Kurbegov | French Grammar Drills | Buch | 978-0-07-178949-3 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 320 Seiten, Format (B × H): 213 mm x 274 mm, Gewicht: 574 g


French Grammar Drills

Buch, Englisch, 320 Seiten, Format (B × H): 213 mm x 274 mm, Gewicht: 574 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-178949-3
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

Sharpen your FRENCH grammar with skill-building exercisesIf you want to be proficient in French, you eventually have to master its grammar. The best way to perfect your grammar skills is through drills, drills, and more drills. Covering all facets of French grammar--from prepositions and pronouns to verbal forms and tenses--French Grammar Drills helps you learn often-perplexing topics through hands-on experience.This edition features: - More than 175 exercises that demonstrate how the French grammar system works - Authentic examples that illustrate correct grammar usage - A new review section to reinforce your learning - An answer key to give you immediate clarification on any conceptTopics include:

Indefinite and definite articles * Demonstrative adjectives* Possessive pronouns * Conjunctions * Imparfait and passe compose * Verbal expressions and idioms * and more
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Definite Articles
2. Indefinite Articles
3. Demonstrative Adjectives
4. Possessive Adjectives
5. Interrogative Adjectives
Review I
6. Plural of Nouns
7. Quantity
8. Partitive Articles
Review II
9. Agreement of Adjectives
10. Position of Adjectives
11. Comparative and Superlative Forms of Adjectives
Review III
12. Position of Adverbs
13. Formation of Adverbs
14. Comparative and Superlative Forms of Adverbs
Review IV
15. Subject Pronouns
16. Stress Pronouns
17. Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns
18. Other Object Pronouns: Y and En
Review V
19. Possessive Pronouns
20. Demonstrative Pronouns
21. Interrogative Pronouns
Review VI
22. The Relative Pronouns Qui and Que
23. The Relative Pronouns Qui and Lequel after Prepositions
24. The Relative Pronouns Où and Dont
25. Ce before Qui, Que and Dont
Review VII
26. Prepositions
27. Geographical Expressions
28. Prepositional Expressions and Idioms
29. Conjunctions
Review VIII
30. The Present Participle, Present Tense, and Imperative
31. The Near Future, Simple Future, Past Future and Conditional
32. Imparfait and Passé Composé
33. Imparfait and Conditionnel
34. The Past Infinitive
Review IX
35. The Present and Past Subjunctive
36. Reflexive Verbs and the Passive Voice
37. Negations
38. The Interrogative
39. Stem Changing and Irregular Verbs
40. Verbal Expressions and Idioms
Review X
Final Review
Answer Key

Kurbegov, Eliane
McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide

Eliane Kurbegov has taught French at secondary and higher education levels for the past thirty years andis the author of Practice Makes Perfect: French Vocabulary.

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