On January 20th, 22nd, and 29th, 1970 Saul Kripke delivered three lectures at Princeton University. They produced something of a sensation. In the lectures he argued, amongst other things, that many names in ordinary language referred to objects directly rather than by means of associated descriptions; that causal chains from language user to language user were an important mechanism for preserving reference; that there were necessary a posteriori and contingent a priori truths; that identity relations between rigid designators were necessary; and argued, more tentatively, that materialist identity theories in the philosophy of mind were suspect. Interspersed with this was a consider able amount of material on natural kind terms and essentialism. As a result of these lectures and a related 1971 paper, 'Identity and Necessity' (Kripke [1971]), talk of rigid designators, Hesperus and Phosphorus, meter bars, gold and H 0, and suchlike quickly became commonplace in philosophical circles 2 and when the lectures were published under the title Naming and Necessity in the collection The Semantics of Natural Language (Davidson and Harman l [1972]), that volume became the biggest seller in the Reidel (later Kluwer) list. The cluster of theses surrounding the idea that a relation of direct reference 2 exists between names and their referents is now frequently referred to as 'The 3 New Theory of Reference'.
Humphreys / Fetzer
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Weitere Infos & Material
I: The APA Exchange.- 1. Marcus, Kripke, and the Origin of the New Theory of Reference.- 2. Revisionism about Reference: A Reply to Smith.- 3. Marcus and the New Theory of Reference: A Reply to Scott Soames.- II: Replies.- 4. More Revisionism about Reference.- 5. Marcus, Kripke, and Names.- 6. How Not to Write History of Philosophy: A Case Study.- 7. Direct, Rigid Designation and A Posteriori Necessity: A History and Critique.- III: Historical Origins.- 8. Referential Opacity and Modal Logic, §§16-19.- 9. An Exposition and Development of Kanger’s Early Semantics for Modal Logic.- 10. A More Comprehensive History of the New Theory of Reference.- Name Index.