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Hartwig | Wolves in the German Print News Media | E-Book | sack.de

E-Book, Englisch, Band 1, 70 Seiten, Format (B × H): 148 mm x 210 mm

Reihe: Young Academics: Environmental Studies

Hartwig Wolves in the German Print News Media

Content Analysis of Attitudinal Expressions, 2010–2020

E-Book, Englisch, Band 1, 70 Seiten, Format (B × H): 148 mm x 210 mm

Reihe: Young Academics: Environmental Studies

ISBN: 978-3-68900-047-9
Verlag: Tectum
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection

Wolves were eradicated from Germany in the 19th century. The reintroduction of wolves was a resounding success - today there are around over 180 packs living in Germany. However, this has triggered a fierce debate centred on one overarching question: can humans and wolves coexist in this country?

This study provides valuable insights for the social debate on the return of wolves in Germany. By analysing newspaper articles, it shows how attitudes have changed over time and in different regions. It also highlights the role of the media in communicating information to the public and thus influencing our attitudes.
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