Hinojosa and Kramer’s Evaluation in Occupational Therapy | Buch | 978-1-56900-595-8 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 240 Seiten, Paperback

Hinojosa and Kramer’s Evaluation in Occupational Therapy

Obtaining and Interpreting Data

Buch, Englisch, 240 Seiten, Paperback

ISBN: 978-1-56900-595-8
Verlag: AOTA Press

Evidence-based occupational therapy practice demands the valid and reliable evaluation of clients to determine the need for intervention and developing or changing intervention plans. Employers and reimbursers also require increased competence in selecting, administering, and interpreting assessments.

This new edition of the classic text aims to meet these challenges. Authors reaffirm the importance of understanding the person as an occupational being and how the occupational therapist’s understanding of human occupation influences evaluation. Aligned with the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework, this updated text describes how to accurately evaluate the factors affecting occupational performance and explains the essential and practical aspects of evaluation.

New to this edition is a focus on outcomes assessment, a growing and important area in the occupational therapy profession. Emerging areas of practice are also included, with discussions of evaluation primary care; telehealth, which has become increasingly important during the COVID-19 pandemic; and the evaluation of groups and populations.

Each chapter contains key terms and concepts, thoughtful questions to encourage learning, and case examples that promote real-world application. Practical yet detailed, Hinojosa and Kramer’s Evaluation in Occupational Therapy guides therapists and students in performing the high-quality, accurate evaluations the profession demands.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Chapter 1. Evaluation: Where Do We Begin?
- Chapter 2. Philosophical and Theoretical Influences on Evaluation
- Chapter 3. Assessment Identification and Selection
- Chapter 4. Practical Aspects of the Evaluation Process
- Chapter 5. Evaluation in the Intervention Planning Process
- Chapter 6. Administration of Evaluation and Administration
- Chapter 7. Contextual Evaluation to Support Participation
- Chapter 8. Nonstandardized Assessments
- Chapter 9. Psychometric Properties Related to Standardized Assessments: Understanding the Evidence for Reliability, Validity, and Responsiveness
- Chapter 10. Scoring and Interpreting Results
- Chapter 11. Interpretation and Documentation of the Evaluation Process
- Chapter 12. Outcomes Assessment
- Chapter 13. Addressing Diversity in Occupational Therapy Assessment
- Chapter 14. Evaluation in Emerging Practice Settings: Primary Care, Telehealth, and Group- and Population-Based Evaluation
- Chapter 15. Ethical Issues in Evaluation
- Chapter 16. Occupational Therapy Evaluation and Evidence-Based Practice
- Appendix A. AOTA Occupational Profile Template

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