Lee | Textures of Materials - ICOTOM 13 | Sonstiges | 978-3-03859-890-9 | sack.de

Sonstiges, Englisch, 1880 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g


Textures of Materials - ICOTOM 13

Erscheinungsjahr 2002
ISBN: 978-3-03859-890-9
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Sonstiges, Englisch, 1880 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

ISBN: 978-3-03859-890-9
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Texture is a fundamental material characteristic which results from the microstructural evolution that takes place during various processes, including the thermomechanical deformation of materials. Therefore, texture-related phenomena will continue to be of great importance, because of their scientific interest as well as their effect upon industrial applications, in the 21st century.

Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).

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Weitere Infos & Material

Evolution of Recrystallization Textures - Classical Approaches and Recent AdvancesStructure and Formation of Polymer Single Crystal TexturesTexturing and Grain Boundary Engineering for Materials Design and Development in the 21st CenturyFrom 2D to 3D Microtexture InvestigationsTools for Polycrystal Plasticity AnalysesTexture Development in Thin Films20 Years WIMV, History, Experience and Contemporary DevelopmentsNew Concepts to Measure, Calculate and Analyze Textures in MaterialsOn the Development of New Scalar Measures of HeterogeneityX-Ray Combined QTA Using a CPS Applied to a Ferroelectric UltrastructureDevelopment of Grain-Orientation-Dependent Residual Stresses in Interstitial-Free Steel after DeformationStereology for Recovering Grain Boundary Plane Distributions in the Crystal FrameInteractive and Quantitative Texture Determination by Consecutive Inverse Pole FiguresTexture and Microstructure Analysis with High-Energy Synchrotron RadiationSome Remarks about the Processing of Automatic EBSD Orientation Measurements in View of Texture DeterminationNon-Destructive Texture MeasurementRecrystallization and DeformationTexture Components Separating by High-Energy X-Ray DiffractionLocal Texture Measurements with High-Energy Synchrotron Radiation on NiAl Deformed in TorsionQuantitative Texture Analysis with Hard (100 keV) Synchrotron X-RaysNeutron Diffraction Texture Study of NdFeB As-Cast Alloys and MagnetsMeasurement of Grain-Orientation-Dependent Stress and Stored Energy Using Spallation Neutron SourceNon-Destructive Texture Analysis of a Co-Extruded Cu-Nb TubeAttenuation Corrections in Neutron Texture ExperimentOptimization of Neutron Texture Experiment by Statistical Simulation of Pole Figures with Normal DistributionOrientation Correction Method of Distorted Samples during in situ Deformations Using a High Resolution EBSDOrientation Maps on TEMThe Quantitative Analysis of Composite Materials by the RIETVELD Method with Texture CorrectionCharacterisation of Orientation Noise during EBSP Investigation of Deformed SamplesInvestigation of Online Texture Measurement in Steel Sheets Based on X-Ray Area DetectorControlled Depth Penetration X-Ray Diffraction MeasurementQuantitative Surface Roughness Determination of Materials by AFM: Some LimitationsOn the Use of RMS Roughness for Surface Roughness CharacterizationTexture Development Dependence on Grain Boundary PropertiesA Texture Component Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Method for Scalable Large Strain Anisotropy SimulationsThe Relation between Texture, Twinning and Mechanical Properties in Hexagonal AggregatesAtomistic Model of Rapidly Moving Grain Boundaries in FCC MetalsTheory of Orientation GradientsInfluence of Grain Neighbourhood on FCC Texture SimulationsLattice Rotations of Individual Bulk Grains during DeformationPrediction of Texture Development during Grain Growth in Pure Aluminum by Monte Carlo SimulationSpin of a Grain in Interaction with Differently Deformed Neighbors by Compatibility ConditionSuccessive Selection of Active Slip Systems by the Least Incompatibility Criterion and Corresponding