Hill | Brewing Microbiology | Buch | 978-1-78242-331-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 506 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 920 g


Brewing Microbiology

Managing Microbes, Ensuring Quality and Valorising Waste
Erscheinungsjahr 2015
ISBN: 978-1-78242-331-7
Verlag: Woodhead Publishing

Managing Microbes, Ensuring Quality and Valorising Waste

Buch, Englisch, 506 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 920 g

ISBN: 978-1-78242-331-7
Verlag: Woodhead Publishing

Brewing Microbiology discusses the microbes that are essential to successful beer production and processing, and the ways they can pose hazards in terms of spoilage and sensory quality.

The text examines the properties and management of these microorganisms in brewing, along with tactics for reducing spoilage and optimizing beer quality. It opens with an introduction to beer microbiology, covering yeast properties and management, and then delves into a review of spoilage bacteria and other contaminants and tactics to reduce microbial spoilage.

Final sections explore the impact of microbiology on the sensory quality of beer and the safe management and valorisation of brewing waste.
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<p>Microbiologists in the food and beverage industries, specifically the brewing industry, technical personnel in brewing organisations and academics with a research interest in the field. </p>


Weitere Infos & Material

Preface Introduction to Brewing Microbiology Part One: Yeast: Properties and management 1 Yeast Species/Strains used in brewing and distilling 2 Yeast Quality Assessment, Management and Culture Maintenance 3 Modelling yeast growth and metabolism for optimum performance 4 Advances in metabolic engineering of yeasts 5 Yeast identification and characterisation Part Two: Spoilage bacteria and other contaminants 6 Toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins in the barley-to-beer chain 7 Gram-positive spoilage bacteria in brewing 8 Gram negative beer spoilage bacteria in brewing 9 Strictly anaerobic beer spoilage bacteria Part Three: Reducing microbial spoilage: design and technology 10 Hygienic design and cleaning-in-place (CIP) systems in breweries 11 Reducing microbial spoilage of beer using filtration 12 Reducing microbial spoilage of beer using pasteurisation 13 Traditional microbiological methods for detection and identification of spoilage 14 Rapid detection and identification of spoilage bacteria in beer 15 Beer packaging: microbiological hazards and considerations 16 Assuring the microbiological quality of draft beer Part Four: Impact of microbiology on sensory quality 17 Impact of yeast and bacteria on beer appearance, flavour and aroma 18 Sensory Analysis as a Tool for Beer Quality Assessment with an Emphasis on its use for Microbial Control in the Brewery Part Five: Valorisation of microbiological brewing waste 19 Anaerobic treatment of brewery wastes 20 Water treatment and reuse in breweries

Hill, Annie
Dr Annie E. Hill is Associate Professor and Programme Director for the MSc/Postgraduate Diploma in Brewing & Distilling by Distance Learning at the International Centre for Brewing & Distilling at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. Research interests currently involve distilled spirits production with a focus on microbiological aspects including fermentation and distillery microflora. Within teaching, Annie is Course Director for a range of Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes covering microbiology, biochemistry and industrial practice, and has supervised over 170 MSc projects. Annie regularly reviews articles within brewing/distilling microbiology for the Institute of Brewing and Distilling, the American Society of Brewing Chemists, Foods, Fermentation, Food Control, and Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, and is an Editorial Board Member for the American Society of Brewing Chemists and Journal of Distilling Science. She is the editor of Brewing Microbiology and co-editor of Distilled Spirits.

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