Gottwald / Goodman-Brown | A Guide to Practical Health Promotion | Buch | 978-0-335-24460-7 |

Buch, Englisch

Gottwald / Goodman-Brown

A Guide to Practical Health Promotion

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-24460-7
Verlag: Open University Press

“This book should become a key textbook of choice for a wide range of health care professionals and students. It encourages autonomous learning and helps develop critical analytical skills … Each chapter follows a logical progression using key objectives which relate to a range of activities and up to date evidenced based sources of information. The range of depth and breadth of material is contemporary and as such should meet the academic, managerial and clinical background of the reader.”

Helen Matthews, Senior Lecturer in Health and Community Care, University of West London, UK

“This text represents a useful, well-pitched contribution … The book is densely packed but skilfully written to feel comfortable for the reader; challenging in places but never to the extent to discourage engagement.”

Jane Thomas, Acting Head of College of Human and Health Sciences, Swansea University, UK

Do you have difficulties deciding which health promotion activities facilitate behavioural change?

This accessible book focuses on the practical activity of health promotion and shows students and practitioners how to actually apply health promotion in practice. The book uses case scenarios to explore how health promotion activities can empower individuals to make decisions that change their health related behaviour.

This book explores the role of health promotion and explores a number of practical approaches, such as developing client’s self-awareness and skills, working with groups and communities and social marketing and the mass media.

The book includes:

- Learning outcomes, think points and implications for practice, giving readers guidance on engaging with health promotion

- Multi-setting case studies including schools, prisons and the local community

- Activities to develop self-awareness, self-esteem, assertiveness, empowerment, communication and life skills

A Guide to Practical Health Promotion is suitable for allied health professionals, nurses and students involved in health promotion practice and will help you to build confidence in your health promotion skills.
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Mary Gottwald is Principal Lecturer for Student Experience at Oxford Brookes University, UK She is also an occupational therapist and has worked in South Africa and the UK and teaches in the UK and Hong Kong.

Jane Goodman-Brown is Programme Lead for Public Health at Oxford Brookes University, UK and teaches in the UK and Hong Kong. She is also a health visitor and has experience of running health promotion interventions in the community.

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