Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volume 683, 962 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g
Reihe: Advanced Materials Research
Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volume 683, 962 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g
Reihe: Advanced Materials Research
ISBN: 978-3-03795-433-1
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).
The Aim of ICAMEM2012 was to present the latest research and results of scientists related to advanced materials and engineering materials topics.
The papers are grouped as follows:
Chapter 1: Advanced Materials and New Materials;
Chapter 2: Engineering Materials Research;
Chapter 3: Materials Processing Technology;
Chapter 4: Other Engineering Solutions for Manufacturing.
Weitere Infos & Material
Blue Upconversion Luminescence from Phosphor Tm3+/Yb3+ Co-Doped Gd2Mo3O9Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Fe-Si-Al Soft Magnetic CompositePreparation and Purification Properties of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Nano-Fibers Based Sandwich Structure MaterialInvestigation for the Fracture Process of WCp/Cu Functionally Graded Materials under Three-Point-BendingProperties and Performance Analysis of Woven Roving Composite Laminates for Automotive Panel Board ApplicationsStudy on Synthesis of Cyclotriphosphazene Containing Aminopropylsilicone Functional Group as Flame RetardantSynthesis of SiO2/CeO2 Nanopaticles with Core/Shell Structure and Their Polishing PerformanceDesign, Synthesis and Biological Activity Evaluation of Novel N-Acylation Substituted Isatin DerivativesTiO2 Immobilized in RPF-AA Fiber for Photocatalytic Degradation of Low Concentration Methylene Blue in Aqueous SolutionStudy on the ZnO-B2O3-SiO2 Glass-Ceramic with DTA, XRD and SEMA Review on the Methods of Improving Fiber Distribution of Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC)The Influence of Tread Material Oil Aging on Tire PerformanceRoom Temperature Magnetocaloric Effect of the Cox(MnSb)1-x CompoundsMicrostructure and Electrochemical Behavior of Sm0.5Sr0.5CoO3 Deposited by Solution Precursor Plasma SprayingCharacteristics of BiFeO3 Thin Films on a LaAlO3Substrate by RF SputteringMagnetic Concentration Phase Transitions in Ultrathin FilmsSynthesis and Characterization of Surface Modified Red Pigment 48:2 for Electrophoretic DisplayRelationship between Life, Load and Rotation Speed of UHMWPE Bearing under Dry Rolling Contact FatigueMechanical Properties at High Temperatures and Microstructures of a Nickel Aluminum Bronze AlloyEffect of PTFE Retainer on Friction Coefficient in Polymer Thrust Bearings under Dry ContactSintering and Dielectric Properties of Sr-Rich Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) Ceramics Fabricated by a Mixed-Phase MethodApplication of Photocatalytic Concrete Paint and its Effect of Decomposing Vehicle ExhaustPhase-Change Materials and Building Energy SavingSecond-Order Non-Linear Optical Properties of Y-Type S-Triazine Based DerivativesDeveloping a Wearable Multifunctional Composite ComponentEffect of Dynamic Strain Aging on the Mechanical Performance in Ti/STS439 Clad MaterialsPreparation of Carbon Fiber Reinforced SiC Matrix Composites by PIP ProcessInterfacial Microstructure of Diffusion-Bonded Cu/Cu-Ag/Al Hybrid AlloyEffect of Size on Average Molecular Weight of Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) Micropattern during Hot EmbossingMechanical and Biological Characteristics of Electrospun PCL Meshes ? the Influence of Solvent Type and ConcentrationEvaluating the Properties of an Alginate Wound Dressing for Skin RepairAgeing Effect on Mechanical Properties of Machined NanostructuresDensity Functional Theory Studies of Substitutionally Si-Doped Single-Walled Carbon NanotubesSynthesis of SnO2 Nanotubes as High Performance Energy Storage Material for Photocathodic Protection of MetalsSurface Morphology in Milling Multidirectional Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer LaminatesStudies on the Bioceramic Coating on Titamium Substrate Including Silicon and Calcium by Micro-Arc Oxidation and Osteoblast?s Adhesion and Proliferation on the CoatingPCL and PCL/PLA Scaffolds for Bone Tissue RegenerationQuantum Cutting Downconversion in Tb3+,Yb3+ Codoped Sr3AlO4F PhosphorElastic Ply Damage Mechanics Modeling of Glass/Epoxy Laminated CompositeInvestigation on Transmittance and Uniformity of Light Diffuser Plate of Filling Coefficient of MicrostructureThe Yield Effect on Soil Improver and