Sarika Jain has served in the academic field for over 19 years and is currently associated with the National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, India. Dr. Jain has authored over 150 publications to her credit. Her research interests include knowledge management and analytics, ontological engineering, knowledge graphs, and intelligent systems. Dr. Jain has been a principal investigator of sponsored research projects and has worked collaborating with various researchers across the globe. She serves as a reviewer for journals published by reputed publishers. She is a senior member of the IEEE, a member of ACM, and a life member of the CSI.
Sven Groppe is a professor at the University of Lübeck, Germany. His publication record contains over 100 publications, including the book Data Management and Query Processing in Semantic Web Databases. He was a member of the DAWG W3C Working Group about SPARQL. He was the project leader of the DFG project LUPOSDATE, an open-source semantic webdatabase, and of two research projects in the area of FPGA acceleration of relational and Semantic web databases. He is also leading a DFG project on GPU and APU acceleration of main-memory database indexes and a DFG project about semantic Internet of things. His research interests include artificial intelligence, databases, semantic web, and (post) cloud computing.
Bharat Bhargava is a professor at Purdue University, USA, and is researching security and privacy issues in distributed systems. His recent work is on intelligent autonomous systems, data analytics, and machine learning. He is the recipient of seven best paper awards at various international computer science conferences. He is a fellow of the IEEE and the IETE. He has received various awards including the IEEE Technical Achievement Award, the charter Gold Core Member distinction, and the Outstanding Instructor Award. He has graduated with the largest number of Ph.D. students in the CS department and is active in supporting/mentoring minority students. Prof. Bhargava is the founder of the IEEE Symposium on Reliable and Distributed Systems, the IEEE conference on Digital Library, and the ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management.