Kraemer | 60-Minute Estate Planner | Buch | 978-0-8144-7305-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 304 Seiten, Format (B × H): 177 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 790 g


60-Minute Estate Planner

Fast and Easy Plans for Saving Taxes, Avoiding Probate, and Maximising Inheritance

Buch, Englisch, 304 Seiten, Format (B × H): 177 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 790 g

ISBN: 978-0-8144-7305-4
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

"No one can take their money, possessions, or land with them when they die -- but they can ensure that their heirs are well taken care of. Updated to reflect the latest estate and tax laws, 60-Minute Estate Planner simplifies the complicated process of estate planning, covering what kind of information readers need to gather before they can begin. Packed with helpful forms, charts, and worksheets, the book shows readers how to: * communicate with heirs * manage medical decisions and provide for the special needs of the young and old * reduce, defer, and eliminate as much gift, estate, inheritance, and other tax as possible * use estate planning professionals and save on professional fees for planning and administration The book clarifies all the different possible elements of an estate plan, including IRAs, living trusts, life insurance, annuities, and more. Thoroughly revised and filled with simple-to-follow instructions, this trusted resource allows readers to ensure that their memory lives on by providing for the ones they love."
Kraemer 60-Minute Estate Planner jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material

"PROLOGUE How Do You Want to Be Remembered? ACKNOWLEDGMENTS INTRODUCTION: Planning for Family Security CHAPTER 1 How to Develop Your Sixty-Minute Estate Plan CHAPTER 2 Demystifying Tax Planning CHAPTER 3 Sixty-Minute Estate Planning CHAPTER 4 Living Trust, Probate, Joint Ownership/Transfer on Death, and Disclaimer Pipelines CHAPTER 5 Sixty-Minute Charitable Plans CHAPTER 6 Life Insurance and Annuities CHAPTER 7 Protection of Family Investments, Businesses, Farms, and Homes CHAPTER 8 How to determine and Carry out Your Goals CHAPTER 9 Communication The Glue that Bonds CHAPTER 10 Medical Treatment, The Right to Die, and Anatomical Gifts CHAPTER 11 Estate Administration CHAPTER 12 The Art of Inheritance Planning CHAPTER 13 Special Needs of the Old and the Young and Powers of Attorney CHAPTER 14 Memories and Inspiration Last Forever"

Sandy Kraemer is an attorney and a nationally recognised expert in estate planning

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