E-Book, Englisch, 260 Seiten
Kuusisto / Gearon Value Learning Trajectories
1. Auflage 2017
ISBN: 978-3-8309-8658-4
Verlag: Waxmann Verlag GmbH
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet/DL/kein Kopierschutz
Theory, Method, Context
E-Book, Englisch, 260 Seiten
ISBN: 978-3-8309-8658-4
Verlag: Waxmann Verlag GmbH
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet/DL/kein Kopierschutz
Weitere Infos & Material
1;Book Cover;1
3;On Theory: Framing Value Learning in the Life Trajectory. Epistemology, Ethics, the Existential (Liam Gearon and Arniika Kuusisto);11
3.1;1 Introduction;11
3.2;2 The Ontological-Epistemological Frame of Value Learning and the Life Trajectory;13
3.3;3 The Ethical Frame (and Moral Precipices) of Value Learning and the Life Trajectory;19
3.4;4 The Existential Frame of Value Learning and the Life Trajectory;22
3.5;5 Conclusion;24
4;The Enduring Contribution of Religious Education to Reason’s Good Functioning. The Case of Moral Excellence (Daniel J. Fleming);31
4.1;1 Introduction;31
4.2;2 Jean Porter’s Theory of Human Flourishing;32
4.3;3 Interrupting a Dominant Rationality – Levinas and Kierkegaard;34
4.4;4 Theoretical Example – Liberation Theology;37
4.5;5 The Enduring Contribution of Religious Education to Reason’s Good Functioning: The Case of Moral Excellence;38
5;Experiencing Values in Religious Education (Konstantin Lindner);43
5.1;1 Introduction;43
5.2;2 Values Education: Challenges;43
5.2.1;2.1 Adolescents and their values;43
5.2.2;2.2 Values Education in School;44
5.3;3 Values Education in RE;45
5.3.1;3.1 Religious Values?;45
5.3.2;3.2 Goals for RE;46
5.4;4 “Values Experience” in RE;48
5.4.1;4.1 Status Quo;48
5.4.2;4.2 SAT Approach as a Role Model;49
5.4.3;4.3 Adaption and Modification of SAT to RE;49
6;Maps and Landscapes of Meaning. Othering, Transculturality and ‘Lebenswelt ’in Interreligious Learning (Janosch Freuding);55
6.1;1 Introduction;55
6.2;2 Political Sensitivity and Practices of Exclusion;55
6.3;3 Presentations of Islam in Textbooks for Catholic Education;56
6.4;4 Othering and its Production of Knowledge about the Other;58
6.5;5 Transculturality and Transcultural Lebenswelt;59
6.6;6 Othering and Transculturality in Comparison;62
6.7;7 Maps of Meaning and Landscapes of Meaning;62
6.8;8 Conclusion;63
7;The Impact of Spaces and Places on Theories of Religious Education and Socialisation (Angela Kaupp);67
7.1;1 Introduction;67
7.2;2 The Dimension of Space – a Largely Unexplored Aspect in Religious Education and Socialisation;67
7.3;3 The Interplay between Religious Education or Socialisation and Space;68
7.3.1;a) Places in nature;69
7.3.2;b) Liturgical places;70
7.3.3;c) Everyday spaces;70
7.3.4;d) Museums;71
7.3.5;e) Virtual spaces;72
7.4;4 Biography, Religiosity and Space;72
7.4.1;a) The biographical perspective;73
7.4.2;b) The social perspective;73
7.5;5 The Spatial Dimension and its Impact on the Research of Religion and Spirituality;75
7.5.1;a) Analysis of spaces as an entry point into biography;75
7.5.2;b) Examining the meaning of sacred spaces for life stories;76
7.5.3;c) Concepts of space as cultural and social givens;76
8;Changing “Diffuse” to “Profiled” Positions by Facing Religious Truth-Claims? Contexts of Belonging as Conditions of Religious “Matching-Processes” (Stefanie Lorenzen);81
8.1;1 Introduction;81
8.2;2 Standing on the Threshold of “Religion”: Recent Empirical Studies as a Sign of “Undecided” Religiosity among European Youngsters;81
8.3;3 Religious “Decision-Making” by Facing Religious Truth-Claims – two Spotlights on the German Theoretical Landscape;83
8.4;4 The Empirical Question: How Do Young Adults conceive Processes of “Religious Self-Positioning”?;85
8.5;5 A Closer Look on Different Forms of (Non-)Religious Self-Positioning: The Feeling of “Belonging” as a Condition of Matching-Processes;86
8.6;6 Conclusion;90
9;On Method: Researching Value Learning and Life Trajectories. Dialogue, Diversity and Inter-Disciplinarity (Arniika Kuusisto and Liam Gearon);99
9.1;1 Introduction;99
9.2;2 Dialogue;101
9.3;3 Diversity;104
9.4;4 Inter-disciplinarity;110
9.5;5 Conclusion;112
10;Countering Radical Islamist Discourse through Intertheological Education. An Australian Case Study (Terence Lovat);119
