Hoyle / Schaefer / Doupnik | Advanced Accounting, Update Edition | Buch | 978-0-07-252408-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 960 Seiten, Format (B × H): 221 mm x 274 mm, Gewicht: 2109 g

Hoyle / Schaefer / Doupnik

Advanced Accounting, Update Edition

Buch, Englisch, 960 Seiten, Format (B × H): 221 mm x 274 mm, Gewicht: 2109 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-252408-6
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

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Weitere Infos & Material

Ch. 1 The Equity Method of Accounting for Investments Ch. 2 Consolidation of Financial Information Ch. 3 Consolidations - Subsequent to the Date of Acquisition Ch. 4 Consolidated Financial Statements and Outside Ownership Ch. 5 Consolidated Financial Statements - Intercompany Asset Transactions Ch. 6 Intercompany Debt, Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows, and Other Issues Ch. 7 Consolidated Financial Statements - Ownership Patterns and Income Taxes Ch. 8 Segment and Interim Reporting Ch. 9 Foreign Currency Transactions and Hedging Foreign Exchange Risk Ch. 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements Ch. 11 Worldwide Accounting Diversity and International Accounting Standards Ch. 12 Financial Reporting and the Securities and Exchange Commission Ch. 13 Accounting for Legal Reorganizations and Liquidations Ch. 14 Partnerships: Formation and Operation Ch. 15 Partnerships: Termination and Liquidation Ch. 16 Accounting for State and Local Governments, Part I Ch. 17 Accounting for State and Local Governments, Part II Ch. 18 Accounting and Reporting for Private Not-for-Profit Organizations, Ch. 19 Accounting for Estates and Trusts

Hoyle, Joe Ben
Joe Ben Hoyle has been the sole author of ADVANCED ACCOUNTING through four editions. He is CSX Professor of Management and Accounting at the University of Richmond.

Schaefer, Thomas
Currently teaching at University of Notre Dame. Thomas Schaefer was the Deloitte & Touche Professor of Accounting at Florida State University. He received his Ph.D. in Accounting from the University of Illinois. He is a two-time winner of Florida State’s Beta Psi "Accounting Professor of the Year" award, and has won two university-wide teaching awards while at Florida State.

Doupnik, Timothy
Timothy Doupnik is a professor at the University of South Carolina. He received his Ph.D. in Accounting from the University of Illinois. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of Advances in International Accounting. Tom has won several teaching awards, including the Alfred G. Smith Jr. Award for Excellence in Teaching.

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