E-Book, Englisch, 1870 Seiten
Lee / Park / Song Advanced Nondestructive Evaluation I
Erscheinungsjahr 2006
ISBN: 978-3-03813-063-5
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection
E-Book, Englisch, 1870 Seiten
ISBN: 978-3-03813-063-5
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection
Weitere Infos & Material
Ultrasonic Nondestructive Measurement Systems – Models and Measurements
Inverse Models and Implications for NDE
Application of Modified Grid-Based Approach for Auto Mesh Generation of IT-Related Products
Application of the Refined Mesh Method for the Strength Estimation around Openings
Finite Element Analysis of an Induced Current Potential Drop Method for the Defect Detection of Railway Axles
Analysis of Residual Stress Components Developed in Cold Drawing by Finite Element Method
Evaluation of the J Integral of a Surface Crack by the Three-dimensional Local Hybrid Method
Examination of Accuracy of the Singular Stress Field Near a Crack-Tip by Digital Image Correlation
Limit Loads for Circumferential Cracked Pipe Bends under In-Plane Bending
A Micromechanical Model for Ductile Fracture of API X65
Ball SAW Sensors for Safety and Reliability of Fuel Cell Technologies
Optically Encoded Smart Dust from DBR Porous Silicon
Development of Biaxial Servo Controlled Fatigue Testing System
Separation and Concentration of Particles in Fluid Using Ultrasonic Standing Wave
Measurement of Thermal Expansion Coefficients of Thin Film of Different Organic Coatings by Shearography
Development of Novel Optical Fiber AE Sensor with Multi-Sensing Function
Measurement for In-Plane Displacement of Tensile Plates with Through-Thickness Circular Hole and Partly Through-Thickness Circular Hole by Use of Speckle Interferometry
Test and Evaluation of a Newly Built Multi-Purpose Transmission Type Polariscope
The Detection and Imaging of Internal Defect Using ESPI-Based Strain Analysis
An Optical Method for the Detection of In-Plane Motion of Acoustic Waves Propagating in Solids
Quantitative Vibration Amplitude Measurement Using Stroboscopic Phase Shifting ESPI
Surface Roughness Measurement by Using Interferometer and Active Interferometer Stabilization
Suppressing Technique of the Antisymmetric Mode by the Superposition of Lamb Waves Generated by Two Laser Beams in a Thin Plate
Absolute Single-Mode Lamb Wave Generation by Laser in a Thin Plate
Influence of Shearing Amount on Detecting Crack-Shaped Internal Defect by Shearography
Out-of-Plane Micro-ESPI System for Measurement of Mechanical Properties of Film Materials
Residual Stress Evaluation of Thin Film Using Strip Bending Test
Gas Electron Multipliers for Potential Applications to Digital Radiography
A Correction of Geometric Error of Nano-Indenter Using Atomic Force Microscope and Finite Element Method
Design and Characterization of Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer
Novel Test Procedure of Tensile Test for MEMS Materials
Structural Health Monitoring Based on Electrical Impedance of a Carbon Nanotube Neuron
PZT-Induced Lamb Waves and Pattern Recognition for On-Line Health Monitoring of Jointed Steel Plates
Characteristics of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors with Various Grating Lengths Embedded in Composite Materials
Knee Joint Analysis for Optimal Ligament Surgical Reconstruction Using Three Dimensional Motion Model
Experimental Study of Evaluating Bio-Mechanical Characteristics of Cushioning System Using Nano-Shock Absorption Pocket
Performance of Electro-Active Papers Made with Cellulose and Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Experimental and Analytical Studies for Impedance-Based Smart Health Monitoring of Concrete Structures
A Study on Damage Behavior and Strength of Smart Material under Low Temperature Using Acoustic Emission
Surface Monitoring Technique for Fatigue Effect of Shape Memory Alloys(SMAs)
Strain Monitoring and Damage Detection of a Filament Wound Composite Pressure Tank Using Embedded Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors
Numerical Modeling of Shape Memory Alloy Thin Film Actuators and Their Applications
Wireless Instrumentation for Monitoring of Smart Structures
Cohesive Zone Parameters for the Interface between NiTi Shape Memory Alloy and CFRP
Velocity Feedback with a Non-Collocated Pair of Sensor and Actuator for Tip Vibration Suppression of a Beam
Biologically Inspired Smart Sensor for Acoustic Emission Detection
