Kjølbro / O’Leary / Tsirli | Liber Amicorum Robert Spano | Buch | 978-94-6236-333-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 784 Seiten

Reihe: Anthemis co-publications

Kjølbro / O’Leary / Tsirli

Liber Amicorum Robert Spano

Buch, Englisch, 784 Seiten

Reihe: Anthemis co-publications

ISBN: 978-94-6236-333-5
Verlag: eleven

Robert Spano’s career at the Strasbourg Court is exceptional, as only three and a half years after his arrival, he was elected Section President, then Vice-President of the Court before taking up the post of President on 18 May 2020.

In his role, he has put his untiring energy at the service of the protection of human rights in Europe. While his qualities as a judge were known and appreciated by all  his colleagues, as was his inexhaustible knowledge of case-law, during his  term as President he demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities, showing  creativity and imagination in improving the functioning of the Strasbourg  institution.
He has strengthened the links with the academic world and contributed to the rapprochement between the European Court of Human Rights and the national superior courts. 

It is to thank him for his work and to pay him a well-deserved tribute that his  colleagues have taken the initiative of this Liber Amicorum. The very high quality of the contributors and the variety of topics covered make this book an  indispensable tool for anyone with a passion for human rights and the work of the Court.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Religiously-Motivated Laws and Convention Compatibility - Lady Arden DBE
- Le rôle des cours suprêmes dans la promotion et la protection de l’État de droit. L’exemple français de la Cour de cassation - hantal Arens
- Access to Court in Iceland: The Influence of the Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights on Security for Costs Orders - Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir and Þorgeir Ingi Njálsson
- Subsidiarity in Action: Sharing the Court’s Knowledge-Sharing Platform - Anna Austin and Krešimir Kamber
- Exploring the Modalities of Subsidiarity: The European Court of Human Right’s “Stricter Scrutiny” in Child Welfare Cases Under Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights - Arnfinn Bårdsen
- Jeopardizing the Kingpin of Subsidiarity. When Judicial “Reforms” Paralyze the Judiciary - Ledi Bianku
- The EEA Agreement and Presumption of Equivalent Protection of Human Rights - David Thor Björgvinsson
- Limiting Freedom of Expression for the Protection of the Judiciary - Benedikt Bogason
- Subsidiarity, the Rule of Law and the Western Balkans - Biljana Braithwaite and Hannah Smith
- Les métamorphoses de l’ordre juridique français. Des bienfaits du contrôle conventionnel européen - Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen
- Both Sides Now: Case Management and Right of Individual Petition - Abel Campos
- La subsidiarité, règle et source d’inspiration dans un État de droit - Christophe Chantepy
- The Principle of Subsidiarity and the Contracting States’ Obligations under Article 13 of the European Convention on Human Rights - Lado Chanturia
- Parliamentary Sovereignty and Rights-Protection: A UK Temporal Perspective - Paul Craig
- How Subsidiarity Would Serve Effectiveness - Dmitry Dedov
- Too little, too late ? Le réveil de l’article 18 par la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme - Peggy Ducoulombier
- Key Challenges for the Next Era of the European Court of Human Rights - Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou
- Disinformation and Democracy; Some Preliminary Thoughts on the Role of the ECtHR - Tim Eicke
- Fundamental Rights in the Case Law of the EFTA Court - Ólafur Jóhannes Einarsson
- The Subsidiarity Principle and Its Application to the Representation of Children Before the European Court of Human Rights - María Elósegui
- Protéger, résister, anticiper - Laurent Fabius
- The Right Against Self-Incrimination in Administrative Cases: Does a Requirement to Hand Over Documents and Give Information According to a Legal Duty in a “Criminal” Investigation by an Administrative Authority Violate the Rights to Remain Silent and Not to Incriminate Oneself According to Article 6 of the European Convention on Human rights? - Gerður Guðmundsdóttir and Hafsteinn Dan Kristjánsson
- In Defense of a Common European Heritage - Ana Maria Guerra Martins
- Appointments of Judges in Iceland and Administrative Law – with Reference to the Judgment of the ECtHR in Ástráðsson v. Iceland - Tryggvi Gunnarsson
- Le grief invoqué ' en substance ': de l’art d’être funambule - Mattias Guyomar