Texture SimulationPolycrystal Deformation Model Incorporating the Shape and Spatial Coordination of Constitutive CrystalsLearning with METIS: Pole Figures and Euler SpaceModeling Texture and Void Evolution in PolycrystalsInfluence of Selective Inactive Glide Plane on Texture Formation in Cold Rolling of Face Centered Cubic MetalA Model of Recrystallization Process in Motor Lamination Silicon SteelSELF-CON: A Self Consistent Software Package for Micromechanical SimulationsWhy Spin Sharing Seems to be Successful in Texture Simulations?Exploring Self-Consistent Models as a Source for Recrystallization SimulationUsing Evolutionary Size Distributions to Model Recrystallization in Hot Rolled, Commercial Purity Aluminum AlloysCan we Relate the FCC Rolling Texture Transition to Cross Slip?Finite Element Simulation of Grain Interaction and Orientation Fragmentation during Plastic Deformation of BCC MetalsPrediction of Deformation and Texture Evolution in the Vicinity of a Hard Particle in an FCC CrystalMathematical Insights for Rate-Dependent Slip Model in Crystal PlasticityFinite Element Modeling of the Intragranular Reorientation and Stored Energy Induced by Deformation in an IF-Ti Steel Aggregate Submitted to Channel Die CompressionModeling of Recrystallization Using Monte-Carlo Method Based on EBSD DataSimulation of Ridging of Ferritic Stainless Steel Using Crystal Plasticity Finite Element MethodEvaluation of Local and Global Elastic Properties of Textured Polycrystals by Means of FEMMonte Carlo Simulation for Abnormal Grain Growth during NucleationCreating a Model for Percolation of Grain Boundaries in Polycrystalline MaterialsNucleation Spectra for Recrystallization Simulated with the Grain Interaction Model for Deformation TexturesGrain Subdivision and Local Texture Evolution Studied by Means of a Coupled Substructure-Texture Evolution ModelFEM-Aided Taylor Simulations of Radial Texture Gradient in Wire DrawingAnalysis and Modelling of a Variant Selection Mechanism Occurring by Phase Transformation of HSLA Steel Produced by Compact Strip ProductionRecrystallization Textures Modelling of SteelsTorsional Modelisation of the Torsion Texture of Steel CordA New Formulation for the Elastic-Viscoplastic Lower Bound and Intermediate Modeling for Polycrystalline PlasticityMonte Carlo Technique for Simulation of Recrystallization Texture in Interstitial Free SteelsTaylor-Type Simulation of the Rolling Texture of Pure Aluminum Taking into Account the Initial TextureHigher Order Twinning and Microstructure EvolutionSpectral Integration of Microstructure and DesignDetermination of S3 Boundary Planes in Bulk Copper Samples with Different TexturesCharacterization of Cold Drawn Gold bonding Wire with EBSDInfluence of Substrate Texture on the Galvannealed Coating by EBSDAdvanced Characterization of Twins Using Automated Electron Backscatter DiffractionMicrotextural Inhomogeneity during Thermomechanical Processing of Coarse-Grained NiobiumAutomatic Orientation Measurements in TEM for Studying Fe-Ni Recrystallization MechanismsMicrotexture Measurement of Copper Damascene Line with EBSDHigh-Resolution EBSD Analysis of Deformed MaterialDeformation and Annealing Behaviour of Two Ni3Al Based AlloysStrain Rate Effects on Texture Evolution in OFE CopperThermo-Mechanical Processing of Forged Tantalum Analyzed by OIM and X-Ray DiffractionLocal Strain Heterogeneities after Cold Rolling of an Ultra Low Carbon SteelDeformation Texture of Cold Drawn Al6063 TubeIn Situ Deformation Behavior of Retained Austenite in TRIP SteelPreferred Orientation Formation in Sheets Worked by Continuous Cyclic BendingA Method of Determination of Stored Energy in Single and Dual Phase Cold Rolled MaterialsTexture and Deformation Structure Evolution during Rolling of Individual Grains of Columnar Grain NickelAnalysis of Compression Textures of Aluminum and Nickel RodsLocal Texture Evolution during Rolling Deformation of Single Crystals of {100} OrientationTexture Development in Ni-Co Alloys Rolled to Moderate ReductionsTexture Formation with Different Rolling Modes in CopperMicroband Formation