Hagger / Mcintyre | Learning Teaching from Teachers | Buch | 978-0-335-22979-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch

Hagger / Mcintyre

Learning Teaching from Teachers

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-22979-6
Verlag: Open University Press

"The impressive strengths of this book are its breadth of scope, the depth of its grounding in the real life of schools, its clarity of structure and argument, and its far-reaching suggestions for reforming school-based teacher education. The book also demonstrates, in every chapter, the authors’ unwavering, though not uncritical, regard for the profession of teaching."

Lesley Saunders, Professional Development Today

The move to school-based initial teacher education has opened up exciting opportunities for student teachers to learn from practising teachers' expertise. However, making the most of these opportunities is not straightforward, since much of that expertise is embedded in practice and rarely articulated.

The book:

- Brings together a wide range of research on teachers' expertise and beginning teachers' learning

- Reports a research project on helping student teachers to gain access to experienced teachers' expertise

- Considers the wider implications of that research for the development of school-based initial teacher education

- Explores how school-based initial teacher education can be improved if it is professionally planned in an informed and well thought-out way

- Shows how curricula can be developed to help student teachers learn from experienced teachers and from everyday life in schools

- Makes suggestions for initiatives to improve school-based initial teacher education

- Examines the conditions that are necessary for school-based initial teacher education to realize its full potential

Learning Teaching from Teachers is a key text for all teacher educators, including school-based mentors. It is also important reading for teachers involved in Masters courses in mentoring and teacher education.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part A The case for school-based teacher education

Changing teacher education

Understanding the practice of good classroom teacher

Towards a planned school-based curriculum for ITE

Part B Tapping into teachers' professional craft knowledge

An experiment in the modelling of teachers' professional craft knowledge

The experience of the student teachers and teachers

Part C The way forward

Constructing a school-based ITE curriculum

Elements of a school-based ITE curriculum



Hazel Hagger is Lecturer in Educational Studies and PGCE Course Director at the University of Oxford. She has written extensively on teachers' learning and development, and on mentoring in education.

Donald McIntyre is Professor of Education at the University of Cambridge and has been engaged in research into teaching and teacher education for 40 years. His previous publications include Learning without Limits (Open University Press, 2004).

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