- Article 18: Prohibition of the Use of Restrictions for an Improper Purpose - Armen Harutyunyan
- Judges as Rightsholders - Hildur Hjörvar
- The European Court of Human Rights’ New Approach in Its Case Law Concerning the Balance Between Freedom of Expression and the Right to Respect for Private Life – A Study of Ten Icelandic Cases - Eiríkur Jónsson
- State Parties’ Wish to Influence the Court’s Application of the Principle of Subsidiarity and the Margin of Appreciation by Means of High-Level Declarations - Jon Fridrik Kjølbro
- Managing change: The European Court of Human Rights navigating through environmental human rights in a new socio-ecological and legal reality - Natalia Kobylarz
- La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme: prétoire pour les contentieux environnementaux et climatiques?
Frédéric Krenc
- The Rule of Law, Subsidiarity, and the Role of Ombudsman: Amicus Curiae Before the European Court of Human Rights - Ioannis Ktistakis
- Rule of Law in Peril? Checking States’ Misuse of Power – Implications and Consequences of Article 18 Violations - Philip Leach and Alice Donald
- General Principles of Good Administration Under the European Convention on Human Rights - Paul Lemmens
- La Cour de justice de l’Union européenne et l’indépendance de la justice - Koen Lenaerts
- The Three Crucial Ingredients of the Convention System: Democracy, the Rule of Law and Subsidiarity - Roderick Liddell
- La protection des lanceurs d’alerte dans la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme – La prééminence du droit et le principe de subsidiarité - Branko Lubarda
- La mise en oeuvre du principe de subsidiarité au service d’une responsabilité partagée entre la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme et les juridictions nationales en matière de protection des droits fondamentaux - Florence Merloz
- Impartiality of Judges – A Study of Two Cases Relating to Family Links - Stanley H. Naismith
- Human Rights and Peace – Disillusionment or Hope? - The Russian Example - Angelika Nußberger
- Safeguarding Europe’s Foundational Values: The Rule of Law and Beyond - Síofra O’Leary
- The Rule of Law and Fair Play in Sport - Michael O’Boyle
- Le référé-liberté et le défi du stress test de Strasbourg - Pere Pastor Vilanova
- Beyond the Age of Subsidiarity: Do Established Democracies Still Need the European Court of Human Rights? - Darian Pavli and Rachael Kondak
- L’expulsion de la Fédération de Russie du Conseil de l’Europe. Quel impact sur la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme ? - Guido Raimondi
- Human Rights and European Integration: Subsidiarity Revisited - Mikael Rask Madsen
- L’épuisant épuisement des voies de recours internes - Georges Ravarani
- An “Authority Balanced, But Not Divided” – Judicial Appointments and Protection of Judicial Independence Under Article 6 § 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights - Raffaele Sabato
- The Rule of Law and Subsidiarity - The ECtHR – The Gatekeeper of the Rule of Law Through Its Power of Review on the Basis of “A Tribunal Established by Law” - Lorraine Schembri Orland
- The European Court of Human Rights and its Relevance in the Health Crisis - Anja Seibert-Fohr
- The Principle of Subsidiarity and the ECtHR - Georgios A. Serghides
- Institutional Changes to Property in the Context of the Strasbourg Court’s Case Law on Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention on Human Rights - Valgerður Sólnes
- ' Âge de la subsidiarité ' ou ' ère de la retraite ordonnée ' ? Pour la subsidiarité bien comprise
Dean Spielmann et Panayotis Voyatzis
- Le droit à un recours effectif et le rôle des cours constitutionnelles relus à la lumière du principe de subsidiarité ? - Andrea Tamietti
- The Presumption of Innocence in Defamatory Cases – The Strasbourg Court’s Case Law and the Balancing
Exercise Between Article 10 and Article 8 ECHR - Halldóra Þorsteinsdóttir
- Robert Spano, un réformateur à la tête de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme - Patrick Titiun
- Upholding Human Rights and Rule of Law in the Age of Subsidiarity: The Case of Guðmundur Andri Ástráðsson
v. Iceland - Marialena Tsirli and Sanem Gurus-Tanyar
- Le ' Von Hannover non-substitution principle ' à l’épreuve de la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme - Sur la conditionnalité de l’octroi d’une marge d’appréciation élargie en matière de liberté d’expression - Patrick Wachsmann
- “And the Work of Justice Shall Be Peace…” – When Human Rights Are Not the Path to Peace and Security
Ganna Yudkivska
- Interplay Between the Principle of Rule of Law and the Process-Based Review - Saadet Yüksel

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