Green / Powell | Doctoral Study in Contemporary Higher Education | Buch | 978-0-335-22559-0 |

Buch, Englisch

Green / Powell

Doctoral Study in Contemporary Higher Education

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-22559-0
Verlag: Open University Press

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List of abbreviations

Part 1: Context

The origins, issues and recent development of doctoral study in the UK

Doctoral study, Government and the workplace

Part 2: Range of doctoral awards in the UK

The PhD and the diversity of doctoral study

The PhD by published work

Professional doctorates

Practice-based doctorates

Part 3: Issues surrounding the development of doctoral study

Funding of doctoral programmes

Length of doctoral training programmes

Part 4: Managing doctoral study

The nature of doctoral supervision

Monitoring and assessment

Principles and purposes of doctoral examination

Processes of examining the doctorate

Part 5: The future of the doctorate

Future directions



Howard Green is Chair of the UK Council for Graduate Education and the Modern Universities Research group. Formerly Dean of the Research and Graduate School, he is now Pro Vice Chancellor with responsibility for planning and innovation at Staffordshire University. He is Professor of Urban Planning at Staffordshire and Visiting Professor of Urban Planning at both Leeds Metropolitan University and Lille 1 University.

Stuart Powell is Professor of Educational Psychology and Director of Research Degrees at the University of Hertfordshire. He is also Honorary Secretary of the UK Council for Graduate Education. His original research interests were in the understanding and education of individuals with special needs – in particular those with autism. More recently, his research has focused on doctoral study.

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