Straw Mulch Coupling in Inland Saline AreasApplication of HVFA Concrete in Massive StructureLuminescence Properties and Energy Transfer from Eu2+ to Tb3+ in Sr5(PO4)3F PhosphorSynthesis and Characterization of SrSO4:Sm3+ Phosphor with Hierarchical StructuresDesign and Analysis of Optical-Communication-Band Sub-Wavelength Grating PolarizerThe Effect of Spin-Orbit Coupling on the Electronic Structures and Half-Metallicity of Heusler Compounds: V2ReZ (Z=Al, Ga, ln)The Effects of Initiator Content on Sago (Metroxylon rottb.) Starch-G-PAN HydrogelStudy on the Hydrolysis of Pollen in Pure Water under Microwave IrradiationStudy on a Structure of 2,6-Pyridine-Dicarboxylic Acid Lead, Pb(C7H3NO4)Application and Research on Luminescent Coating in Interior DesignMicrostructure and Texture Characterstics of a Near-Alpha Titanium Alloy TubeCharacterization of Contact Resistance between Carbon Nanotubes Film and Metal ElectrodesAnalysis of the Effect of Temperature on Thermal Conductivity of the Insulation Block Made from Secondary Raw MaterialsExperimental Investigations on the Characteristics of Biomass and Coal-Biomass Fuel BriquettesMedium Optimization for Active Substance Production of Streptomyces albo?avus TD-1 Using Response Surface MethodologyMolecular Weight and its Distribution of PET Depolymerization Catalyzed by Zn(Ac)2 under Microwave IrradiationExperimental Research on Properties of Low-Density Foaming ConcreteNumerical Simulation and Monitoring of Mass Concrete Wall Temperature FieldPhoto Polymerization of Thiol-Hyperbranched Polysilazanes
In Situ Modulation Excitation IR Study on the Dominant Product of Pt-Catalyzed Aromatic Ketone HydrogenationNumerical Simulation of the Transient Temperature Field during Gas QuenchingSynthesis of sp3C1-Bridged Constrained Geometry Complexes and their Application for Copolymerization of Ethylene and 1-OcteneRheological Properties of Polysulfonamide Spinning Solutions with Higher Ratios of p-Phenylene SegmentsOptimization of Micro-Arc Oxidation Electrode Structure by Finite Element AnalysisThe Study on the Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of the Phosphor La2O3: Dy3+Investigation of Hot Deformation Characteristics of AISI 4340 Steel Using Processing MapSynthesis and Electrochromic Properties of Crystalline 3D Urchin-Like NanostructuresCyclic Stress-Strain Response and Dislocation Configuration of a Beta Phase Containing TiAl Alloy during Isothermal Fatigue Tests under Different Strain RateMechanical Properties and Microstructure of Cu-Ni-Zn/Cu-Cr/Cu-Ni-Zn Clad Plate Processed by High Pressure Torsioning (HPT)Solvothermal Synthesis and Detailed Analysis of Hydroxyapatite NanostructureResearch on the Electro-Exploding Mechanism of Semiconductor BridgeWear Resistance of Graphite / Aluminium Composites that Prepared by Stirring CastingCoordination of Polyacrylic Grafted Polytetrafluoroethylene Fiber with Fe (III) Ions in Aqueous SolutionAdsorption of Zearalenone by MontmorilloniteMolecular Dynamics Simulation of Structural Changes of Ag965 Clusters during FreezingStudy of the Erosion-Corrosion Behavior of P110, N80 and VM140 Steel in 3.5wt.%NaCl Solutions with SandCrystal Structure of Ytterbium Chloride Phenanthroline: [YbCl4]?[C12H8N2]?(H2O)Effect of Transition Metal on the Thermal Degradation of Cotton Cellulose Modified with THPCAnalysis on the Non-Arrhennius Life Prediction Method of RubberThe Application of Large Particle Size Hot Mix Asphalt Macadam Roadbase Structure in the Maintenance Overhaul EngineeringMagnetic Dual-Phase State of Superparamagnetic Particles in the Field of Mechanical StressesExperimental Study on Bonding Interface between CFRP and Concrete under Fatigue LoadObservation of Wear on PEEK-PTFE Hybrid Radial BearingsSurface Profile Observation of PTFE Thrust Bearings under Rolling Contact Fatigue in WaterStudy on the Flow- Induced Corrosion of P110 Oil Tube with an Electrochemical MethodExperimental Research of Foam Concrete with Different Fly Ash LevelResearch Status and Prospect of Constitutive Relation for Concrete after Freeze-Thaw DamageSurface Morphology Investigation of Poly(ether ether ketone) Immobilized with Heparin and Bovine Serum AlbuminAnalysis of Relationship between Porosity and Roughness of Surface Based on Fractal ModelTwo Dimensional Photonic Crystal BiosensorsFlex Fatigue of Side Emitting Optical FiberExperimental Research of Foaming Concrete Performance at Different Water TemperatureExperimental Research of Foaming Concrete Performance with Different