activities. The Andalusia Booklet provides an extra Reading supplement with content specific to the region, fast-finisher activities and a useful irregular verb list.
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