Katz / Green | ENTREPRENEURIAL SMALL BUSINESS | Buch | 978-0-07-802942-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 768 Seiten, Format (B × H): 218 mm x 282 mm, Gewicht: 1858 g

Katz / Green


Buch, Englisch, 768 Seiten, Format (B × H): 218 mm x 282 mm, Gewicht: 1858 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-802942-4
Verlag: IRWIN

Entrepreneurial Small Business (ESB) provides students with a clear vision of small business as it really is today: Katz focuses on the distinctive nature of small businesses that students might actually start versus high growth firms. The goal of the companies described in this textbook is personal independence with financial security; not market dominance with extreme wealth. Traditional beliefs and models in small business are discussed, as well as the latest findings and best practices from academic and consulting arenas. Katz and Green recognize the distinction between entrepreneurs who aim to start the successor to Amazon.com or the pizza place around the corner. They discuss the challenges facing entrepreneurs, while keeping focused on the small businesses students plan to start.
Katz / Green ENTREPRENEURIAL SMALL BUSINESS jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Part One: Entrepreneurs and Ideas: The Basis of Small BusinessChapter 1: Small Business: Its Opportunities and RewardsChapter 2: Small Business Entrepreneurs: Characteristics and CompetenciesChapter 3: Small Business Environment: Managing External RelationsChapter 4: Small Business Ideas: Creativity, Opportunity, and FeasibilityPart Two: Small Business Paths & PlansChapter 5: Small Business Entry: Paths to Part-Time EntrepreneurshipChapter 6: Small Business Entry: Paths to Full-Time EntrepreneurshipChapter 7: Small Business Strategies: Imitation with a TwistChapter 8: Business Plans: Seeing Audiences and Your Business ClearlyPart Three: Marketing in the Small BusinessChapter 9: Small Business Marketing: Product and Pricing StrategiesChapter 10: Small Business Promotion: Capturing the Eyes of Your MarketChapter 11: Small Business Distribution and LocationChapter 12: Marketing Plans: Saying How You’ll Get SalesPart Four: Cash, Accounting, and Finance in the Small BusinessChapter 13: Small Business Accounting: Projecting and Evaluating PerformanceChapter 14: Cash: Lifeblood of the BusinessChapter 15: Small Business Finance: Using Equity, Debt, and GiftsChapter 16: Assets: Inventory and Operations ManagementChapter 17: Small Business Protection: Risk Management and InsurancePart Five: Management and Organization in the Small BusinessChapter 18: Legal Issues: Recognizing Your Small Business NeedsChapter 19: Human Resource Management: Small Business ConsiderationsChapter 20: Achieving Success in the Small Business

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