Ash CalciumInfluence of Load and Rotation Speed on Life of PPS Radial Bearings under Water Lubricant ConditionsEnvironmental Assessment of Production of Thermal Insulation Block from Secondary Raw MaterialsResearch on the Super Rapid Strength Repairing Material Effects Resistance to Water Damage Performance of Cement Stabilized MacadamIsothermal Transformation of Wustite for Low Carbon Micro-Alloyed SteelThe Research of the Application of Smart Coatings on Architectural OrnamentsEffects of Niobium and Titanium on the As-Cast Microstructure of Cr8Mo2VSi Cold Work Die SteelResearch on Sol-Gel Transition Process of GelatinFeasibility Study for Copper/Zirconium Oxides as Oxygen Carrier in Chemical Looping Air Separation (CLAS)Study on the Preparation and Catalytic Property of Sulfonated Ordered Mesoporous CarbonResearch on Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior of 20CrMo Alloy Steel during Hot DeformationMeshless Modeling of the Breakage Process of a Coal Prism within Vertical Roller MillsDevelopment and Application of Prediction Model for End-Point Manganese Content in Converter Based on Data from Sub-LanceEffect of Sb Substitution on the Crystal Structure and Multiferroic Properties of BiFeO3The Pozzolanic Activity of the Coal Gauge and its EvaluationEffect of Feedstock Type on Microstructure and Polarization of Plasma Sprayed LSM Cathode for Solid Oxide Fuel CellsPreliminary Research on Brazability of SiC Particulate Reinforced Aluminium-Based CompositesThe Impact of Porphyrin Meso-Position Steric Effect on Porphyrin Density on TiO2 Surface of DSSCCalculating of the Beating-Up Force for 3D WeavingKinetics and Thermodynamic Investigation of Phosphate Adsorption on AlCl3 Modified PalygorskitePreparation of Hydrotalcites Derived Ni/Co/Cu/Fe Nanocomposite Oxides and their Catalytic Activities for Thermal Decomposition of Ammonium PerchlorateThe Research of Konjac Glucomannan Fracturing SystemOPTIMALMOULD Cooling System Influence in Injection Moulding Cycle Time OptimizationFinite Element Simulation on Tire Rubber Extrusion ProcessInfluence of Forming Velocity on Service Performance of Resistance Wall Structural DieModeling and Simulation of High Speed Intermittent Cutting Based on the Finite Element MethodChoice of Materials and Application of New Materials in Industrial DesignSeparation Test of Copper-Zinc-Sulfur Mixed Concentrate in KazakhstanStudy on Melting Properties of CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-MgO System Calcium Aluminate FluxEffect of Spark Plasma Sintering Temperature on Microstructures and Properties of Copper-Diamond CompositesStudy on the Formation Mechanism of Micro-Arc Oxidation Layer in AviationStudy on the Surface Roughness of Titanium Alloy Machined by WEDMTechnical Principle and Working Properties of Sludge Dredging by Airlift Water JetArbitrary Curvature Radius of the Optical Parts Precision Polishing TechnologyExperiment Research on Preparation Pigment Type Magnetic Iron Oxide Powder Utilizing Magnetic Separated SlagThermal Stress Analysis for Local Heating Variable Cross-Section Roll FormingFinite Element Analysis and Fracture Forecast of U Channel Flexible Roll FormingAnalytical Investigation on the Aging Process of Vegetable Insulating OilThe Controlled Powders Morphology of Bismuth Niobium Titanate Depending upon the Isothermal AnnealingSapphire Substrate Ring-Belt Magnetorheological Polishing ProcessingResearch on Flotation Mechanism of Quartz Using Magnesium Ion as ActivatorEffect of Forced Convection on Grain Refinement of S32205 Duplex Stainless SteelSelection of Process Parameters for Laser Assisted Machining of Al2O3 CeramicsComparative Study of Different Types of Flashes on the Flange Open-Die ForgingEffect of Premelted Calcium-Magnesium-Aluminate Flux on Magnesia Carbon BrickEffect of Microalloying on Structures and Properties of Aluminum AlloyControlled Synthesis of Calcium Carbonate Crystals with Superstructure on the Templates of Bamboo Leaves /Mg2+3-D CFD Modeling the Straight Blade Vertical Axis Wind TurbineThe Design of the Mechanical Heart Valve by Using the Parametric MethodHardware System Design of the Control System for Three Dimensional Variable Cross-Section Roll FormingAnalysis on Factors to Cause the Price Change of Building MaterialsMonitoring of Blast Furnace Hearth ErosionA Design Method Using SOA Paradigm for Mobile Cloud Computing Services over Multimedia Convergence NetworksResearch on Auto Matching of Measuring Points Data with CAD Model for Hull