in an IF Steel during Cold Rolling at Low Strain LevelsEffect of Deformation Path on Torsion Texture and Stored Energy of Copper RodsRolling and Annealing Textures of Dispersion Strengthened Copper StripsEffects of Shear Strain and Drawing Pass on the Texture Development in Copper WireYield Vertices of BCC Crystals for {110}, {112} and {123} Multiple SlipComparison of Torsion Textures to Rolling TexturesMonte Carlo Simulation of Grain Growth in Zr Processed by ECAPEvolution of Texture in Zr and Ti Grain-Refined by ECAPTextural and Microstructural Characterization of Equal Channel Angular Pressed NickelTexture in Equal-Channel Angular Pressed Aluminum and NickelTexture Evolutions of 5052 Aluminum Alloy Sheets Processed by Dissimilar Channel Angular PressingTexture Analysis of Aluminum Plate Produced by ECAPHeterogeneous Microstructures and Microtextures in Al Processed by ECAECalculation of Deformation Behavior and Texture Evolution during Equal Channel Angular Pressing of IF Steel Using Dislocation Based Modeling of Strain HardeningNeutron Diffraction Study of Texture and Stored Energy in ECA Pressed CopperStudy of the GBCD for the Grain Growth Areas on Pure Cu Samples Extruded by Means of ECAEMicrotexture of Lamellar Structures in Al Heavily Deformed by Accumulative Roll-Bonding (ARB)Microstructure and Texture Evolution during Annealing of an Aluminium ARB MaterialTexture Properties of AA8011 Aluminum Alloy Sheet Manufactured by the Accumulative Roll Bonding Process(ARB)Texture Evolution and Grain Refinement in Al Deformed to Ultra-High Strains by Accumulative Roll Bonding (ARB)Formation and Control of the Cube Texture in Fe-Ni AlloysAnnealing Texture, Do We Understand It?Twin Nucleation at Triple Junction during Hot Deformation of Copper PolycrystalDynamic Recrystallization at Triple Junction during High-Temperature Deformation in Copper TricrystalOrientation Aspects of the Nucleation of Recrystallization in FCC Metals and Alloys with Low Stacking Fault EnergiesOrientation Dependence of Recrystallization in AluminumNon-Oriented Silicon Steel Recrystallization Texture StudyDeformation Microtexture and Recrystallized Orientations in Non-Oriented Electrical Steel Observed by High-Resolution EBSDDevelopment of Cube Texture during Industrial Processing of High Purity Aluminum Foil Obtained with 99% Volume Fraction of Cube ComponentAn EBSD Study of Static Recrystallization of Cold-Rolled Zircaloy-4 SheetsTexture Analysis of Copper Bonding WireEarly Stages of the Recrystallization Texture Formation in {112} - Oriented Silver Single CrystalsStudy of Annealing Texture Components in High Purity AluminumsInfluence of the Primary Recrystallization Texture on Abnormal Grain Growth of Goss Grains in Grain Oriented Electrical SteelsMicrostructure and Texture Analysis in Twin-Roll Strip Cast Fe-36wt%Ni AlloyInvestigation of Recrystallization Texture Evolution during Annealing of Hot Deformed AA3104 AlloyStatistical Analysis on the Development of Recrystallization Texture in IF SteelFormation of Recrystallization Textures after Hot Working of AA2014 and AA6063Influence of the Rolling Reduction on Static Recrystallization in CopperNucleation in Rolled BCC MetalsNucleation, Surface-Energy-Induced Selective Grain Growth and Final Texture in 3% Silicon SteelFormation Mechanism of Recrystallization Nuclei in Polycrystalline a-FeMonitoring of Primary Recrystallization in Aluminum Alloy by Resonance EMAT SpectroscopySimulated Nucleation Textures of Recrystallization during Multiple Pass Hot Rolling of Aluminium AlloysOrientation Distribution in Dynamically Recrystallized NickelRecrystallization Texture of a Copper Electrodeposit with the and Duplex OrientationRecrystallization Textures in some Hexagonal AlloysRecrystallization Textures in Coarse Grained Low Carbon and Interstitial Free SteelsDeformation and Annealing Textures of Drawn Aluminum Bronze WiresTexture Evolution during the Annealing of Nanocrystalline PermalloyTexture Evolution and Wear Properties of Nanocrystalline Ni-P ElectrodepositsOrientation Dependence of Grain Growth in a Nanocrystalline Ni