Howard / Tadros | Using Participatory Methods to Explore Freedom of Religion and Belief | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 254 Seiten

Howard / Tadros Using Participatory Methods to Explore Freedom of Religion and Belief

Whose Reality Counts?

E-Book, Englisch, 254 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-5292-2930-1
Verlag: Bristol University Press
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Examining countries where religious pluralism is in decline, including Iraq, India, Pakistan and Nigeria, this book brings together reflections, knowledge and learning about the daily experiences of religiously marginalized groups, generated using participatory research methods. It also showcases the participatory methodologies implemented by its international team of contributors and highlights the importance of using non-extractive methods for engaging with participants. Including a careful consideration of the ethics and limitations of participatory research with marginalized groups, the book reflects on the implications for people’s agency when research creates space for them to reflect on their realities in a group setting and uses methods which put their own experience and analysis at the centre of the process.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Howard, Jo
Jo Howard is a Research Fellow and leader of the Participation, Inclusion and Social Change research cluster at the Institute of Development Studies. Mariz Tadros is a Professor of Politics and Development and a Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies and Director of the Coalition for Religious Equality and Inclusive Development (CREID) programme.

Tadros, Mariz
Jo Howard is a Research Fellow and leader of the Participation, Inclusion and Social Change research cluster at the Institute of Development Studies. Mariz Tadros is a Professor of Politics and Development and a Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies and Director of the Coalition for Religious Equality and Inclusive Development (CREID) programme.

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