Indigenous Research Design | Buch | 978-1-77338-368-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 430 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 171 mm x 248 mm

Indigenous Research Design

Transnational Perspectives in Practice

Buch, Englisch, 430 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 171 mm x 248 mm

ISBN: 978-1-77338-368-2
Verlag: Canadian Scholars

Indigenous Research Design is an interdisciplinary text that explores how researchers reimagine research paradigms, frameworks, designs, and methods. Building upon the theories and research teachings presented by Indigenous Peoples in Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Research Methodologies, editors Elizabeth Sumida Huaman and Nathan D. Martin present practical formations and applications of Indigenous research for a variety of community, student, professional, and educational projects.With contributions from a broad selection of Indigenous scholars across disciplines and continents, this collection shares research stories and innovations directly linked to Indigenous Peoples' lived experiences. The contributors ask researchers to rethink how their work is gathered, interpreted, and presented while providing guidance for how Indigenous knowledges and critiques inform each element and stage of the research process. This volume aims to inspire new and Indigenous-led ways of thoughtfully developing research questions, conceptualizing qualitative research paradigms, and collecting, analyzing, and disseminating data.Equipped with chapter learning objectives, critical reflection questions, a glossary, and featuring a foreword written by Manulani Aluli Meyer, this engaging text is a vital addition to the field of research methods and essential reading for any aspiring and established researchers, including university and college students who encounter qualitative and mixed-methods research in their respective disciplines.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Artist Statement
ForewordPart I – Indigenous Research Designs: Methodologies, Contexts, and Visions
Chapter 1 – Design for Life: Decoloniality and Research for Infinite Possibility
Chapter 2 – On Reframing or Transcending Colonial and Other Patterns in Life
Chapter 3 – Shaping Research Preparation and Design Through Indigenous Storywork
Chapter 4 – Deciding in Relation with Community: An Indigenous Studies Critique of the Canadian Indigenous Methodologies FieldPart II – Research Questions: Origins of Thought, Epistemologies, and Purposes
Chapter 5 – Killing Kin/Haunting Life: Towards Indigenous Vocabularies of Loss and Repair
Chapter 6 – Re-imagining Two Laws within Indigenous Research: Truth Telling Beyond Australia's Climate Crisis in South West Gulf Country, Northern Territory
Chapter 7 – Nga hua o te wananga: The Fruits of wananga
Chapter 8 – Kakala Research Framework: a Garland in Celebration of a Decade of Re-educating, Reconceptualizing, Re-thinking, and RedesigningPart III – Research Lenses and Research Approaches: Relationships, Innovations, and De-linkings
Chapter 9 – Naagdowendiwin as a Methodological Approach to Research
Chapter 10 – Maori Data is a Taonga
Chapter 11 – Pueblo Reclamation of Indigenous Research Design
Chapter 12 – Indigeneity as Analytic: Recentring Ethnography through Indigenous Experience
Chapter 13 – Using A Guarani-Window to Decolonize Qualitative Research in Rural ParaguayPart IV – Researcher Positionalities and Ethics: Ontologies Beyond Identity
Chapter 14 – Putting Research into the Heart: Relationality in Lakota-Based Research
Chapter 15 – Walking in My Mother's Footsteps: Nêhiýaw Resurgence Research
Chapter 16 – Afrocentric Research Ethics: Decolonial Possibilities for Indigenous Research and Research Design
Chapter 17 – Confronting Academic Colonialism: Reflections on my Role as an Ainu ResearcherPart V– Research Partnerships and Research Applications: Holographic Epistemologies and Pluriversalities
Chapter 18 – Marriage

Elizabeth Sumida Huaman (Wanka/Quechua) is an Associate Professor in the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.

Nathan D. Martin is an Associate Professor in the School of Social Transformation and the School of Social and Family Dynamics at Arizona State University.

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