Kopans | Breast Imaging on CD-ROM | Sonstiges | 978-0-7817-1701-4 | sack.de

Sonstiges, Englisch, Multi


Breast Imaging on CD-ROM

ISBN: 978-0-7817-1701-4
Verlag: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

Sonstiges, Englisch, Multi

ISBN: 978-0-7817-1701-4
Verlag: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

Dr. Daniel Kopans' widely acclaimed and authoritative reference, Breast Imaging, Second Edition, is now available on CD-ROM. The full text and all 1,500 high-quality illustrations are instantly accessible on this powerful electronic resource. Users can search by key word and topic and zoom up all images for closer examination. In addition, there are self-assessment questions on each topic, allowing the users to test their knowledge and understanding of the material presented. Incorrect answers are linked to the section in the text that contains the information leading to the correct response. This CD-ROM can be purchased separately, or as part of two money-saving book/CD-ROM packages: Breast Imaging, Second Edition plus the CD-ROM, or Breast Imaging, Second Edition plus Dr. Kopans' Atlas of Breast Imaging plus the CD-ROM. Windows / Macintosh / Network Compatible
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