Dynamic Characteristics of Novel Ionic-Polymer-Metal-Composites
Application of Fiber Optic BOTDA Sensor for Fire Detection in a Building
Reliability-Based Assessment of Bridges Using Long-Term Monitoring Data
Fatigue Reliability Analysis of a Suspension Bridge Using Long-Term Monitoring Data
Embedded Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors for Internal Fatigue Damage Monitoring in Polymeric Composites
On-Line NDE and Structural Health Monitoring for Advanced Reactors
Ultrasonic Estimation of Clamping Force in High-Tension Bolts
Development of Smart Stress Memory Sensor Using AE Kaiser Effect
Assessment Model for the Safety and Serviceability of Steel Beams Using Terrestrial LiDAR
Simultaneous Monitoring of Acoustic Emission and Corrosion Potential Fluctuation for Mechanistic Study of Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking
Development of Heat Resistant AE Monitoring System Using Optical Fiber Sensor
Monitoring of a Steel Plate Girder Railroad Bridge with Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors
FE Model Updating for Health Monitoring of Structures and its Experimental Verification by Damage Detection
Optimal Accelerometer Locations for Structural Health Monitoring Using Time-Domain System Identification
Contribution of Three-Dimensional Trabecular Bone Microstructure of the Proximal Femur to its Mechanical Properties as Assessed by Micro-Finite Element Analysis
Integrity Assessment for Beam-Like Structures by Continuous Wavelet Transform
Fatigue Crack Growth Monitoring by Optical Fiber Sensors in Smart Composite Patch Repairs
Structural Health Monitoring for Carbon Fiber/Carbon Nanotube (CNT)/Epoxy Composite Sensor
Making Sense of Non-Destructive Evaluation Data with an Artificial Intelligence Approach
Assessment of Structural Integrity for a Concrete Runway by Seismic Techniques
Structural Integrity Assessment of Tunnel Concrete Lining by the Resonance Search Technique
The Effect of Joint Conditions on the Longitudinal and Flexural Wave Velocities of a Rock Mass
A Study on the Elastic Wave Propagation in the Telecommunication Pole Having Different Subsurface End Condition
Modified Surface Wave Velocity Measurement Technique in Concrete
Nondestructive Curing Monitoring of Early-Age Concrete Using Rayleigh Wave Velocity
Assessment of Fire-Induced Damage on Concrete Segment of Shield TBM Tunnel
Geomechanical Characterization of Faulted Rock Materials in Korea
Evaluation of Residual and Actual Stress Levels of Steel Columns in Existing Building Structures due to Working Loads
Improvement of the Impact-Echo Method for the Higher Reliability in the Structural Integrity Assessment
Assessment of the Integrity of Piles by Impedance Log Technique
Experimental Study of Sliding Load According to Changes of Axial Bolt Clamping Force of H-Beam Affected by Pure Bending
Development of Imaging Technique for Evaluating the RC Plate Containing Epoxy-Repaired Delamination
Non-Contact SWP Stability Estimation Using Laser-Ultrasonic Wave
Damage Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Beams by Complex Ratios of Transfer Functions
Non-Destructive Pile Integrity Test Using HWAW Method
Effect of Confining Pressure on Modeling High Early Strength Concrete under Uniaxial Loading
Assessment of Local Damage Level in Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) Using Stress Wave Propagation
Magnetoelastic Measurements of Steel Stress under Uniaxial Loading
Calibration of an Impact Device and Its Application to the Normalized Spectral Analysis of Impact-Echo Tests
Analytical Evaluation of Plastic Resistance of Column Base Connection Using Convex Set Theory
Detection of Debonding in Concrete Members Retrofitted with FRP Using Electromagnetic and Ultrasonic Methods
Crack Detection by Static Measurement in Steel Beams
A Study on the Diagnosis Method of Concrete Structures of School Buildings Using Non-Destructive Tests Based on Stress Waves
Remote Sensing of Bridge Displacement Using Digital Image Processing Techniques
Nondestructive Characterization Hydrogen-Charged Zircaloy with a Laser Ultrasound Technique
Comparison of Absolute and Differential ECT Signal Characteristics Obtained at Tubesheet and Tube Expansion Area
Prediction and Analysis of ECT Signals due to Tube Defects near Support Plate in Steam Generator
A New Eddy Current 3-D Profilometry for a Quantitative Measurement of Geometric Anomaly in Steam Generator Tubes of Nuclear Power Plants