BlocksApplication of Analytic Hierarchy Process in the Steel IndustryExperimental Device of Drilling String Dynamics in Horizontal Well and its ApplicationResearch on Experiment Modal Parameters Identification of Parallel ManipulatorA Reconfigurable MES Model Based on HierarchyDynamic Simulation Analysis of the Vibratory Sinking Piling System Based on AMESimOptimization of Multiresponse Performance Measure in Slider-Rocker Compliant Mechanism Using Fuzzy-Taguchi MethodA Method to Measure the Station of Artificial Mechanical Heart ValvesResearch on the Fuzzy Control for Vehicle Semi-Active SuspensionThe Influence of Material Optical Properties on Temperature Distribution in an Automotive LampUnderwater Wet Weld Seam Tracking Based on Passive Visual SensorCharacterization of Metal-Semiconductor Schottky Diodes and Application on THz DetectionAnalysis on the Incompleteness of Moral Hazard ModelGraph-Theoretic Models for the Module of Safe Planning for Control Systems of Mobile RobotsThe Application Research of Six-Axis Force Sensor Used by Trans-Femoral ProsthesisStructure Design of a Novel Triaxial Micro-AccelerometerThe Comparative Model Analysis of Electronic Button-Sewing Machine Shell Based on Simulation and ExperimentCybernetics in Planning and DesignResearch on the Relationship between the Transaction Cost and the Corporate GovernanceSystem Dynamics Mechanism Analyses on Building Materials Enterprise Factoring RiskResearch on Co-Branding Strategy in New Materials IndustryBio Inspired Algorithms for Injection Moulding OptimizationFunctionally Graded Structures through Building ManufacturingNonlinear Natural Frequencies of Rotating Composite Thin-Walled Beam with Geometrical NonlinearEstimation and Analysis for the Fatigue Life of Rail Joint BoltDesign of Cylinder Positioning System Based on Proportional ValveAnalysis and Judgment of the Local Loss Based on the Entropy GradientMapping Matrix of Variable Cross-Section Roll Forming Based on Visual DetectionResearch on Mars Surface Image Visual Feature Extraction AlgorithmReconfigurable Control Software for Additive Manufacturing MachinesA Quantitative Analysis of Lake Tourism Resource Value Based on AHP-Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation MethodReliability Enhancement Test of Detection and Control UnitNumerical Study of Droplet Formation Time on Solid SurfaceDynamic Target Tracking Based on Particle Filter in Actual EnvironmentSea Bottom EM Field of M2 Tidal to Probe Upper Mantle ConductivityResearch on Accounts Receivable Financing Model Based on E-Commerce PlatformResearch on Electronic Equipment Fault Diagnosis Expert System Based on Embedded LinuxA Multi-Tip Turning Tool Structure for Thin and Long PiecesResearch on Dynamic Characteristics for Large Span Cable-Stayed Suspension Bridges with CFRP CablesResearch on the Parametric Design System for the Excavator Working DeviceCOM Component Based on Matlab Algorithm for Speckle ProcessingDesign and Analysis of a Novel Wavelength-Selelctive Waveguide PhotodetectorAn Ultrasonic Motor Precision Adjustable Speed Scheme Study and AnalysisSimulation of Airflow Motion in Jet Nozzle with Different Geometric ParametersModeling, Analysis and Simulation of Bluetooth Process Based on SystemViewThe Motor Fault Diagnosis Based on Neural Network and the Theory of D-S EvidenceStudy on MR Imaging of Endothelial Progenitor Cells Labeled with the Complex of Super Paramagnetic Iron Oxide and TransfectionCapillary Effects during Droplet Formation on the Solid SurfaceDesign for Laser Beam Cutting Machine Tools Integrated NC SystemA Study on Fault Diagnosis of Gears Based on Local Mean Decomposition MethodSoil-High-Rise Building Group Dynamic Interaction Considering Site EffectSelf-Learning of Robots and the Model of Hamiltonian Path with Fixed Number of Color Repetitions for Systems of Scenarios CreationNumerical Simulation for Effects of Running Surface Profile Structure in Piston Ring Group on Blow-By and LOCMass Customization in the Tourism Industry of ChinaApplication of AHP in Material Selection in Slope Protection Project in RiverwayElectronic Equipment Fault Diagnosis Expert System Based on PDA/HPCStudy of Milling Thickness and Milling Force on Two Directions Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted MillingOptimization of Electrode Structures of PZT Acoustic Energy Harvesters Fabricated on SOI SubstrateA Magnetic-Assistance System as a Super Finishing Following Turning MachiningAnalysis of Coal Gangue Pollution Control Technology