Leininger / Mcfarland | Transcultural Nursing: Concepts, Theories, Research & Practice, Third Edition | Buch | 978-0-07-135397-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 648 Seiten, Format (B × H): 188 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 1012 g

Leininger / Mcfarland

Transcultural Nursing: Concepts, Theories, Research & Practice, Third Edition

Buch, Englisch, 648 Seiten, Format (B × H): 188 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 1012 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-135397-7
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

The most comprehensive guide to transcultural nursing in global settings, covering pain management, mental health therapies, childrearing practices, certification, and much more. Features comparisonsof western and non-western cultures, and information on multiple cultures of urban USA
Leininger / Mcfarland Transcultural Nursing: Concepts, Theories, Research & Practice, Third Edition jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Section I: Transcultural Nursing: Essential Knowledge Dimensions 1Transcultural Nursing and the Globalization of Health Care: Importance, Focus, and Historical Aspects2Essential Transcultural Nursing Care Concepts, Principles, Examples, and Policy Statements3Part I: The Theory of Culture Care and Ethnonursing Research Method Part II: Selected Research Findings from the Culture Care Theory4Culture Care Assessments for Congruent Competency Practices5Part I. Toward Integrative Generic and Professional Health CarePart II. Ethics of Alternative Medicine: Primum Non Nocere 6The Biocultural Basis of Transcultural Nursing7Western Ethical, Moral, and Legal Dimensions within the Culture care TheorySection II: Special Topics in Transcultural Nursing8Cultures and Tribes of Nursing, Hospitals, and the Medicine Culture9Transcultural Food Functions, Beliefs, and Practices10Lifecycle Culturally Based Care and Health Patterns of the Gadsup of New Guinea: A Non-Western Culture11Transcultural Mental Health Nursing12Transcultural Nursing Care and Health Perspectives of HIV/AIDS13Urban USA Transcultural Care Challenges with Multiple Cultures and Culturally Diverse Providers14Ethical, Moral, and Legal Aspects of Transcultural NursingSection III: Culture Care Theory, Research, and Practice in Diverse Cultures15Anglo-American (United States) Culture Care Values, Beliefs, and Lifeways16Arab Muslims and Culture Care17African American and Culture Care18South African Culturally Based Health - Illness Patterns and Humanistic Care Practices19Family Violence and Culture Care with African and Euro-American Cultures in the United States20Elder Care in Urban Namibian Families: An Ethnonursing Study21Culture Care of the Mexican American Family22Philippine American Culture Care23Culture Care Theory and Elderly Polish American24Finnish Women in Birth: Culture Care Meanings and Practices25Taiwanese Americans Culture Care Meanings and Expressions26Transcultural Nursing and Health Care among Native American Peoples27Lithuanian Americans and Culture Care28Japanese Americans and Culture Care29Jewish Americans and Russian Jews Culture Care30India: Transcultural Nursing and Health Care31Canadian Transcultural Nursing: Trends and Issues32Culture Care of the Homeless in Western United States33Reflections on Australia and Transcultural Nursing in the New MillenniumSection IV: Transcultural Nursing Teaching, Administration, and Consultation34Transcultural Nursing: Curricular Concepts, Principles, and Teaching and Learning Activities for the 21st Century35Transcultural Nursing Administration and ConsultationSection V. The Future of Transcultural Nursing 36The Future of Transcultural Nursing: A Global Perspective

Mcfarland, Marilyn
McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide

Leininger, Madeleine
McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide

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