Wear Transitions of Tube-Support Materials for a Nuclear Steam Generator through Sliding Wear Test and Fretting Wear Test
DC Potential-Drop Technique for the Evaluation of 3-D Back-Wall Cracks in Steel Structures
Development of On-Line Health Monitoring System for Pipes in Nuclear Power Plants
Integrated Approach for On-Line Condition Monitoring of Piping
Evaluation of Motorized Rotating Pancake Coil Probe Signals Simulated by Numerical Analysis in Steam Generator Tubes
Fault Detection Using Acoustic Methods for the Sodium-Water Reaction Monitoring in a Liquid Metal Reactor
Investigation on Multifrequency Eddy Current Testing Signal Analysis for Nondestructive Inspection of Steam Generator Tubes
Effects of 3D Eddy Current Finite Element Formulations on ECT Signals
Water Thickness Gaging in a Bellows Tube Using Special UT Shoes & an Immersion Ultrasonic System
Research on the Method for Drill Pipe Thread Inspection
Application of Ultrasonic Test on Creep-Fatigue Life Evaluation
Evaluation of Fracture Toughness for Power Plant Materials Using Continuous Indentation Technique
The Evaluation of Material Degradation in Modified 9Cr-1Mo Steel by Electrochemical and Magnetic Property Analysis
Evaluation of Hidden Corrosion in a Thin Plate Using a Non-Contact Guided Wave Technique
Prediction of Ultrasonic Signals Captured from a Side-Drilled Hole Using a Rectangular Transducer
A Model to Predict Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing Signals from a Flat-Bottomed Hole in Two Medium
Multi-Coil Eddy Current Probe for the Detection of Circumferential Cracks in Tubing
Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue of the Nickel Base Superalloy IN738LC for Gas Turbine Blades
Non-Contact Ultrasonic Inspection Technology of Fillet Weldments Monitoring
Fatigue Life Prediction of Heat-Aging Vulcanized Natural Rubber
Evaluation for Toughness Degradation of 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel Using Magnetic Property Measurement Method
The Application of Nondestructive Methods for Degradation Evaluation of Modified 9Cr-1Mo Steel
A Study on Material Degradation in Carbon Steel for Pressure Vessel at 179°C
Evaluation of the Ductile-Brittle Transition Behaviour of Aging Specimens by the Fracture Toughness Test
A Study on Estimation of the Pipe Fracture Characteristics
Identification of AE Source in Corrosion Process
Semi-Parametric Learning for Classification of Pitting Corrosion Detected by Acoustic Emission
Effect of Sulfuric Acid Concentration on Acoustic Emission Signals in Uniform-Corrosion
Development of a Novel Rod Compression Technique for Characterizing Local Surface Strength
Assessment of Mechanical Degradation in Pressure Vessel Steel by Morphological Analysis of Carbides
Creep Rupture Studies of Zirlo Tubing Using Ring Tensile Specimen
Fracture Toughness with Thermal Aging in CF8M/SA508 Welds
Simultaneous Measurement of Longitudinal and Transverse Waves Velocities Employing Spherically Focused Acoustic Transducer
Characterization of Material Degradation in Epoxy Film Based on Scanning Acoustic Microscopy (SAM)
Assessment of Insulation Degradation in Rotating Machines
Nondestructive Detection of Crack and Delamination of Ceramics Coating on SUS304 Stainless Steel Using ESPI Method
Experimental Study on the Fatigue Strength of the Bogie Frame for Tilting Railway Vehicles
Study for Evaluation of Surface Cracks on Tribological Coatings Failure in Contacting Systems
Fatigue Crack Propagation of Magnesium Alloy and Aluminum Alloy in Biaxial Stress Fields
Experimental Study on the Structural Safety Assessment of the Tilting Bolster Frame
Evaluation of Corrosion Fatigue Characteristics of Artificially Sensitized Austenitic Stainless Steel Using the DCPD Method
Corrosion Fatigue Characteristics of Artificially Degraded CF8A Steel in 3.5 WT.% NaCl Solution
Fatigue Crack Propagation Life of Welded Joints Related to the Statistical Characteristics of Multiple Surface Cracks
The Effect of Cavity on the Creep Fracture in P92 and P122 Steels and Its Detection by Intelligent Phased Array Ultrasound
Process Integration of Fatigue Analysis for Welded Bogie Frames
Evaluation of SCC Distribution by Means of Focusing Ultrasonic Angle Beam
Evaluation of High Temperature Characteristics in Gas Turbine Blades
Evaluation of Tensile Properties and Bending-Induced Residual Stress of Slender Copper Pipe
The Contact Fatigue Life Evaluation According to Contact Surface Removal
Sensitive Ultrasonic NDE of Tightly Closed Small Cracks in Carbon Steel Structures
