HW Wilson | Short Story Index, 2021 Annual Cumulation | Buch | 978-1-63700-059-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Paperback

Reihe: Short Story Index

HW Wilson

Short Story Index, 2021 Annual Cumulation

Buch, Englisch, Paperback

Reihe: Short Story Index

ISBN: 978-1-63700-059-5
Verlag: H.W. Wilson

A unique guide to short stories of all styles and genres, from classics to experimental fiction, this easy-to-use volume unlocks the contents of thousands of short story collections that would otherwise be invisible to the library patron. High quality indexing, down to the individual story level for each short story collection covered, helps the user easily discover short stories about any topic of interest.

This unique reference aid is a guide to important contemporary literature for students, literary researchers and other library users. It provides thorough, accurate indexing of short stories written in or translated into English and published in collections. This updated edition provides immediate access to 4,542 short stories and 247 collections.

From Adventure Stories to Zombies in Literature, from the stories of Sherman Alexie to Charles Yu, and everything in between, this comprehensive index provides students and researchers with immediate access to thousands of short stories, arranged by Author, Title and Subject Area. Without this important index, these short stories can be incredibly hard to find, or can go completely overlooked.
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