10.1;1 Introduction;119
10.2;2 The Essential Theologies of Islam and their Practical Effects;119
10.3;3 Radicalization and De-radicalization in Australia;121
10.4;4 Inter-Theological Education: The Scope and Content;123
10.5;5 Inter-Theological Education: Method and Practical Exemplar;124
10.6;6 Conclusion;129
11;Longitudinal Research in Values Studies amongst Youth (Monique van Dijk-Groeneboer);133
11.1;1 Introduction;133
11.2;2 Quantitative Research;134
11.2.1;2.1 Preconditions for Quantitative Research;135
11.2.2;2.2 Pros and Cons for Quantitative Research;136
11.3;3 Qualitative Research;136
11.3.1;3.1 Preconditions for Qualitative Research;137
11.3.2;3.2 Pros and Cons for Qualitative Research;137
11.4;4 Empirical Cycle of Research;138
11.5;5 Longitudinal Research;139
11.6;6 Longitudinal Research as Value Learning Trajectory;141
11.6.1;6.1 Typology of Youth;142
11.6.2;6.2 New Religious Education Strategies;142
11.7;7 Conclusion;143
12;How to Assess the Mediation of Religious Truth Claims in RE via Video Analysis? Methodological Considerations (Ulrich Riegel and Eva-Maria Leven);145
12.1;1 Introduction;145
12.2;2 Video Analysis as Analytical Method;147
12.3;3 Video Rating as Method of Assessing Mediation of Truth Claims;148
12.4;4 The Documentary Method to Assess Mediation of Truth Claims;150
12.5;5 Discussion;153
13;On Context: Value Learning and Life Trajectories. Research In Situ. Historical-Political Systems, Spectrums of Value Biographical Positionings (Liam Gearon and Arniika Kuusisto);161
13.1;1 Introduction;161
13.2;2 Historical-Political Systems;162
13.3;3 Spectrums of Value;168
13.4;4 Biographical Positionings;169
13.5;5 Conclusion;172
14;Value Learning Trajectories in Iranian Educational System (Nasibeh Hedayati, Elina Kuusisto, Khalil Gholami and Kirsi Tirri);179
14.1;1 Introduction;179
14.2;2 Teacher Education in Iran before the Islamic Revolution (1918–1979);180
14.3;3 Teacher Education in Iran after the Islamic Revolution;181
14.4;4 Conclusions;188
14.5;5 Limitations;189
14.6;Appendix A;189
15;Religious Education in Kindergartens in Light of Religious Diversity (Helena Stockinger);195
15.1;1 Research Questions and Design;195
15.2;2 Considerations about Religious Education among the Staff;196
15.2.1;2.1 Description of Findings;196
15.2.2;2.2 Discussion;198
15.3;3 Religious Education Content in Kindergartens;200
15.3.1;3.1 Description of Findings;200
15.3.2;3.2 Discussion;201
15.4;4 Striving for Justice in Religious Education;203
15.5;5 More Questions Need to be Asked;203
16;Values in Finnish and Estonian Vocational Teacher Education Curricula (Heidi Paju, Kirsi Tirri and Tero Autio);209
16.1;1 Introduction;209
16.2;2 Review of Terminology;210
16.3;3 Vocational Teacher Education in Estonia and Finland;211
16.4;4 Theoretical Approach;213
16.5;5 Procedure and Data Analysis;214
16.6;6 Findings;215
16.7;7 Conclusion;218
17;The State of Caring Relationship in the Interaction between Teachers and Students (Molalign Tamiru);225
17.1;1 Introduction;225
17.1.1;1.1 Statement of the Problem;226
17.1.2;1.2 Objective of the Study;227
17.1.3;1.3 Research Questions;227
17.2;2 Research Design and Methodology;227
17.3;3 Data Analysis;229
17.3.1;3.1 Out of Classrooms;229
17.3.2;3.2 Inside Classrooms;230
17.4;4 Findings;234
17.4.1;4.1 Practices Contradict Understandings;234
17.4.2;4.2 Teacher Centered Instruction Challenges Caring Relationship;234
17.5;5 Conclusion;235
18;Socio-political Value Tensions in Teachers’ Career Trajectories. Teaching Religious Education in the 1960s and 1970s Finland (Juha Luodeslampi and Arniika Kuusisto);239
18.1;1 Introduction;239
18.1.1;1.1 Tensions and Changes in the 1960s-1970s Finnish Societal and Educational Landscape;239
18.1.2;1.2 Changes to the Finnish School System in the 1960s and 1970s;240
18.2;2 Method;242
18.2.1;2.1 Gathering of the Life History Narrative Data;244
18.3;3 Results;245
18.3.1;3.1 Value Struggle in the Church Lobby;245
18.3.2;3.2 Tensions and Challenges According to the Teachers’ Narratives;248
18.3.3;3.3 How Did the Teachers Negotiate and Cope with the Challenges?;250
18.4;4 Conclusion;253
19;About the Authors;257