Failure Analysis of Railway Wheel Tread
Experimental Study of High-Velocity Impact Characteristic of Mg Alloy Using Ballistic Range
A Study on the Improvement of Durability of a Drive Plate by Investigating the Optimum Peening Intensity
A Study on the Improvement of Durability of Gear Steel by Shot Peening
Burst Pressure Estimation of Steam Generator Tubes Based on Fracture Mechanics Analyses
Fluid Structure Interaction Analysis on Wall Thinned Pipes
Analysis of Fatigue Crack Growth in Weld Specimen Using Three-Dimensional Cohesive Zone Model
Effect of Local Strain on Low Cycle Fatigue Measured by ESPI System
Influence of Inclusion on Deformation of Crack Tip in Rotating Disc by Photoelasticity and Method of Caustics
Study on Stress Intensity Factor under Torsion Load of Double Column for Two Dissimilar Materials
Tribological Performance of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Mineral Oils under Boundary Lubricated Sliding
Residual Stress Evaluation and Its Effects on the Fatigue Life of an Autofrettaged Tube
The Evaluation of Fretting Fatigue Life for Inconel 600 and 690 Alloy
Life Prediction of High Pressure Steam Turbine Rotor
Finite Element Analysis of the Stress Intensity Factor and the Residual Stress by Cold Expansion Method in CT Specimen
Failure Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Column Using Cohesive and Adhesive Interfaces
Effect of Biaxial Static Loads on Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior under Cyclic Tensile and Torsional Loading
Plastic Limit Loads for Through-Wall Cracked Pipes Using Finite Element Limit Analysis
Degradation Depth Measurement of Polycarbonate Used by Castfilm Method
Mixed-Mode Fatigue Crack Growth in Orthotropic Steel Decks
Study on the Control and Fabrication of Thermal Fatigue Crack for Reliability Enhancement of NDT in Reactor Coolant System
Application of Laser-Generated Ultrasound for Evaluation of Thickness Reduction in Carbon Steel Pipes
A Study on Ultrasonic Testing for Nondestructive Evaluation of Thermal Fatigue Crack in Pipelines
Uniform Model and Fracture Criteria of Annularly Breached Bars under Bending
Anti-Fatigued Criterion of Annularly Breached Spindle on Mechanical Design
Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Structures Using Guided Lamb Waves
Dispersion Behaviors of Wedge Waves Propagating Along Wedges with Bilinear Cross Sections
Numerical and Experimental Studies on the Scattering of Lamb Waves in a Bent Plate
Time Reversal Technique for Ultrasonic Guided Wave Inspection
Comparison of an Array of EMATs Technique and a Magnetostrictive Sensor Technique for a Guided Wave Inspection of a Pipe
A Computational Tool for Defect Analysis in Rail with Ultrasonic Guided Waves
A Characteristic of Scattering Patterns from Defect in a Rail
SH Guided Wave Scattering in a Structure with Thickness Variation
A Wall Thinning Detection and Quantification Based on Guided Wave Mode Conversion Features
Long Range Ultrasonic Guided Wave Technique for Inspection of Pipes
Ultrasonic Guided-Wave Mode Identification in Pipe by Using Air-Coupled Transducer and Time-Frequency Analysis
Usefulness of Thermography in Evaluation of Patients with FBSS Following Radiofrequency Dorsal Root Ganglion Lesioning
Role of Intraoperative Infrared Thermography for Prediction of Successful Percutaneous Radiofrequency Sympathectomy for Palmar Hyperhidrosis
Analysis of Thermal Distribution for LCD-TV Using Infrared Camera
Infrared Thermographic Technique to Measure Corrosion in Reinforcing Bar
Thermographic Damage Detection of Ceramic Matrix Composites During Tension Testing
Correlations between the Changes of Pain and Temperature by Infrared Thermography in Central Poststroke Pain
NDT Analysis of Metal Materials with Internal Defects Using Active Infrared Thermography Method
Influence of the Thickness of the Specimen in the Infrared Hybrid Method in Consideration of Heat Conduction
Thermographic Diagnosis of Whiplash Injury with/without Radiculopathy
Far IR Emission and Thermal Properties of Ceramics Coated Fabrics by IR Thermography
Medical Thermography Evaluation of Anti-Fatigue Mat to Prevent Muscular Skeletal Disorder
Modeling of Ultrasonic Wave Propagation Path through Cancellous Bone and Quantitative Estimation of Bone Density and Bone Quality
Optical Inspection of Interfacial Thermal Strains in IC Composite Microstructures
A Study on the Fracture Characteristics of Plasma-Treated Graphite/Epoxy Laminated Composites
