Innovative Technologies and Economics in Engineering | Buch | 978-3-03835-281-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 690 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 1310 g

Innovative Technologies and Economics in Engineering

Selected, peer reviewed papers from the V International Scientific Practical Conference “Innovative Technologies and Economics in Engineering”, May 22-23, 2014, Yurga, Russia

Buch, Englisch, 690 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 1310 g

ISBN: 978-3-03835-281-5
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the V International Scientific Practical Conference “Innovative Technologies and Economics in Engineering”, May 22-23, 2014, Yurga, Russia. The 118 papers are grouped as follows: Chapter 1: Material Science, Machining Technologies and Equipments in Mechanical Engineering; Chapter 2: Management and Economic Aspects Development of Enterprises.
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Preface and Committees
Chapter 1: Material Science, Machining Technologies and Equipments in Mechanical Engineering
Investigation of the Fine Structure Localized Plastic Deformation Zone of Superconducting Cable Components
Tribotechnical Properties of Sintered Aluminum Alloys
The Structure and Wear Resistance of the Surface Layers Obtained by the Atmospheric Electron Beam Cladding of TiC on Titanium Substrates
Microstructure and Strength of Explosively Welded Titanium/Ni-Based Alloy Composite with Cu/Ta as Interlayer
About the Structural Transformation of Void during Radiation Treatment of the Material
Performance Evaluation of Al2O3 Powder Dispersion by Bead and Ball Mills
Effect of Welding Position and Gap between Samples on Hybrid Laser-Arc Welding Efficiency
Formation of Fine Structure of Differentially Hardened Rails
Cyclone with Controlled Parameters and Self-Emptying Bin for Air Dedusting in Machine Building Plants
Testing of Metallurgical Equipment on Contact Strength and Wear Resistance
Kinetic Study of the Effect of Plasticity and its Role in Stress Relaxation in the Weld Speed Steel during the Martensitic Transformation
Study Cracking Large Forgings of Low Carbon Steel Grade ST52, 3N Pressure Treatment
Selection Criteria Parameter Thermal Cycle during Surfacing Heat Resistance High Hardness Parts of Metallurgical Equipment
Prospects for of Processing Car Tires
About Heating Plants Control System Developing on Basis of Neural Network Usage for PID-Regulator Parameters Optimization
The Method of Receiving of Surface Alloys Si-Ti System
Simulation of Wind Influence on the Thermal Processes in Gas-Shielded Welding
Repair of a Gas Turbine Blade Tip by Impulse Laser Build-Up Welding
Structure and Corrosion Resistance of Ti-Ta-Nb Coatings Obtained by Electron Beam Cladding in the Air-Atmosphere
The Formation of Modified Layers at High-Speed Steels after Electrolytic-Plasma Nitriding
The Influence of Zirconia Powder Dispersion Technique on Microstructure and Properties of Al2O3 – ZrO2 Ceramic
Computer Model of Weld Formation during Submerged Arc Welding and Process Energy Balance
Vibro Isolator with Neodymium Magnets Compensator of the Stiffness
MAW Productivity Development and Reduction of its Harmful Effect on Human Organisms
Structure of Sintered Ti – TiC Materials
Structure and Properties of Al–Ti Multilayered Composites with Intermetallic Layers
Electron Beam Cladding of Vanadium and Carbon Powders on Carbon Steel in the Air Atmosphere
Influence of Mechanical Activation of Powder on SLS Process
Evaluation of Abrasive Grain Form
Increase of Accuracy of Well Bottom Position Determination by Minimization of Seismic Vibration Finding Errors
Investigation and Modeling of the Process of Formation of the Pad Weld and its Microstructure during Laser Cladding by Radiation of High Power Fiber Laser
Structure and Properties of AMg2M Alloy Joints Made by Argon Nonconsumable – Arc Welding and Friction Stir Welding
Behavior of Poisson's Ratio in the Crystal Cu2O
Influence of Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) Modes on Structure of Multilayer Metal - Intermetallic Composites Based on Nickel and Aluminum
