Lagerlöf / Trollope / Dickens | The Greatest Christmas Tales & Poems | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 4179 Seiten

Lagerlöf / Trollope / Dickens The Greatest Christmas Tales & Poems

Over 230 Stories, Poems & Carols

E-Book, Englisch, 4179 Seiten

ISBN: 859-654700446-2
Verlag: DigiCat
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: 6 - ePub Watermark

The Greatest Christmas Tales & Poems stands as a monumental anthology, expertly curated to capture the spirit of Christmas through an unparalleled amalgamation of literary styles. From the enchanting prose of Charles Dickens to the poignant verses of William Wordsworth, this collection spans the gamut of literary expression, encapsulating the joy, melancholy, and profound introspection the holiday season inspires. It features celebrated works alongside less known but equally compelling pieces, offering readers a rich tapestry of narratives and moods reflective of the Christmas experience. The inclusion of authors such as Hans Christian Andersen and Beatrix Potter adds a timeless allure, ensuring the anthology's appeal across all ages. The contributing authors and editors, a veritable who's who of literary giants across various periods, bring a diverse array of backgrounds to this collective undertaking. From the romantic poetics of Alfred Lord Tennyson to the critical social narratives of Harriet Beecher Stowe, the anthology resonates with the zeitgeist of multiple eras, weaving together a rich cultural and historical narrative. Each author's unique perspective and cultural background contribute to a multifaceted exploration of the Christmas theme, unfolding the universal and timeless nature of the holiday season's joy, reflection, and renewal. This anthology is an essential read for those seeking to immerse themselves in the literary richness of Christmas. Offering an unrivaled opportunity to engage with the works of some of history's most profound writers, it invites readers on a journey through a myriad of Christmas experiences. The Greatest Christmas Tales & Poems promises not only a celebration of Christmas but a celebration of the enduring power of storytelling itself, making it a cherished addition to any literary collection.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Selma Lagerlöf (1858–1940) holds a distinguished place in Swedish literature as the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, a feat she accomplished in 1909. Her literary career was marked by a profound storytelling ability that interwove fairy tale with realism, a feature that rendered her work universally endearing and critically acclaimed. Lagerlöf was born in Östra Emterwik, Värmland, and drew heavily from her pastoral upbringing in her narratives. Her breakthrough came with her first novel, 'Gösta Berling's Saga' (1891), which was an immediate success in Scandinavia and later gained international recognition. Lagerlöf's work is characterized by its vivid character portrayals, its use of folklore, and its deep humanitarian sentiments. Another of her well-known works is 'The Wonderful Adventures of Nils' (1906-1907), which began as a commission from the National Teachers Association to write a geography book for children, but Lagerlöf turned it into a rich tapestry of Swedish landscapes and culture through the lens of a magical fairy tale. Aside from 'The Greatest Christmas Tales & Poems', Lagerlöf's stories often explored themes of redemption and the supernatural, with 'The Phantom Carriage' (1912) being another notable example. Her contributions to literature extend beyond her novels; she has left a legacy of influencing and paving the way for future generations of female authors in Scandinavia and internationally.

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