Matrix Crack Detection of CFRP Laminates in Cryogenic Temperature Using Electrical Resistance Change Method
The Collapse Characteristics of CFRP Hat-Shaped Section Members under Axial Compression
The Impact Collapse Characteristics of Al/CFRP Members for Light-Weight
The Penetration Characteristics of CF/Epoxy Curved Sheller According to Stacking Sequence
Ultrasonic Inspection of Carbon/ Phenolic Composites Using a Peak-Delay Measurement Method
Nondestructive Determination of Ply-Layup Error in Cured/Uncured CF/Epoxy Composites
Effective Flexibility Calculation for Beams with Periodic In-Homogeneities
Analysis of Dominant Frequencies of Glass Fiber/Aluminum Laminates during Acoustic Emission Measurement
Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Ablative Composite Liner Bonded on Steel Nozzle under Static Loading
Mechanical Property and Oxidation Behavior of LPS-SiC Materials
Carbon Nanotubes-Adsorbed Polymeric Microspheres for Electrorheological Fluids
Mechanical Properties of Silk Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites with Carbon Nanotubes
Characterization of Delamination in Laminated Composites Based on Damage Indices
Thermal Shock Damage and Mechanical Property of MoSi2 Materials by NDE Technique
Electrospun Nanofiber of Nylon 610/Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Composites
Fiber Orientation State Depending on the Injection Mold Gate Variations during FRP Injection Molding
Impact Characteristics and Damage Detection of Woven Carbon/Epoxy Laminates for Car Body Structures of a Tilting Train
NDE Characterization and Mechanical Behavior in Ceramic Matrix Composites
The Stress Concentration Factor (Kt) and Fatigue Crack Behavior on the Relative Defect Location in Monolithic Aluminum versus GLARE
Detectability of Bearing Failure of Composite Bolted Joints by Electric Resistance Change Method
Compressive Deformation Analysis of Smart Skin Structure Embedded with Round Shape Antenna
Laser-Generated Ultrasonic Technique for Inspecting Delamination in CFRP
Ultrasound Speed in Articular Cartilage under Different Bathing Saline Concentration
Fabrication of a 40 MHz Single Element Ultrasonic Transducer Using a PMN-PT Single Crystal
Pressure Distributions on the Buttocks and Thighs by Electrical Stimulation in the Sitting Posture
3D Motion Analysis on the Hallux Valgus by Using the Multi-Segment Foot Model
High Resolution One-Dimensional Dose Measurement Using a Movable Miniature Fiber-Optic Radiation Sensor
The Effect of Oxygen on Verbal Performance: An fMRI Study
Design of Femoral IM Nail by Analysis of Lateral Curve Angle
A Flat-Panel X-Ray Imaging Module for Medical Imaging and Nondestructive Testing
Assessment of Muscle Spasticity by a Simple Pendulum Test and Modeling
A Comprehensive Assessment of Motor Function for Use at Home
Functional Reorganization in Chronic Hemiparetic Patients after Training: fMRI Studies
Effects on Foot/Ankle Roll-Over Characteristics According to Different Heel Heights during Walking
Influence of a-Adrenoceptor Mediated Vasoconstriction on Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats after Exercise Training
Development of an MR-Compatible ECG Amplifier
Measurement of Elastic Properties of Self-Oscillating Gel
Label-Free DNA Detection Using a Near-Field Microwave
Monitoring of Bone Temperature during Osseous Preparation for Orthodontic Micro-Screw Implants: Effect of Motor Speed and Ressure
Glucose Biosensing Using a Near-Field Microwave Microprobe
Characterization of CMOS Pixel Detectors for Digital X-Ray Imaging
Investigation of Scintillation Screens for X-Ray Imaging
Computational Toolset for X-Ray Spectral Analysis
Model-Based Approach for Quantitative Evaluation of Spasticity
Non-Invasive Analysis of the Micro-Structural and Biomechanical Properties of Trabecular Bone in Human Femoral Head
An Automated Measurement System of Ultrasonic Properties of Tofu and Acorn Curd (Dotori Muk)
Detecting and Tracking Changes of Morphologies and Mechanical Characteristics in the Lumbar Vertebrae of OVX Rats Using RP Technique and Micro-FE Method
Measurment of Strain Generated Potential Near Bone and Implant Interface for Assessment of Osseointegration
A New Severity Index for Nondestructive Dynamic Analyses in Equinus Gait
Non-Invasive Kinematic Analysis of the Triceps Surae Muscle-Tendon Complex during a Gait
The Analysis of Slice-Induced Factors in Golf Swing Using a 3D Motion Capture System