FoilTexture Evolution in Grain Growth of Nanocrystalline NiAnnealing Texture in Thermal Stability of Ultrafine-Grained NiAbnormal Grain Growth in Silicon SteelTexture Development in Zn-1.1%Al Alloy under Strong Magnetic FieldConsideration of Neighbour Effect by Introducing a Limiting Radius for the Neighbourhood in Fe-3%Si Grain GrowthSulfur Segregation and Surface-Energy-Induced Selective Growth in Ultra-Thin 3% Silicon-Iron AlloysEffect of Grain Boundary Character on Selective Growth of Goss Grain in Fe-3%Si AlloyMechanism of Discontinuous Subgrain Growth in As-Deformed Aluminium Single CrystalsEffect of Deformation-Induced Intragranular Microstructure on Plastic Anisotropy and Deformation TexturesThe Role of Texture in Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Metals and AlloysTexture Effects on Zircaloy Oxidation: Experiment and SimulationMicrotextural Analyses of the Ni/NiO System after High Temperature OxidationThe Influence of the Texture and Microstructure of a Zr-2.5Nb Substrate upon the Oxidation KineticsThe Influence of Substrate Texture on the Oxidation Kinetics of CopperThe Role of Textures in the Corrosion Resistance of Electrogalvanized Zn CoatingsTexture and Corrosion Mechanisms in Aluminized Steel SheetEffects of Cathodic Polarization on the Pitting Behavior of Aluminum Single Crystals in Hydrochloric Acid SolutionEffect of Texture on the Corrosion Behaviour of High Purity AluminumMagnetic Properties of Fe-3%Si Sheets Having Ideal OrientationsAnisotropic Magnetization Curve Simulation of an Easy-Plane Ferrimagnetic ErMn4Fe8C Carbide from Orientation Distribution DataMagnetic Alignment and Crystallographic Texture Relationships in Permanent NdFeB MagnetsTexture Development and Texture Influence on the Mechanical Properties of the Mg-Alloy AZ31Effect of C on the R-Value Anisotropy of Ti-Added IF SteelsThrough-Thickness Texture Inhomogeneity and its Effect on Formability in IF Steel SheetsMacroscopic Texture and Anisotropy in Ti-Added IF SteelsThe Evolution of the Elastic Properties of FCC Polycrystals Due to Texture EvolutionThe Influence of Tandem Rolling Process Parameters on the Texture and Earing Behaviour of AA1050Calculation of Plastic Strain Ratio of Deep-Drawing Steel Sheets from TextureEvaluation of the Plastic Strain Distribution of Pearlitic Wires during TorsionPlastic Strain Ratios of Fe and Ni ElectrodepositsThe Effect of Texture on the Pseudoelasticity of CuZnAl Shape Memory Alloy SheetTexture and Shape Memory Effect of TiNi Alloy Produced from Ti/Ni Laminated SheetsAn Example of Texture Influence in Stress AnalysisEffects of Textures on Hydrogen Diffusion in NickelTexture Formation and Distribution of Residual Microstrains in Rolled Ti-48%Ni-2%Fe Single Crystals with Shape Memory PropertiesMechanisms of Recrystallization in Cold and Warm Rolled Low Carbon Steel and IF SteelIssues Related to Texture in High Performance SteelsEffects of Cementite Dissolution and Carbon Diffusion upon the Recrystallization Behaviour of Low Carbon SteelOrientation Selection during Phase Transformation in Low Carbon SteelsEffect of Thermomechanical Processing Parameters upon Texture Development and Yield Strength Anisotropy in High Strength Linepipe SteelsInvestigation of Macroscopic Grain Sub-Division of an IF-Steel during Cold-RollingOrientation Relationships and Variant Selection during a- to ?- Phase Transformation in Low Carbon SteelEffect of Temper Rolling on Grain Growth in IF SteelInfluence of Sulfur on Formability of Galvannealed Ultra Deep Drawing Quality SteelTexture and Phase Distribution in the Coating Layers of Galvannealed Steel SheetsMicro-Scale Orientation Study of RD// Cold Rolling Texture in SteelIncreasing the Intensity of {111} by Thermomechanical TreatmentsA Comparative Investigation of Warm Rolled IF Steel and Low Carbon SteelRole of Grain Boundaries, Deformation and Transition Bands in the Nucleation and Successful Growth of ? Grains during the Recrystallization of IF SteelEvaluation of the Orientation Distribution of Intragranular Ferrite Grains Dynamically Formed during Deformation in a V-Added Low Carbon