E-Book, Englisch, 1880 Seiten
Lee Textures of Materials - ICOTOM 13
Erscheinungsjahr 2002
ISBN: 978-3-0357-0574-4
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection
E-Book, Englisch, 1880 Seiten
ISBN: 978-3-0357-0574-4
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection
Weitere Infos & Material
Evolution of Recrystallization Textures - Classical Approaches and Recent Advances
Structure and Formation of Polymer Single Crystal Textures
Texturing and Grain Boundary Engineering for Materials Design and Development in the 21st Century
From 2D to 3D Microtexture Investigations
Tools for Polycrystal Plasticity Analyses
Texture Development in Thin Films
20 Years WIMV, History, Experience and Contemporary Developments
New Concepts to Measure, Calculate and Analyze Textures in Materials
On the Development of New Scalar Measures of Heterogeneity
X-Ray Combined QTA Using a CPS Applied to a Ferroelectric Ultrastructure
Development of Grain-Orientation-Dependent Residual Stresses in Interstitial-Free Steel after Deformation
Stereology for Recovering Grain Boundary Plane Distributions in the Crystal Frame
Interactive and Quantitative Texture Determination by Consecutive Inverse Pole Figures
Texture and Microstructure Analysis with High-Energy Synchrotron Radiation
Some Remarks about the Processing of Automatic EBSD Orientation Measurements in View of Texture Determination
Non-Destructive Texture Measurement
Recrystallization and DeformationTexture Components Separating by High-Energy X-Ray Diffraction
Local Texture Measurements with High-Energy Synchrotron Radiation on NiAl Deformed in Torsion
Quantitative Texture Analysis with Hard (100 keV) Synchrotron X-Rays
Neutron Diffraction Texture Study of NdFeB As-Cast Alloys and Magnets
Measurement of Grain-Orientation-Dependent Stress and Stored Energy Using Spallation Neutron Source
Non-Destructive Texture Analysis of a Co-Extruded Cu-Nb Tube
Attenuation Corrections in Neutron Texture Experiment
Optimization of Neutron Texture Experiment by Statistical Simulation of Pole Figures with Normal Distribution
Orientation Correction Method of Distorted Samples during in situ Deformations Using a High Resolution EBSD
Orientation Maps on TEM
The Quantitative Analysis of Composite Materials by the RIETVELD Method with Texture Correction
Characterisation of Orientation Noise during EBSP Investigation of Deformed Samples
Investigation of Online Texture Measurement in Steel Sheets Based on X-Ray Area Detector
Controlled Depth Penetration X-Ray Diffraction Measurement
Quantitative Surface Roughness Determination of Materials by AFM: Some Limitations
On the Use of RMS Roughness for Surface Roughness Characterization
Texture Development Dependence on Grain Boundary Properties
A Texture Component Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Method for Scalable Large Strain Anisotropy Simulations
The Relation between Texture, Twinning and Mechanical Properties in Hexagonal Aggregates
Atomistic Model of Rapidly Moving Grain Boundaries in FCC Metals
Theory of Orientation Gradients
Influence of Grain Neighbourhood on FCC Texture Simulations
Lattice Rotations of Individual Bulk Grains during Deformation
Prediction of Texture Development during Grain Growth in Pure Aluminum by Monte Carlo Simulation
Spin of a Grain in Interaction with Differently Deformed Neighbors by Compatibility Condition
Successive Selection of Active Slip Systems by the Least Incompatibility Criterion and Corresponding Texture Simulation
Polycrystal Deformation Model Incorporating the Shape and Spatial Coordination of Constitutive Crystals
Learning with METIS: Pole Figures and Euler Space
Modeling Texture and Void Evolution in Polycrystals
Influence of Selective Inactive Glide Plane on Texture Formation in Cold Rolling of Face Centered Cubic Metal
A Model of Recrystallization Process in Motor Lamination Silicon Steel
SELF-CON: A Self Consistent Software Package for Micromechanical Simulations
Why Spin Sharing Seems to be Successful in Texture Simulations?
Exploring Self-Consistent Models as a Source for Recrystallization Simulation
Using Evolutionary Size Distributions to Model Recrystallization in Hot Rolled, Commercial Purity Aluminum Alloys
Can we Relate the FCC Rolling Texture Transition to Cross Slip?