Moment Prediction for Evaluating Stability of the Upper Cervical Spine Fixed with Wires Using Finite Element Analysis
The Development Telemedicine System for Blood Pressure Monitoring via Ethernet
Development of a Portable and Wireless Surface EMG
Development of an Algorithm for a PZT Ceramic Foot Pressure Sensor
Computer-Graphics Based Analysis of Human Foot Kinematics during the Gait
The Effects of High-Heeled Posture on COP Kinematics and Muscle Fatigue during the Balance Control of Human Body
Characterization of the Harmonic Generation from Cavitating Bubbles Interacted with a Diagnostic Ultrasound in the Focal Region of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound
Non-Invasive Analysis of Trabecular Microstructural and Biomechanical Properties in Obese OLETF Rats
Ultrasonic Characterization of Thermal Distribution in Vicinity for a Cylindrical Thermal Lesion in a Biological Tissue
A Study on the External and Internal Morphology of the Mandibular First Premolar Using a Micro-CT
Binding Inhibition Assay Using Fiber-Optic Based Biosensor for the Detection of Foodborne Pathogens
Volume Measurement by Using Helmholtz Acoustic Resonance for Porous Produce and Foods -- Real-Time Measurement of Bread Dough Volume in Fermentation Process --
Detection of Contaminants on Poultry Processing Plant Equipment Using Laser-Induced Fluorescence Imaging
Detection of Metal Contaminants in Food Using High Tc SQUIDs Magnetometer
Detection of Listeria Monocytogenes Using an Automated Fiber-Optic Biosensor: RAPTOR
Application of the X-Ray CT Technique for NDE of Wood in Field
Studies about the Influence Factors on Ultrasonic Velocity of Domestic Red Pine
NDE of Decayed Wood with Ultrasonic CT
A Real-Time Automatic Inspection System for Pattavia Pineapples
Wavelet Analysis of Ultrasonic Transmitted Signal of Apple during Storage Time
Measurement of Moisture Content in Powdered Food Using Microwave Free-Space Transmission Technique
Proper Light Array Design for the Optimum Nondestructive Evaluation of Fruit’s Internal Quality
Nondestructive Cucumber Quality Evaluation System Using Machine Vision
Internal Quality Estimation of Watermelon by Multiple Acoustic Signal Sensing
Application of Sensors to Assess Soil Conditions in a Korean Paddy Field
Development of a Portable Electronic Nose System to Analyze Flavour Signal Patterns of Kochujang
Analysis of Characteristics of In-Line Magnetic Resonance Sensor
Nondestructive Evaluation System for White Ginseng Quality Using Image Processing Technique
Determination of Tillage Depth Based on Physical Properties of Soil for Rice Production in Korea
Development of Spike Wavelet Analysis and Its Application to Damage Analysis on Gearbox
Design of Adaptive Filter for Health Monitoring on a Gearbox
A New Signal Processing Technique to Estimate Velocity Dependent Dynamic Friction Coefficient
Frequency Windowing Technique for Reducing Multi-Path Noise in Free-Field Reciprocity Microphone Calibration Method
Multi-Reference Scan-Based Nearfield Acoustical Holography
A Comparative Study on the Vibration Signal-Based Damage Detection for Rotor-Bearing System in Speed-Up Process:The Feature Extraction Approach
Design of a Time-Frequency Distribution for Vibration Monitoring under Corrosions in the Pipe
High Speed Decoding of Entropy Codes in H.264/AVC Based on a Symbol Prediction
Automated Multichannel Signal Classification Systems for Ultrasonic Nondestrucitve Evaluation
An Approach To Discrete Spectrum Correction Based on Energy Centroid
An Impact Source Localization on a Spherical Shell by Using Smoothed Wigner-Ville Distributions
Liquid Behavior in Containers with a Liquid-Packing Bag for Liquid Products Subjected to Drop Impact
Determination of Principal-Stress Directions by Three-Step Color Phase Shifting Technique
Image Processing Based Automatic Inspection for Assembly Line of Automobiles
Development of a Manipulator Free Mobile Ultrasonic C-Scan System
Fast and Accurate Color Space Conversion Matrix
Wavelet Based Multi-Bit Fingerprinting Against Geometric Distortions
Optical Properties for ZnSe Epilayer Obtained From Photoluminescience Measurement
Asymmetrical Dual Charge EPCM for Delamination Monitoring of CFRP Laminate
Luminance Change Method for Cure Monitoring of GFRP
Effect of SiO2 Cap Layer on Thermal Stability of Nickel and Nickel-Cobalt Silicide
Nondestructive Evaluation of Corrosion Progression on Titanium and Its Alloy Surface by Wetting Method
