Gryna | Juran's Quality Management and Analysis System (Int'l Ed) | Buch | 978-1-259-25530-4 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 211 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 1288 g


Juran's Quality Management and Analysis System (Int'l Ed)

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 211 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 1288 g

ISBN: 978-1-259-25530-4
Verlag: Open University Press

Through five editions, Juran's Quality Planning and Analysis has provided students and professionals with an authoritative treatment of the subject that goes beyond statistical techniques.

The sixth edition of this highly regarded classic book on managing for quality, Juran's Quality Management and Analysis for Enterprise Quality, combines the pioneering concepts of Dr. Joseph M. Juran and the teachings of the late Dr. Frank M. Gryna with the insights and experience of today's leading trainers and practitioners at the Juran Institute: John F. Early, Executive VP and Joseph A. DeFeo, President & Executive Coach.

The trademark Juran Institute approach has been retained, developing the viewpoint that the achievement of quality products and services requires the application of managerial, technological, statistical, and behavioral actions throughout all functions of an organization. With real-world problems provided in each chapter, students are faced with realities that confront managers, designers, engineers, marketers, operations personnel, users, and others involved in enterprise quality.

This text will challenge readers to make assumptions, estimate economics, reach data-driven conclusions, and adapt themselves to the imperfect world of the practitioner. Students and professionals will also find this book useful as they prepare for various certifications such as the Certified Quality Engineer, Reliability Engineer, Quality Manager, Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. The Bottom Line: Quality and Business Performance
2. Organization-wide Assessment of Quality
3. Improving Quality While Decreasing Cost
4. Quality By Design To Increase Sales
5. Control of Quality to Maintain Superior Performance
6. Business Management
7. Organizational Roles To Support A Quality Culture
8. Integrating Quality into the Enterprise Strategic Plan
9. Creating a Quality Culture
10. Inspection, Test, and Measurement
11. Understanding Customer Needs
12. New Product Development's Role in Designing for Quality
13. Managing the Quality in Operations-Manufacturing
14. Managing Quality in Operations-Service
15. Managing the Chain Supply
16. Quality Assurance & Audits
17. The Role of Statistics and Probability
18. Tools for Analyzing Data
19. Statistical Tools to Design for Quality
20. Tools to Maintain the Quality of ControlAppendix I: Supplementary Problems Using Minitab®
Appendix II: Study Guide Examples of Certification Examination Questions and Answers
Appendix III: Tables
Subject Index

Gryna, Frank
Bradley University

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