Griller / Lentsch | EMU Integration and Member States’ Constitutions | Buch | 978-1-5099-3578-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 728 Seiten, Hardback, Format (B × H): 169 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 1347 g

Griller / Lentsch

EMU Integration and Member States’ Constitutions

Buch, Englisch, 728 Seiten, Hardback, Format (B × H): 169 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 1347 g

ISBN: 978-1-5099-3578-9
Verlag: Hart Publishing

In this book, legal scholars from the EU Member States (with the addition of the UK) analyse the development of the EU Member States' attitudes to economic, fiscal, and monetary integration since the Treaty of Maastricht.

The Eurozone crisis corroborated the warnings of economists that weak economic policy coordination and loose fiscal oversight would be insufficient to stabilise the monetary union. The country studies in this book investigate the legal, and in particular the constitutional, pre-conditions for deeper fiscal and monetary integration that influenced the past and might impact on the future positions in the (now) 27 EU Member States.

The individual country studies address the following issues:

- Main characteristics of the national constitutional system, and constitutional culture;
- Constitutional foundations of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) membership and related instruments;
- Constitutional obstacles to EMU integration;
- Constitutional rules and/or practice on implementing EMU-related law; and
- The resulting relationship between EMU-related law and national law

Offering a comprehensive and detailed assessment of the legal and constitutional developments concerning the Economic and Monetary Union since the Treaty of Maastricht, this book provides not only a study of legal EMU-related measures and reforms at the EU level, but most importantly sheds light on their perception in the EU Member States.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Analytical Report on the Legal Background of Member States' Positions towards Economic and Fiscal Integration
Stefan Griller, University of Salzburg, Austria
2. EMU Integration against the Backdrop of EU Law and Jurisprudence
Elisabeth Lentsch, formerly of Horizon 2020 Project
3. Bulgaria: EMU Integration and the Bulgarian Constitution: 'Missing Constitution' or EU Friendliness and Open Statehood Masquerading Implicit Sovereigntist Strategies in the Context of Multilevel Constitutional Games?
Martin Belov, St Kliment Ochridski University of Sofia, Bulgaria
4. EMU Integration and the Czech Constitution: Doctrinal Openness and Political Reluctance
Tomas Dumbrovsky, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic
5. Denmark
Ulla Neergaard, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
6. Germany
Stefan Korioth, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Germany, and Jonas Marx, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Germany
7. Estonia
Andres Tupits, Estonian Business School, Tallinn, Estonia
8. Ireland
Gavin Barrett, University College Dublin, Ireland
9. Greece: Further EMU Steps Require a Democratic Eurozone Architecture
Lina Papadopoulou, Aristotle University, Salonica, Greece
10. Spain: The Impact of the EMU on the Spanish Constitution Following the Euro Crisis: A Stress Test for the Europeanisation of the Constitutional Order
Diane Fromage, University of Maastricht, the Netherlands, Maribel Gonzalez Pascual, Secretary of State for Territorial Policy of the Spanish Government, Madrid, Spain, Joan Solanes Mullor, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain and Aida Torres Perez, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain
11. France: The Paradox of Constitutional Adaptability in a Member State Running Budget Excessive Deficits
Laetitia Guilloud-Colliat, Université Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, France and Fabien Terpan, Science Po Grenoble, France
12. Croatia
Tamara Capeta, University of Zagreb, Croatia and Iris Goldner Lang, University of Zagreb, Croatia
13. Italy
Monica Bonini, Bicocca University, Milan, Italy, and Stefania Ninatti, Department of Bicocca University, Milan, Italy
14. Cyprus
Nikos Skoutaris, University of East Anglia, UK
15. Latvia
Dita Plepa, Riga Stradins University, Riga, Latvia
16. Lithuania
Irmantas Jarukaitis, Court of Justice of the EU in Luxembourg
17. Luxembourg
Jorg Gerkrath, University of Luxembourg
18. Hungary
Attila Vincze, Andrássy University Budapest, Hungary, Pal Sonnevend, Eötvös Lórant University ELTE in Budapest, Hungary and Andras Jakab, University of Salzburg, Austria
19. Malta: The Assimilation of the EU's Economic, Fiscal and Monetary Governance Acquis in the Maltese Legal Framework
Joseph Bugeja, Gauci-Maistre Xynou in La Valetta, Malta
20. The Netherlands
Jan-Herman Reestman, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Monica Claes, Maastricht University, the Netherlands
21. Austria
Rainer Palmstorfer, University of Salzburg, Austria
22. Poland
Dariusz Adamski, University of Wroclaw, Poland
23. Portugal
Ana Maria Guerra Martins, European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France and Joana de Sousa Loureiro, Centre for Judicial Studies in Lisbon, Portugal
24. Romania
Dr Mihaela Vrabie, University of Bucharest, Romania
25. Slovakia: (Seemingly) No Legal Obstacles to Deepening EMU Integration
Robert Zbiral, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic
26. Slovenia
Matej Avbelj, Graduate School of Government and European Studies at Kranj, Slovenia and Erazem Bohinc, Higher Court in Ljubljana, Slovenia
27. Finland
Tuomas Ojanen, University of Helsinki, Finland
28. Sweden
Joakim Nergelius, Örebro University, Sweden and Eleonor Kristoffersson, Örebro University, Sweden
29. United Kingdom
Paul Craig, University of Oxford, UK

Griller, Stefan
Stefan Griller is Professor of European Law and Director of the Salzburg Centre for EU Law - SCEUS at the University of Salzburg, Austria.

Lentsch, Elisabeth
Elisabeth Lentsch worked at the University of Salzburg, Austria.

Stefan Griller is Professor of European Law at the University of Salzburg, Austria.
Elisabeth Lentsch worked at the University of Salzburg, Austria.

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