Measurement of Carboxyl Group Separated from a Thin Film Copolymerized by Low-Temperature Plasma at Atmospheric Pressure of C2H2 and CO2
Synthesis and Characterization of Ce-Doped BZT Thin Films Deposited by a RF Magnetron Sputtering Method
Evaluation of Recovery Process of Pure Magnesium at Room Temperature By Acoustic Emission
Transition of Friction and Wear by Stick-Slip Phenomenon in Various Environments under Fretting Conditions
Residual Stress Measurement and Evaluation on Ceramics with X-Ray and Indentation Method
FE Analysis of Thermoelectric Cooler Using Bi-Te-Sb Compound Alloy
Measurement of TiAlN Coating Effects on Machining Characteristics of High Hardened Steel
Effect of Anisotropy on The Thermoelectric Properties of Bi1Sb3Te6 Added with Au Alloys Prepared by Mechanical Alloying Process
Effect of Sr and Sb on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-5AI-2Si Alloys
Effect of Al on the Castability, Tensile and Creep Properties of Mg-xAl-Zn
Fracture Characteristic of Aged DLC Films Using Nano-indentation and Micro-indentation
Analysis of Residual Stress in Thin Film Using Laser Scanning Method
Evaluation of Thermal Stress Resistance of Titanium Alloy for the Air Breathing Engine
Thermal Properties of a Liquid-Crystalline Polyurethanes Containing Biphenyl Mesogen
Influence of Anisotropic Materials on Stress Intensity Factor under Biaxial Stress Conditions
Nondestructive Structural Analysis on Deformation Properties of Highly Porous Aluminum Material
High Resolution Electrical Resistance Profiling of Laboratory Soil Specimens
Strength-Based and Wave-Based Liquefaction Characterization
Evaluation of Grouting Performance Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography
Rock Mass Classification Using Electrical Resistivity - an Analytical Study
Characterization of Clay Sedimentation Using Piezoelectric Bender Elements
Textures Evolution of Rolled AA5182 Alloy Sheets after Annealing
Inspection of Thin Copper Heat Exchanger Tubes Using SQUID-NDE System
Determination of the Mechanism Based Deposition Processes of Thin Film in OLED
The Nondestructive Evaluation Method for the Optical Glass Lens by Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy
Spectrum Analysis of an Ultrasonic Signal According to a Surface Status by Using a Robust Laser-Based Ultrasonic System
Evaluation of Effect of Process Conditions on Microstructures in Plasma Sprayed Coating by In Situ Laser AE
A Study of the Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Using the Cross Type Magnetic Source and the Magnetic Camera
Numerical Analysis of Magneto-Optical Eddy Current Imaging Using FEM
Nondestructive and Non-Contact Characterization Technique for Metal Thin Films Using a Near-Field Microwave Microprobe
Measurement of Alloying Degree of Galvannealed Steels by X-Ray Diffraction
Comparisons of Precision Measurement Methods for Metallic Resistivities
Uncertainty Improvements of Metallic Resistivity Measurements by the Four-Point Probe Method
Ultrasonic Characterization of Residual Stress in Shot Peened AI 7075 Alloy Using Acoustic Signature
The Influence of Microstructure and Chemical Composition on the Strength of Cast Iron Used for Railway Vehicles
Evaluation of Surface and Internal Defects of Railway Wheel using Induced Current Focusing Potential Drop
Durability Evaluations of the Car Body for Rubber-Tired Light Rail Vehicles
Structural Safety Evaluations of Bogie Frames for Rubber-Tired AGT Vehichles
The Evolution of Contact Stress and Surface Profile in Press-Fitted Shaft under Partial Slip Conditions
A Study on the Evaluation Methods of Running Safety for Railway Vehicle
Statistical Analysis of Casting Defects in Microstructure for Understanding the Effect on Fatigue Property of 17-4PH Stainless Steel
Consideration of Uncertainty in Diagnosis for Railway Arrester
Detection and Image Processing of Interfacial Micro-Delamination in the Thin-Layered Structure by Using Nonlinear Ultrasonic Effect
Application of Ultrasonic Test System for Test Performance Improvement of Welding Flaw
Failure Analysis and Evaluation of Strength Properties for Brazed Joints
Risk Assessment of Axially Loaded Single Piles using RSM-based Reliability Method
Formulation of Reliability-Based Fatigue Assessment of a Car Body for a High Speed Train Passing Through Tunnels
Reliability Assessment Approach Using Failure Mode Analysis in Machining Center
A Development of a New Life Test Procedure for Fan Motors
