Leithwood / Jantzi / Steinbach | Changing Leadership for Changing Times | Buch | 978-0-335-23212-3 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch

Leithwood / Jantzi / Steinbach

Changing Leadership for Changing Times

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23212-3
Verlag: Open University Press

Envisioning the nature of schools of the future is more art than science. But the response of today's schools to challenges presented by such forces as technology, changing demographics, and government austerity offer useful clues. As a minimum, schools will need to be able to thrive on uncertainty, have considerably greater capacities for collective problem solving than they do at present, and meet a much wider array of student needs. Changing Leadership for Changing Times examines the types of leadership that are likely to be productive in creating and sustaining such schools. Based on a long term study of 'transformational' leadership in school restructuring contexts, the chapters in this book offer a highly readable account of such leadership grounded in a substantial body of empirical evidence.
Leithwood / Jantzi / Steinbach Changing Leadership for Changing Times jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Part one: The context for changing leadership
Changing leadership
a menu of possibilities
Transformational leadership as a place to begin
Part two: Transformational school leadership
Transformational leadership at Central Ontario Secondary School
Setting directions
vision, goals, and high expectations
Developing people
individualized support, intellectual stimulation and modelling
Redesigning the organization
culture, structure, policy and community relationships
Part three: Beyond transformational leadership: broadening and deepening the approach
The problem-solving processes of transformational leaders
Fostering teacher leadership
Building teachers' commitment to change
Creating the conditions for growth in teachers' professional knowledge and skill
Leadership for organizational learning
Maintaining emotional balance
future schools and leaders' values

All three authors work in the Centre for Leadership Development, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.

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