Impact of Social Media on Peace and Security | Buch | 978-93-90095-25-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 208 Seiten, Hardback

Impact of Social Media on Peace and Security

Buch, Englisch, 208 Seiten, Hardback

ISBN: 978-93-90095-25-4
Verlag: Pentagon Press

This book constructively articulates the key issues and shifting nature of social media and technology. It also critically examines the impact of social media on foreign policy, economic security, national security, social behaviour, conflict prevention and global peace and security in the larger framework. Since 2004, the growth of social media has increased extensively and currently it has become more accessible to the public and has turned into a means by which people, non-state actors and also governments can share their foreign policy priorities to receive feedback, engage in diplomacy, educate the people and influence the foreign policy process. It has made an attempt to influence perceptions through digital diplomacy inevitable.
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