Reliability of Buried Pipeline Using FORM and Monte Carlo Simulation
The Tribological Behaviors of the Surfaces Lubricated by Polyaklylene Glycol and Polyolester Oils in Carbon Dioxide Environment
Tribological Performance of Two Oilless Sintered-Metal Bearings for the Geared Motor in a Refrigerator
Gear Fault Classification Using Kernel Discriminant Analysis
The Effect of the Operational Conditions on the Quantitative Leak Rate of Leak Detectors
The Effect of Parameter Distribution Pattern on Frequency Response Localization in Nearly Periodic Systems
Reliability Analysis of a Robot Manipulator Operation Employing Single Monte-Carlo Simulation
Risk Based Optimization of the Life Assessment for Fossil Power Plant
Determination of the Hydrogen Concentration in Zr-2.5Nb Alloy by a Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy
Probabilistic Reliability Design of Satellite Structures under Launching Environments By Metamodel
Characteristics of Stick Regions in Frictional Vibration with a Compressed Nonlinear Spring
Evaluation of the Ride Comfort for High Speed Trains in Korea
A Study on the Method of Vibration Analysis for Korean High Speed Train by the On-Line Test
Dynamic Analysis and Fatigue Life Prediction of a Very Flexible Component in Multibody System
Dynamic Stress Analysis Method and Its Application for Urethane Wheels Using the Computer Model
A Study on the Surface Characteristics with the Vibration Factor in the Micro-Machine
Measurement of Low-Frequency Wave Propagation in a Railway Contact Wire with Dispersive Characteristics Using Wavelet Transform
The Identification of Relationship between Vibration and Noise of Universal Motor in Working Status
Characteristics of Crack Detection on Plates Using Strain Mode Shapes; Sensor Grids and Geometry
Analysis of Vibration Caused by Ball Bearing in a HDD Spindle System at Elevated Temperature
Robust Measurement of Damping Ratios of a Railway Contact Wire Using Wavelet Transforms
A Diagnostic Technique for the Inspection of Pipes in MOCVD System
Image Reconstruction of Blockage in the Continuous and Stepped Pipelines by Noninvasive Acoustic Method
Nonlinear Structural Dynamic Analyses of Micro Cantilever Beams Actuated by Electrostatic Force
Dynamic Impact Analysis of a Rotating Beam Having a Tip Mass
Dynamic Stability Characteristics of Axially Accelerated Beams
Portable Neutron Source Using by Spherically Convergent Beam Fusion Device for Nondestructive Testing
Application of Spectroscopic Radiography Using Pulsed Neutron Time-of-Flight Method for Material Characterization
Nondestructive SANS Study of Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel after Irradiation
Nondestructive Dynamic Process Monitoring Using Electrical Capacitance Tomography
Interfacial Reaction of Cu-Tie Coating-Polyimide Flexible Copper Clad Laminates
Evaluation of Shockproofness of Small Form Factor Mobile TFT-LCD
Preparation and Characterization of Nanosized Al2O3 Particles Synthesized by the thermal MOCVD and Plasma CVD
Growth of Highly Oriented Zinc Oxide Thin Films by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
Optical Emission Spectra Related to Microstructures of Diamond Film Deposited by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
Thermal Diffusivity and Phase Transition of Rare Earth Manganites
Preparation and Characterization of Polymer Light Emitting Diodes with ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MEH-PPV/LiF/Al Structure
(110) Silicon Hard Master Fabrication Using Wet Etching for Multi-Mode Planar Optical Splitter
Development of In-Situ SUB-100nm Particle Detection in Vacuum System
Ultrasonic Measurement of Elastic Properties of Nanostructured Alumina
A Study on the Measurement System Using an Ultrasonic Sensor in Electron Beam Welding
Reliability of Flip Chip Package with Underfills under Thermal Shock
The Evaluation of Weldability for AZ31B-H24 and AZ91C-F Mg Alloys in Friction Stir Welding
Study on Evaluation of AE Signals at Weld Region of SA 516 Steel
The Study on Mechanical Properties in Narrow-Gap Welds for SA312 TP347
Numerical Simulation of Al-SPCC Weldment
The Weldability of Primer-Coated Steel for Shipbuilding by CO2 Laser
Implementation of Performance Demonstration Programs for Steam Generator Tubing Analysts
Comparison between Conventional and Performance Demonstration UT Method by Round Robin Test
Development of a Partial Blockage Detection Algorithm through Temperature Fluctuation Analyses in a Liquid Metal Reactor