Lee / Sloan / Tanaka | All-Star 1 Student Book | Buch | 978-0-07-284664-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 215 mm x 274 mm, Gewicht: 480 g

Lee / Sloan / Tanaka

All-Star 1 Student Book

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 215 mm x 274 mm, Gewicht: 480 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-284664-5
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

All-Star is a four-level, standards-based series for adult English learners featuring a picture-dictionary approach to vocabulary building. Big picture scenes in each unit provide springboards to a wealth of activities that develop all the language skills.An accessible, step-by-step sequence of lessons in each unit systemically builds language and math skills around life-skill topics. The series presents a family, work, or community application in each unit, and provides two alternate lesson applications in each of the All Star Workbooks.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Unit 1: Getting StartedLesson 1 – Where are you from?Lesson 2 – Where’s your notebook?Lesson 3 – Read page 6.Lesson 4 – Application FormsLesson 5 – Nice to meet you.Lesson 6 – OccupationsLesson 7 – What do you know?Spotlight: GrammarUnit 2: PlacesLesson 1 – Where’s the post office?Lesson 2 – It’s next to the drugstore.Lesson 3 – Is there an ATM around here?Lesson 4 – MapsLesson 5 – Is there a restaurant near here?Lesson 6 – The Public LibraryLesson 7 – What do you know?Spotlight: WritingUnit 3: Time and MoneyLesson 1 – What time is it?Lesson 2 – Is the library open on Monday?Lesson 3 – It’s five cents.Lesson 4 – ChecksLesson 5 – Thank you for calling.Lesson 6 – Business HoursLesson 7 – What do you know?Spotlight: GrammarUnit 4: CalendarsLesson 1 – When is your birthday?Lesson 2 - The party is on Sunday.Lesson 3 – What’s the date?Lesson 4 – HolidaysLesson 5 – I need to cancel my appointment.Lesson 6 – School CalendarsLesson 7 – What do you know?Spotlight: WritingUnit 5: ClothingLesson 1 – Shirts, Skirts, and SweatersLesson 2 – I’m looking for children’s clothes.Lesson 3 – What size is it?Lesson 4 – A FolktaleLesson 5 – It’s too short.Lesson 6 – Work ClothesLesson 7 – What do you know?Spotlight: GrammarUnit 6: FoodLesson 1 – Noodles are delicious.Lesson 2 – Do you sell rice?Lesson 3 – How much is it?Lesson 4 – Store FlyersLesson 5 – Is milk on sale?Lesson 6 – The Food PyramidLesson 7 – What do you know?Spotlight: WritingUnit 7: FamiliesLesson 1 – What’s your brother’s name?Lesson 2 – I usually cook dinner.Lesson 3 – What do you do for fun?Lesson 4 – Family PortraitsLesson 5 – Just a minute, please.Lesson 6 – The Garcia’s Family Expenses.Lesson 7 – What do you know?Spotlight: GrammarUnit 8: HealthLesson 1 – Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes Lesson 2 – I have a bad headache.Lesson 3 – Put ice on it.Lesson 4 – Safety WarningsLesson 5 – I need an ambulance.Lesson 6 – Places at a HospitalLesson 7 – What do you know?Spotlight: WritingUnit 9: House and HomeLesson 1 – Their new house has 3 bedrooms.Lesson 2 – The Lees’ old house had a garage.Lesson 3 – He fell down the stairs.Lesson 4 – Housing AdsLesson 5 – I’m calling about the house.Lesson 6 – Paying BillsLesson 7 – What do you know?Spotlight: GrammarUnit 10: WorkLesson 1 – Can you use a computer? Lesson 2 – Do you have experience?Lesson 3 – Tell me about yourself.Lesson 4 – The Amazing Story of Mr. KaziLesson 5 – Why did you leave your last job?Lesson 6 – Job ApplicationsLesson 7 – What do you know?Spotlight: Writing

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