Indian Government and Politics | Buch | 978-93-89347-85-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 508 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 158 mm x 241 mm

Indian Government and Politics

Buch, Englisch, 508 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 158 mm x 241 mm

ISBN: 978-93-89347-85-2
Verlag: PHI Learning

After years of subjugation by the British colonial rulers, India attained a status of Independent State on 15 August 1947, a day to be reckoned with pride by all Indians. Struggling for her Independence, facing the trauma of partition, and finally establishing a sovereign democratic status for itself, the journey has undoubtedly been a roller coaster ride for India.

This book comprehensively outlines the evolution of the Indian Politics, discussing all the constraints, challenges and shortcomings faced by Indian Polity till date. The book shows how State-Society interface, with special emphasis on civil society activities, can play an integral role in shaping the political fate of the country.

In addition, this book not only presents the institutional aspects of Indian politics by underlying in details, the provisions of the Constitution, but also brings out the real working of the institutional framework in an ever-changing social and political environment.

Organized into 23 chapters, the book discusses, in detail, the Constitutional development, The Preamble, The Fundamental Rights, The Directive Principles of State Policy, The Executive, The Legislature and The Judiciary at national and state levels followed by their critical appraisals as well as the Centre-State relation with its continuing tensions. To give a clear and panoramic view of Indian Political Scenario the book also focuses on local-self governments, national and regional parties in India, challenges to Indian political system and new social movements.

New to the Third Edition - Thorough updation with contemporary events in Indian political scenario.
- Coverage of General elections to constitute the 17th Lok Sabha.
- Political Developments of recent times.

Intended as a textbook for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of Political Science and Law, this book is also useful for the aspirants for Civil Service and competitive examinations like NET and SLET.

Key Features - Gives a wide coverage of conventional topics pertaining to the Constitution of India, relating them to the working of the Indian polity in the real world.
- Tackles issues related to new social movements in India encompassing environmental movements, women's movements, human rights movements and anti-corruption movement.
- Highlights the continuing challenges to the Indian Political System from different social and cultural factors, like religion, language, caste, tribe, regionalism and also corruption and criminalization of politics.
- Deals with current developments in administrative policies.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Preface
- 1. History of Constitutional Development in India
- 2. Framing of the Constitution of India—Demand, Formation and Working of the Constituent Assembly
- 3. The Preamble
- 4. Fundamental Rights—Part III of the Indian Constitution
- 5. Directive Principles of the State Policy—Part IV of the Indian Constitution
- 6. The Indian Federation
- 7. The Union Executive—The President of India
- 8. The Union Council of Ministers and the Prime Minister of India
- 9. The Union Parliament
- 10. The Governor
- 11. Chief Minister and the State Council of Ministers
- 12. The State Legislature
- 13. The Judiciary in India
- 14. Amendment of the Constitution
- 15. Local Government in India
- 16. Party System in India—Major National Parties
- 17. Regional Parties in India
- 18. Electoral Process in India
- 19. Role of Pressure Groups in Indian Politics
- 20. Challenges to the Indian Political System
- 21. New Social Movements in India
- 22. Commissions and Functionaries in India
- 23. Development in Contemporary Administrative Structures and New Programmes/Policies
- Index

Peu Ghosh, Ph.D., in International Relations (Jadavpur University, Kolkata) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science, Lady Brabourne College, Kolkata, West Bengal. She has special interest in international political economy, politics of South Asia, migration and refugee issues, human rights and International Humanitarian Law. She has a number of Articles in reputed journals and chapters in edited books to her credit, and has gone through training in Peace Studies in Vienna, Austria. She is actively involved in the formulations of fundamentals of Political Science, Glossary of Political Science from English to Bengali under Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology (CSTT), Department of Higher Education, MHRD, Government of India.

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