Indigenous Child and Youth Care | Buch | 978-1-77338-371-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 320 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 171 mm x 248 mm

Indigenous Child and Youth Care

Weaving Two Heart Stories Together

Buch, Englisch, 320 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 171 mm x 248 mm

ISBN: 978-1-77338-371-2
Verlag: Canadian Scholars

At its core, Indigenous Child and Youth Care Practices: Weaving Two Heart Stories Together is about unity. It seeks to create a heart-to-heart practice by bridging Indigenous ways of knowing with Western Child and Youth Care practices, encouraging students to approach their work with a more open understanding of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit worldviews. Author Cherylanne James guides students through self-location by dismantling their pre-existing biases regarding Indigenous Peoples, understanding personal privilege and power, educating themselves on Canadian and Indigenous history and contexts, and learning about the pervasive impacts of colonialism. Students will cultivate a practice that encourages ethical spaces of engagement while steering away from surface-level or disingenuous interactions.The text applies concepts and theories such as relational accountability, interconnectivity, resurgence, community-centred approaches, wise practices, relationship-building, anti-oppression, anti-racist, and social justice frameworks to enrich CYC practices and prepare students to engage with Indigenous children, youth and families in an informed, meaningful way.Indigenous Child and Youth Care Practices is designed as a journey, wherein the student reflects while they learn and grow as a CYC professional. It includes a variety of pedagogical features that catalyze thoughtful interaction with the material, such as a glossary, discussion questions, reflective practice question boxes, and additional resources for further learning. This is a powerful and vital text for college and university students in Child and Youth Care and Human Services.
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Weitere Infos & Material

AcknowledgementsIntroductionSection 1: Context for Indigenous Child and Youth Practices
Chapter 1: Self-Location: Positionality and Accountability
Chapter 2: Storying Identity
Chapter 3: Living History
Chapter 4: Wise Practices: The Self (Part 1)
Chapter 5: Wise Practices: Work within Spaces and with Others (Part 2)Section 2: Challenges
Chapter 6: Canadian Child Welfare's Impact on Indigenous Children, Families, and Communities
Chapter 7: MMIWG2S People and Gender-Based Violence
Chapter 8: Trauma
Chapter 9: Legislation, Calls to Action, and PolicySection 3: Child, Youth, Family, and Community Approaches
Chapter 10: Heart-Centred Practice: Fostering Love through Indigenous Approaches to Child and Youth Work
Chapter 11: Supporting Kinship and Family Relations
Chapter 12: Community Wellness: Land, Water, Languages, and Community
Chapter 13: Resurgence and Resistances: Re/Centring Indigenous Children and Youth through Strength-Based ApproachesClosing Heart-to-Heart PracticeChild and Youth Care Certification Board

Cherylanne James is Anishinaabe from Chippewas of Rama First Nation and belongs to the urban Indigenous community of Nogojiwanong. She is faculty in Indigenous Perspectives at Fleming College and sits on various committees. She is a visual artist, writer, educator, and storyteller.

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