Iles | Managing Staff Selection and Assessment | Buch | 978-0-335-23189-8 |

Buch, Englisch


Managing Staff Selection and Assessment

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23189-8
Verlag: Open University Press

Paul Iles provides a distinctive approach to managing staff selection and assessment in organizations. He discusses not only the dominant psychometric model but also draws upon perspectives from strategic management theory, social psychology, and critical theory. This is an accessible text which discusses developments both in the UK and internationally, provides specific organizational case studies, and describes recent research findings and their implications for organizational practice. It locates techniques and procedures in the contexts of corporate strategy, structure and culture. It shows how organizations have sought to use assessment strategically in the search for competitive advantage: recruiting, selecting, appraising and developing staff in order to bring about organizational
and cultural change. The book concludes by applying its frameworks to an area of key significance: the identification, assessment and development of managerial competence.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Different perspectives on assessment and selection
A strategic management perspective
A psychometric perspective
A social process perspective
A discourse perspective
Assessment and selection for competence

Paul Iles is Littlewoods Professor of Human Resource Development at Liverpool John Moores University. A chartered psychologist and Fellow of the Institute of Personnel and Development, he was previously at the Open University Business School. His research interests are in managerial assessment and development, career development, diversity, international human resource management, and organizational development and learning; he has published and consulted widely in these fields.

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