Hull | Coloring Atlas of the Human Body | Buch | 978-0-7817-6530-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 264 Seiten, Trade Paper, Format (B × H): 213 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 635 g


Coloring Atlas of the Human Body

Buch, Englisch, 264 Seiten, Trade Paper, Format (B × H): 213 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 635 g

ISBN: 978-0-7817-6530-5
Verlag: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

Coloring Atlas of the Human Body provides a comprehensive overview of human anatomy and physiology for visually-oriented and kinesthetic learners. By coloring a series of specially designed diagrams and the accompanying flashcards, students will learn and remember concepts much more effectively than with traditional textbooks alone. The completed coloring exercises and flashcards can also serve as tools to review and prepare for examinations.
A companion Website includes two additional coloring exercises and bonus study and test taking tips.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Preface and Introduction
Ch 1 Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology
Coloring Exercises:

- 1-1 Organ Systems and Levels of Organization

- 1-2 Directional Terms and Planes of Division

- 1-3 Body Cavities and Abdominal Regions

- 1-4 Cell Structure

- 1-5 The Plasma Membrane and Chromosomes

- 1-6 Membrane Transport

- 1-7 Tissues 1: Epithelial Tissues

- 1-8 Tissues 2: Connective Tissues

Chapter 2. The Skin
Coloring Exercises:

- 2-1 Skin Structure and Function

- 2-2 Skin Disorders

Ch 3. The Skeletal System
Coloring Exercises:

- 3-1 The Skeletal System: An Overview

- 3-2 Long Bone Structure and Fractures

- 3-3 Compact Bone Tissue

- 3-4 Joints: Classification

- 3-5 Synovial Joints: Structure and Disease

- 3-6 The Skull

- 3-7 The Vertebral Column

- 3-8 The Thorax and Shoulder Girdle

Ch 4. The Muscular System
Coloring Exercises:

- 4-1 Muscle Tissue and Skeletal Muscle Anatomy

- 4-2 The Neuromuscular Junction

- 4-3 Muscle Contraction

- 4-4 Energy for Working Muscles: ATP

- 4-5 Muscles in Action

- 4-6 Muscles of the Head

- 4-7 Muscles of the Torso

- 4-8 Muscles that Move the Upper Limb

- 4-9 Muscles that Move the Lower Limb

- 4-10 Skeletal Muscles Review (Part 1)

- 4-11 Skeletal Muscles Review (Part 2)

Ch 5 The Nervous System
Coloring Exercises:

- 5-1 Organization of the Nervous System

- 5-2 Nervous Tissue

- 5-3 The Action Potential

- 5-4Transmission of Nerve Impulses

- 5-5 The Spinal Cord and Spinal Reflexes

- 5-6 The Spinal Nerves

- 5-7 The Brain

- 5-8 The Cerebral Cortex and the

- 5-9 The Ventricles and Cerebrospinal Fluid

- 5-10 The Cranial Nerves

- 5-11 the Autonomic Nervous System

Ch 6. The Sensory System
Coloring Exercises:

- 6-1 Touch and Pain

- 6-2 The Eye

- 6-3 Muscles of the Eye

- 6-4 Vision and Vision Abnormalities

- 6-5 Anatomy of the Ear

- 6-6 Physiology of the Ear: Hearing

- 6-7 Physiology of the Ear: Equilibrium

- 6-8 The Chemical Senses: Smell and Taste

Ch 7. The Endocrine System: Glands and Hormones
Coloring Exercises:

- 7-1 The Endocrine System and the Endocrine Glands

- 7-2 The Parathyroid Glands and Calcium Metabolism

- 7-3 The Pancreas and Glucose

- 7-4 The Pituitary Gland: Posterior Lobe

- 7-5 The Pituitary Gland: Anterior Lobe

- 7-6 Thyroid Hormones

Ch 8 The Cardiovascular System
Coloring Exercises:

- 8-1 The Cardiovascular System: An Overview

- 8-2 The Pulmonary and Systemic Circulations

Ch 9: The Lymphatic System and Immunity
- 9-1 The Lymphatic and Cardiovascular Systems

- 9-2 Lymphatic Vessels

Ch 10. The Respiratory System
Coloring Exercises:

- 10-1. The Respiratory System

- 10-2. Phases of Respiration

Ch 11. The Digestive System
Coloring Exercises:

- 11-1 Anatomy of the Digestive System

- 11-2 The Digestive Tract Wall

Ch 12: The Urinary System and Water Balance
- 12-1 Water Balance

- 12-2 The Urinary System

- 12-3 The Nephron and its Blood Supply

Ch 13. Reproduction and Heredity
Coloring Exercises:

- 13-1 The Male Reproductive System

- 13-2 The Testis & Spermatogenesis

- 13-3.The Female Reproductive System

Appx I: Answers to Coloring Exercises
Appx II: Pull-Out and Color Flashcards
abbrev contents

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