Structure and Mechanical Properties of Cu-Alloyed Cast Iron
Surface Quality of the Fiberglass Composite Material after Milling
Spark Plasma Sintering of Mechanically Activated Ni and Al Nanopowders
Loading of the Manufacturing Systems Elements in the Process of Unsteady Mode Cutting and the Models of their Arrangement Deviations
Influence of the Longitudinal Excavations Layout on Stress Concentration Value in the Peripheral Rock Mass
Numerical Modeling of Deformation Processes in Rock Pillars
The Technology of Production and Treatment of Materials in the Electric Field
Bulk Nanostructured Ni3Al Intermetallic and Ni3Al-Base Alloy
Analysis of Stress Concentrators Arising during MKY.2SH-26/53 Support Unit Testing
Research of Operational Characterizations of Cutting Discs with Oriented Abrasive Grains
Effect of Mould Heating Temperature on Cooling Rate of the Melt upon Bronze Crystallization
Effect of CO60 Gamma Radiation on Material Surface Properties for Layer-by-Layer Laser Sintering
Structure and Properties of Laser-Welded Joints from High-Strength Steels
Determination of Parameters of Roller of Wave Transmission with Intermediate Rolling Bodies with Hollow Shaft for Geokhod
Application Models of Continuum Mechanics Control Landfills
Investigation of Composite Deflocculant Influence on the Properties of the Refractory Castable with Chamotte Aggregate
Control of Structure and Properties of Welded Connections of Alloy Steels by Application Highly Concentrated Pulse Energy Actions
Improving the Efficiency of Strip Cladding by the Control of Electrode Metal Transfer
Justifying a Method of Balancing Crank-and-Rod Mechanism of Mining Roadheader
Laser-Microplasma Reactive Powder Spraying of Titanium Coatings with Nitride Phases
Parameters of Force Interaction of Elements the Wave Transmission with Intermediate Rolling Bodies in Geokhd's Transmission
Increase in the Lubricating Ability of Power Fluids by Modifying them with Fullerenes
Formation of Surface Layer of Cobalt Chrome Molybdenum Powder Products with Differentiation of Laser Sintering Modes
Modifying Charge Input Optimization in Arc Surfacing with the Controlling Magnetic Influence
Process Chip Formation with a Single Conditional Shear Surface
Features of Arc Surfacing Process in a Longitudinal Magnetic Field
Multiple Service Life Extension of Mining and Road Machines’ Cutters
Influence of Conditions of Copper Wires Electric Explosion on Dispersity of Produced Nanopowders
Mechanism of Protective Membrane Formation on the Surface of Metal-Bonded Diamond Disks
The Development and Practical Application of Adaptive Pulse-Arc Welding in the Manufacturing and Repair of Metal Structures Responsible Function
Study Safety Environmental Protection Landfills Using Models Anaerobic Digesters
Use of Modified Carbon Nanotubes in Agricultural Technologies
Plastic Deformation Macrolocalization. Local Stresses and Fracture in Ultrafine Grain Titanium
Investigation of Dependence between Thermal Stability for Nano-Dispersed Metals and Velocity of Flame Spreading and Time Storage
Recycling of Metal Ore Mill Tailings
Solid Components of Welding Fumes as a Synthetic Composites Filler
On the Pressure of Loose Material on the Bottom and Walls of a Drum
Structural-Phase States and Mechanical Properties of VK8 Alloy after Gamma-Quanta Irradiation
Movement of Liquid Metal in a Weld Pool when Welding with Pulsed Arc 
Determination of a Wire Heat Temperature under a Pulse-Arc Welding Condition by Means of a Calculation and Graphic Method
Definition of Peak Value of Welding Current at Pulsed Arc Welding
Synthesis of Transparent Conductive Coating In2O3:Sn Films from Film Forming Solutions
Structural State Scale-Dependent Physical Characteristics and Endurance of Cermet Composite for Cutting Metal
Study of Crack Resistance of Layers Applied by Laser Surface Cladding
Performance Assessment of Carbide Tooling under Thermal and Loading Conditionds
Capacity Calculation of Hydraulic Motors in Geokhod Systems for Justification of Energy-Power Block Parameters

Ed. D.A. Chinakhov

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