Finite Element Simulation of Grain Interaction and Orientation Fragmentation during Plastic Deformation of BCC Metals
Prediction of Deformation and Texture Evolution in the Vicinity of a Hard Particle in an FCC Crystal
Mathematical Insights for Rate-Dependent Slip Model in Crystal Plasticity
Finite Element Modeling of the Intragranular Reorientation and Stored Energy Induced by Deformation in an IF-Ti Steel Aggregate Submitted to Channel Die Compression
Modeling of Recrystallization Using Monte-Carlo Method Based on EBSD Data
Simulation of Ridging of Ferritic Stainless Steel Using Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Method
Evaluation of Local and Global Elastic Properties of Textured Polycrystals by Means of FEM
Monte Carlo Simulation for Abnormal Grain Growth during Nucleation
Creating a Model for Percolation of Grain Boundaries in Polycrystalline Materials
Nucleation Spectra for Recrystallization Simulated with the Grain Interaction Model for Deformation Textures
Grain Subdivision and Local Texture Evolution Studied by Means of a Coupled Substructure-Texture Evolution Model
FEM-Aided Taylor Simulations of Radial Texture Gradient in Wire Drawing
Analysis and Modelling of a Variant Selection Mechanism Occurring by Phase Transformation of HSLA Steel Produced by Compact Strip Production
Recrystallization Textures Modelling of Steels
Torsional Modelisation of the Torsion Texture of Steel Cord
A New Formulation for the Elastic-Viscoplastic Lower Bound and Intermediate Modeling for Polycrystalline Plasticity
Monte Carlo Technique for Simulation of Recrystallization Texture in Interstitial Free Steels
Taylor-Type Simulation of the Rolling Texture of Pure Aluminum Taking into Account the Initial Texture
Higher Order Twinning and Microstructure Evolution
Spectral Integration of Microstructure and Design
Determination of S3 Boundary Planes in Bulk Copper Samples with Different Textures
Characterization of Cold Drawn Gold bonding Wire with EBSD
Influence of Substrate Texture on the Galvannealed Coating by EBSD
Advanced Characterization of Twins Using Automated Electron Backscatter Diffraction
Microtextural Inhomogeneity during Thermomechanical Processing of Coarse-Grained Niobium
Automatic Orientation Measurements in TEM for Studying Fe-Ni Recrystallization Mechanisms
Microtexture Measurement of Copper Damascene Line with EBSD
High-Resolution EBSD Analysis of Deformed Material
Deformation and Annealing Behaviour of Two Ni3Al Based Alloys
Strain Rate Effects on Texture Evolution in OFE Copper
Thermo-Mechanical Processing of Forged Tantalum Analyzed by OIM and X-Ray Diffraction
Local Strain Heterogeneities after Cold Rolling of an Ultra Low Carbon Steel
Deformation Texture of Cold Drawn Al6063 Tube
In Situ Deformation Behavior of Retained Austenite in TRIP Steel
Preferred Orientation Formation in Sheets Worked by Continuous Cyclic Bending
A Method of Determination of Stored Energy in Single and Dual Phase Cold Rolled Materials
Texture and Deformation Structure Evolution during Rolling of Individual Grains of Columnar Grain Nickel
Analysis of Compression Textures of Aluminum and Nickel Rods
Local Texture Evolution during Rolling Deformation of Single Crystals of {100} Orientation
Texture Development in Ni-Co Alloys Rolled to Moderate Reductions
Texture Formation with Different Rolling Modes in Copper
Microband Formation in an IF Steel during Cold Rolling at Low Strain Levels
Effect of Deformation Path on Torsion Texture and Stored Energy of Copper Rods
Rolling and Annealing Textures of Dispersion Strengthened Copper Strips
Effects of Shear Strain and Drawing Pass on the Texture Development in Copper Wire
Yield Vertices of BCC Crystals for {110}, {112} and {123} Multiple Slip
Comparison of Torsion Textures to Rolling Textures
Monte Carlo Simulation of Grain Growth in Zr Processed by ECAP
Evolution of Texture in Zr and Ti Grain-Refined by ECAP
Textural and Microstructural Characterization of Equal Channel Angular Pressed Nickel
Texture in Equal-Channel Angular Pressed Aluminum and Nickel
Texture Evolutions of 5052 Aluminum Alloy Sheets Processed by Dissimilar Channel Angular Pressing
Texture Analysis of Aluminum Plate Produced by ECAP
Heterogeneous Microstructures and Microtextures in Al Processed by ECAE
Calculation of Deformation Behavior and Texture Evolution during Equal Channel Angular Pressing of IF Steel Using Dislocation Based Modeling of Strain Hardening
Neutron Diffraction Study of Texture and Stored Energy in ECA Pressed Copper
Study of the GBCD for the Grain Growth Areas on Pure Cu Samples Extruded by Means of ECAE
Microtexture of Lamellar Structures in Al Heavily Deformed by Accumulative Roll-Bonding (ARB)
Microstructure and Texture Evolution during Annealing of an Aluminium ARB Material
Texture Properties of AA8011 Aluminum Alloy Sheet Manufactured by the Accumulative Roll Bonding Process(ARB)
Texture Evolution and Grain Refinement in Al Deformed to Ultra-High Strains by Accumulative Roll Bonding (ARB)
Formation and Control of the Cube Texture in Fe-Ni Alloys
Annealing Texture, Do We Understand It?