Steel by EBSDEffect of Inter-Pass Aging on Recrystallization Texture in 3% Si Grain-Oriented Electrical SteelsInfluence of the Goss Grain Neighbourhood during Secondary Recrystallization of Fe-3%Si SheetsEffect of Initial Grain Size Prior to Cold Rolling on Annealing Texture in Non-Oriented Electrical SteelEffect of Temper Rolling Reduction and Annealing Time on Texture Formation during Final Annealing in Electrical SteelsEffect of Primary Microstructure on the Formation of a Sharp Goss Texture in Fe-3%Si SteelsEffects of Sulfur Segregation on Selective Grain Growth and Final Texture in Thin Gauged Grain-Oriented 3% Silicon SteelEffect of Annealing Atmosphere on Surface-Energy-Induced Selective Grain Growth in Thin-Gauged 3% Si-Fe StripStrip Thickness, Flow Rate of Hydrogen, Surface-Energy-Induced Selective Growth Kinetics and Final Texture in Thin-Gauged 3%Si-Fe Alloy SystemCoincidence Grain Boundary and Selective Growth of Goss Grain in Fe-3% Si AlloyEffects of Surface-Segregated Sulfur on Primary Texture and Surface-Energy-Induced Selective Grain Growth in Ultra-Thin 3% Silicon-Iron AlloyAbnormal Texture of Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel under High Cold Rolling ReductionEBSP Observation of Recrystallization Nuclei in a Cold Rolled 3%Si-Fe (100)[011] Single CrystalMicroscale Texture of Hot Deformed 3%Si-Steel and Statically Recrystallized OrientationsObservation of Secondary Recrystallization Process in 3% Si-Steel with EBSDEffects of Electrostatic Field on Recrystallization Texture and Grain Boundary Character Distribution in a Fe-3%Si AlloyEvolution of Microstructure and Texture Associated with Ridging in Ferritic Stainless SteelsTransformation Behavior of Retained Austenite in Hydroformed TRIP SteelTexture Evolution during High Temperature Gas Nitriding of Duplex Stainless SteelsDeformation and Recrystallization Textures in Duplex Stainless SteelMicrostructure and Texture Analysis in a Cold-Rolled Austenitic-Ferritic Steel with Duplex StructureThe Effect of Grain Boundary Character Distribution (GBCD) on Edge Cracking during Hot Rolling of Austenitic Stainless SteelTextural Development in AISI 316 Stainless Steel during Cold Rolling and AnnealingTexture Evolution in Weld Regions of SUS-304 Stainless Steel and TRIP SteelQPA of Retained Austenite in TRIP-Aided Cold Rolled Steels Using Neutron DiffractionDetermination of the Morphological Textures of Fibres in a Composite Material Made from a Textile of AISI 316L FibresFactors Affecting the Fiber Texture in Strip-Cast Stainless SteelsEffect of Rolling Reduction on the Development of Rolling and Recrystallization Textures in Al-Mg AlloysModeling of Rolling and Recrystallization Textures in the Production of Aluminum SheetsOrientation Coherence of Rolled and Annealed Aluminum PlateShear Texture Development and Grain Refinement in Asymmetrically Rolled Aluminum Alloy Sheets by Varied Reduction per PassEffect of Initial Textures on the Texture of Aluminum after Asymmetrical RollingAnalysis of Deformation and Recrystallization Textures of Shear Deformed 1050 Aluminum AlloyTorsion and Annealing Textures of 99.99% AluminumInfluence of Pre-Annealing and Additional Deformation on the Recrystallization Texture of High-Purity Aluminum FoilsInfluence of High Hot-Rolling Temperature and Multistage Annealing upon the Cube Texture of High Purity Aluminum Capacitor FoilsFormation of Shear Texture and Ultra-fine Grains in Warm Rolled AA 3004 SheetsSharpening of the Cube Texture in AA3004 Alloy by Three Step Processes of Partial Annealing and Light RollingInfluence of the Strain Path in Torsion on the Deformation- and Recrystallization Textures of AA1050 and AA3103 Aluminium AlloysRecrystallization Textures and the Evolution of the P-Orientation as a Function of Precipitation in an AA3103 AlloyRolling and Annealing Texture of 3004 Aluminium AlloyTexture Development during Tensile Deformation in Al-Mg AlloysTexture Evolution of AA5052 during Monotonic and Reversed Hot Deformation and Subsequent RecrystallizationEffect of Strain Paths on the Evolution of Texture and Work Hardening