Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | Elsevier | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: monatlich

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: monatlich

ISSN 00223549

Access here additional scientific content published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences including: "freely available" Dedicated Issues to "Giants in the Pharmaceutical Sciences"; "freely available" Special Issue on Pharmaceutical Biotechnology; "freely available" Virtual Issues on Featured Papers, Ebert Prize papers, Biowaiver Monographs, 10 Most Downloaded Papers in 2015, 10 Most Cited Papers in 2015 and Editors' Choices of the Papers containing the Most Original and Most Significant Scientific Findings; other Virtual Issues on Clinical Trials and Translational Medicine Commentaries, Special Topic Commentaries, Global Health papers, and Lessons Learned; and a Drug Delivery Clinical Trials Database.

The Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences will publish original research papers, original research notes, invited topical reviews (including Minireviews), and editorial commentary and news. The area of focus shall be concepts in basic pharmaceutical science and such topics as chemical processing of pharmaceuticals, including crystallization, lyophilization, chemical stability of drugs, pharmacokinetics, biopharmaceutics, pharmacodynamics, pro-drug developments, metabolic disposition of bioactive agents, dosage form design, protein-peptide chemistry and biotechnology specifically as these relate to pharmaceutical technology, and targeted drug delivery.
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Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Science and Toxicology

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