Jarman / Mcclune | Developing Scientific Literacy | Buch | 978-0-335-22988-8 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch

Jarman / Mcclune

Developing Scientific Literacy

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-22988-8
Verlag: Open University Press

""This is an excellent source of ideas on using the media to enrich science teaching and engage pupils. It contains numerous ideas on using newspapers and other sources in science and how to encourage young people to read them carefully and critically."

Prof Jerry Wellington, School of Education, University of Sheffield, UK

"Throughout the book, all the ideas, content, suggestions and arguments are supported by in-depth research and solid referencing, making this an authoritative, yet eminently readable, reference volume for current and would-be secondary science teachers."

School Science Review

Science-related news stories have great potential as a resource for teaching and learning about science and its impact on society. By demonstrating the relevance of the subject in everyday life, they can form a valuable bridge between the school classroom and the ‘real world’.

Worldwide, those advocating science education reform stress the need to promote ‘scientific literacy’ among young people and typically this includes equipping students to critically engage with science reports in the media. However, very little guidance exists for those who wish to do so.

Developing Scientific Literacy addresses this gap, offering a much-needed framework for teachers wishing to explore ‘science in the media’ in secondary schools or colleges. It suggests how teachers across a number of subject areas can collaborate to promote among young people an aptitude and ability to engage thoughtfully with science in the media. Drawing on research and development work, the authors:

- Describe key characteristics of science news reporting

- Discuss its potential as a resource for teaching and learning about science and for developing young people’s criticality in respect of such reports

- Identify appropriate instructional objectives and suggest activities through which these might be achieved

This timely book is a source of valuable ideas and insights for all secondary science teachers. It will also be of interest to those with responsibilities for initial teacher training and continuing professional development.
Jarman / Mcclune Developing Scientific Literacy jetzt bestellen!

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Ruth Jarman is a lecturer in science education at the Graduate School of Education, Queen’s University Belfast where she contributes to its programmes of initial teacher training and continuing professional development. Prior to this she was an inspector of schools with the Department of Education Northern Ireland. She taught science in the secondary sector for a number of years. Her research interests include the science curriculum and learning in science in formal and informal contexts.

Billy McClune is a lecturer in science education at the Graduate School of Education, Queen’s University Belfast where he coordinates the physics and chemistry courses within the PGCE programme and contributes to the continuing professional development programme. Prior to this he was head of science having taught physics in a number of schools in Northern Ireland. He also worked as a field officer with a science curriculum development project and with a local Education and Library Board. His research interests include science curriculum development, physics education, teacher education and educational management.

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