in AA 5052 Sheets during Continuous Confined Strip Shearing DeformationTexture Evolution during Hot Deformation and Annealing of AA5182 AlloyTool Geometry Dependence of Local Texture in Friction Stir Welds of 7050 Aluminum PlateMicrostructure and Texture Evolution during Superplastic Deformation of 7475 Al AlloyThe Texture of Ultra-Fine Grained Al-Mg AlloysMicrostructure and Texture of Eutectic Al-Si Alloy with Multiple Cold Rolling and Heat TreatmentOrientation Relationship of Phases in an Oxidation Protection Coating on a Ni-Based Superalloy Single CrystalOrientation Change of Epitaxial Pt Films on MgO(001) via Deposition ConditionsTexture Analysis of Ferroelectric Thin Films on Platinised Si-Based Substrates with a TiO2 LayerReal Time In Situ Texture Investigations of Thin Film Growth Using RHEEDEffect of Line Geometries on Textures in Damascene Cu LinesNi and Ni-Alloy Tapes with a Very Strong Cube Texture as Substrates for High Temperature Superconducting TapesTextures of Cu and Dilute Binary Cu(Ti) and Cu(In) Thin FilmsOriented Growth of LiNbO3 Thin Films for SAW PropertiesPlanar Texture Developed in Plasma Treated Polypropylene FilmsRelationships between the Texture and Longevity of TiN Thin FilmsTexture Evolution in TiN, TaN and W2N Thin FilmsMicrostructure and Texture of Electrodeposited Cu on TiN Thin Films without a Cu Seed LayerRietveld Texture and Stress Analysis of Thin Films by X-Ray DiffractionThe Effect of Substrate Texture and Electroplating Conditions on the Texture and Surface Morphology of Copper ElectrodepositsEffects of Local Texture and Grain Structure on the Sputtering Performance of TantalumTexture Evolution in CVD-Grown Diamond Analyzed by Micro-DiffractionTexture Investigations In Damascene Copper InterconnectsTexture and Grain Structure of Iron Film Obtained by CVD with Imposition of Magnetic FieldTexture Evolution of Cu Thin Films during AnnealingComputer Simulation of Martensitic Transformation in Constrained FilmsEvolution of Surface Morphologies in Sputtered and Electroplated Cu Films during Thermal CyclingEffects of Current Waveform and Bath Temperature on Surface Morphology and Texture of Copper Electrodeposits for ULSITexture in Piezoelectric TitanatesRecrystallization Textures during Laser-Assisted Machining of Zirconia CeramicsTextural Analysis of a Microcrystalline Quartz using X-Ray and Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) TechniquesDeformation Mechanisms, Crystallographic Fabrics and Rheology of Quartz-Iron Oxide RocksQTA of Prismatic Calcite Layers of some Bivalves, a Link to Trichite AncestralsTexture Development and Phase Transformation in Liquid-Phase-Sintered SiC CeramicsEBSD Analysis of Grain Boundary Characteristics of Abnormally Grain Grown AluminaCrystallographic Distribution of Low Angle Grain Boundary Planes in Magnesium OxideAnisotropic Microstructure of Iron Oxides Formed during High Temperature Oxidation of SteelSimulation of Texture Evolution during Wire Drawing of BSCCO SuperconductorsModeling and Simulation of Deformation Texture in Semi-Crystalline Polymers: Application to Polypropylene and Nylon-6Molecular Order and Morphology of Polymer Stabilized Liquid CrystalsControl of Surface Morphology in PS and PVP Hybrid Thin FilmsStructure, Morphology and Low-Temperature Impact Resistance of Linear Low-Density PolyethylenesMorphology Control and Catalytic Application of Mesoporous Structures Prepared by Sol-Gel ProcessingPreparation of Tetracene Single Crystal: Determination of Crystal Orientation by Electron DiffractionAnalysis of the ??a Variant Selection in a Zy-4 Rod by Means of Specific Crystal Orientation MapsTextures in Powder-Metallurgy Processed Nb/Al CompositesEvaluation of Casting Textures in Al/Al3Ti Platelet Functionally Graded Material Fabricated by a Centrifugal Solid-Particle MethodEffects of Thermomechanical Processing on Texture Formation in Titanium AluminidesTextures and Ordering Influence in ?-TiAl Based AlloyRole of Cross-Slip in Determining Orientation Relationships during the ?-to-a Transformation

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