Twin Nucleation at Triple Junction during Hot Deformation of Copper Polycrystal
Dynamic Recrystallization at Triple Junction during High-Temperature Deformation in Copper Tricrystal
Orientation Aspects of the Nucleation of Recrystallization in FCC Metals and Alloys with Low Stacking Fault Energies
Orientation Dependence of Recrystallization in Aluminum
Non-Oriented Silicon Steel Recrystallization Texture Study
Deformation Microtexture and Recrystallized Orientations in Non-Oriented Electrical Steel Observed by High-Resolution EBSD
Development of Cube Texture during Industrial Processing of High Purity Aluminum Foil Obtained with 99% Volume Fraction of Cube Component
An EBSD Study of Static Recrystallization of Cold-Rolled Zircaloy-4 Sheets
Texture Analysis of Copper Bonding Wire
Early Stages of the Recrystallization Texture Formation in {112} - Oriented Silver Single Crystals
Study of Annealing Texture Components in High Purity Aluminums
Influence of the Primary Recrystallization Texture on Abnormal Grain Growth of Goss Grains in Grain Oriented Electrical Steels
Microstructure and Texture Analysis in Twin-Roll Strip Cast Fe-36wt%Ni Alloy
Investigation of Recrystallization Texture Evolution during Annealing of Hot Deformed AA3104 Alloy
Statistical Analysis on the Development of Recrystallization Texture in IF Steel
Formation of Recrystallization Textures after Hot Working of AA2014 and AA6063
Influence of the Rolling Reduction on Static Recrystallization in Copper
Nucleation in Rolled BCC Metals
Nucleation, Surface-Energy-Induced Selective Grain Growth and Final Texture in 3% Silicon Steel
Formation Mechanism of Recrystallization Nuclei in Polycrystalline a-Fe
Monitoring of Primary Recrystallization in Aluminum Alloy by Resonance EMAT Spectroscopy
Simulated Nucleation Textures of Recrystallization during Multiple Pass Hot Rolling of Aluminium Alloys
Orientation Distribution in Dynamically Recrystallized Nickel
Recrystallization Texture of a Copper Electrodeposit with the and Duplex Orientation
Recrystallization Textures in some Hexagonal Alloys
Recrystallization Textures in Coarse Grained Low Carbon and Interstitial Free Steels
Deformation and Annealing Textures of Drawn Aluminum Bronze Wires
Texture Evolution during the Annealing of Nanocrystalline Permalloy
Texture Evolution and Wear Properties of Nanocrystalline Ni-P Electrodeposits
Orientation Dependence of Grain Growth in a Nanocrystalline Ni Foil
Texture Evolution in Grain Growth of Nanocrystalline Ni
Annealing Texture in Thermal Stability of Ultrafine-Grained Ni
Abnormal Grain Growth in Silicon Steel
Texture Development in Zn-1.1%Al Alloy under Strong Magnetic Field
Consideration of Neighbour Effect by Introducing a Limiting Radius for the Neighbourhood in Fe-3%Si Grain Growth
Sulfur Segregation and Surface-Energy-Induced Selective Growth in Ultra-Thin 3% Silicon-Iron Alloys
Effect of Grain Boundary Character on Selective Growth of Goss Grain in Fe-3%Si Alloy
Mechanism of Discontinuous Subgrain Growth in As-Deformed Aluminium Single Crystals
Effect of Deformation-Induced Intragranular Microstructure on Plastic Anisotropy and Deformation Textures
The Role of Texture in Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Metals and Alloys
Texture Effects on Zircaloy Oxidation: Experiment and Simulation
Microtextural Analyses of the Ni/NiO System after High Temperature Oxidation
The Influence of the Texture and Microstructure of a Zr-2.5Nb Substrate upon the Oxidation Kinetics
The Influence of Substrate Texture on the Oxidation Kinetics of Copper
The Role of Textures in the Corrosion Resistance of Electrogalvanized Zn Coatings
Texture and Corrosion Mechanisms in Aluminized Steel Sheet
Effects of Cathodic Polarization on the Pitting Behavior of Aluminum Single Crystals in Hydrochloric Acid Solution
Effect of Texture on the Corrosion Behaviour of High Purity Aluminum
Magnetic Properties of Fe-3%Si Sheets Having Ideal Orientations
Anisotropic Magnetization Curve Simulation of an Easy-Plane Ferrimagnetic ErMn4Fe8C Carbide from Orientation Distribution Data
Magnetic Alignment and Crystallographic Texture Relationships in Permanent NdFeB Magnets
Texture Development and Texture Influence on the Mechanical Properties of the Mg-Alloy AZ31
Effect of C on the R-Value Anisotropy of Ti-Added IF Steels
Through-Thickness Texture Inhomogeneity and its Effect on Formability in IF Steel Sheets
Macroscopic Texture and Anisotropy in Ti-Added IF Steels
The Evolution of the Elastic Properties of FCC Polycrystals Due to Texture Evolution
The Influence of Tandem Rolling Process Parameters on the Texture and Earing Behaviour of AA1050
Calculation of Plastic Strain Ratio of Deep-Drawing Steel Sheets from Texture
Evaluation of the Plastic Strain Distribution of Pearlitic Wires during Torsion
Plastic Strain Ratios of Fe and Ni Electrodeposits
The Effect of Texture on the Pseudoelasticity of CuZnAl Shape Memory Alloy Sheet
Texture and Shape Memory Effect of TiNi Alloy Produced from Ti/Ni Laminated Sheets
An Example of Texture Influence in Stress Analysis
Effects of Textures on Hydrogen Diffusion in Nickel
Texture Formation and Distribution of