Insel / Roth | Core Concepts in Health 2004 Update with PowerWeb/OLC Bind-in Passcard, HealthQuest CD-Rom & Learning to Go Health | Medienkombination | 978-0-07-287859-2 |

Medienkombination, Englisch, Format (B × H): 215 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 1608 g

Insel / Roth

Core Concepts in Health 2004 Update with PowerWeb/OLC Bind-in Passcard, HealthQuest CD-Rom & Learning to Go Health

Medienkombination, Englisch, Format (B × H): 215 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 1608 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-287859-2
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

The most reliable and widely used personal health text, Core Concepts in Health utilizes the theme of personal responsibility to teach and motivate students about health and wellness. For the 2004 Update, the overall content, organization, and features of the ninth edition remain in place, but within this framework, key topics and issues have been updated with the most recent information available.
Insel / Roth Core Concepts in Health 2004 Update with PowerWeb/OLC Bind-in Passcard, HealthQuest CD-Rom & Learning to Go Health jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

PART I. ESTABLISHING A BASIS FOR WELLNESS 1. Taking Charge of Your Health Wellness: The New Health Goal Choosing Wellness How Do You Reach Wellness? Being Healthy for Life 2. Stress: The Constant Challenge What is Stress? Stress and Disease Common Sources of Stress Techniques for Managing Stress Creating a Personal Plan for Managing Stress 3. Psychological Health What Psychological Health is Not Defining Psychological Health Meeting Life's Challenges Psychological Disorders Models of Human Nature and Therapeutic Change Getting Help PART II. UNDERSTANDING SEXUALITY 4. Intimate Relationships and Communication Developing Intimate Relationships Communication Pairing and Singlehood Marriage Family Life 5. Sex and Your Body Sexual Anatomy Hormones and the Reproductive Life cycle Sexual Functioning Sexual Behavior 6. Contraception Principles of Contraception Reversible Contraception Permanenet Contraception: Sterilization Issues in Contraception Which Contraceptive Method is Right For You? 7. Abortion The Abortion Issue Methods of Abortion Complications of Abortion Decision Making and Unintended Pregnancy 8. Pregnancy and Childbirth Preparation for Parenthood Understanding Fertility Pregnancy childbirth PART III. MAKING RESPONSIBLE DECISIONS: SUBSTANCE USE AND ABUSE 9. The Use and Abuse of Psychoactive Drugs Addictive Behavior Drug use, Abuse, and Dependence How Drugs Affect the Body Representative Psychoactive Drugs Drug Use: The Decades Ahead 10. The Responsible Use of Alcohol The Nature of Alcohol Alcohol and Health Alcohol Abuse and Dependence Drinking Behavior and Responsibility 11. Toward a Tobacco-Free Society Why People Use Tobacco Health Hazards The Effects of Smoking on the Nonsmoker What Can Be Done? How a Tobacco User Can Quit PART IV. GETTING FIT 12. Nutrition Basics Nutritional Requirements: Components of a Healthy Diet Nutritional Guidelines: Planning Your Diet A Personal Plan: Making Informed Choices About Food 13. Exercise for Health and Fitness What is Physical Fitness? The Benefits of Exerciwse Designing Your Exercise program Getting Started and Staying on Track 14. Weight Management Basic Concepts of Weight Management Factors Contributing to Excess Body Fat Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle for Successful Weight Management Approaches to Overcoming a Weight problem Eating Disorders PART V. PROTECTING YOURSELF AGAINST DISEASE 15. Cardiovascular Health The Cardiovascular System Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease Major Forms of Cardiovascular Disease Protecting Yourself Against Cardiovascular Disease 16. Cancer What is Cancer? Common Cancers The Causes of Cancer Detecting, Diagnosing, and Treating Cancer Preventing Cancer 17. Immunity and Infection The Chain of Infection The Body's Defense System The Troublemakers: Pathogens and Disease Giving Yourself a Fighting Chance: How to Support Your Immune System 18. Sexually Transmitted Diseases The Major STDS Other STDS What You Can Do PART VI. ACCEPTING PHYSICAL LIMITS 19. Aging: A Vital Process Generating Vitality as You Age Confronting the Changes of Aging Aging and Life Expectancy Life in an Aging America 20. Dying and Death Why Is There Death? Understanding Death and Dying Planning For Death Coping With Dying Coping With Loss Coming to Terms With DeathPART VII. MAKING CHOICES IN HEALTH CARE 21. Health Care: Conventional and Complementary Medicine The Rise of Complementary Medicine In The United States Conventional Medicine Complementary and Alternative Medicine Why Do consumers Use Complementar

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