Zeitschrift, Englisch
Erscheinungsweise: monatlich
The Journal of Food Composition and Analysis publishes manuscripts on scientific aspects of data on the chemical composition of human foods, with particular emphasis on actual data on composition of foods; analytical methods; studies on the manipulation, storage, distribution and use of food composition data; and studies on the statistics, use and distribution of such data and data systems. The Journal's basis is nutrient composition, with increasing emphasis on bioactive non-nutrient and anti-nutrient components. Papers must provide sufficient description of the food samples, analytical methods, quality control procedures and statistical treatments of the data to permit the end users of the food composition data to evaluate the appropriateness of such data in their projects.
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Agricultural and Biological Sciences
- Naturwissenschaften Agrarwissenschaften Ackerbaukunde, Pflanzenbau Nutzpflanzen: Biologie, Genetik, Pflanzenzüchtung
- Naturwissenschaften Chemie Analytische Chemie Umweltchemie, Lebensmittelchemie
- Technische Wissenschaften Verfahrenstechnik | Chemieingenieurwesen | Biotechnologie Lebensmitteltechnologie und Getränketechnologie
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