LET THE STORY DO THE WORK | Buch | 978-0-8144-3801-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 0 Seiten, Format (B × H): 63 mm x 92 mm


Buch, Englisch, 0 Seiten, Format (B × H): 63 mm x 92 mm

ISBN: 978-0-8144-3801-5

“Esther Choy isn’t just smart and wise and sensible, but she also imbues her work with a spirit of kindness and positivity. The result is a book that’s rousing in both its practicality and its encouragement. You should read it immediately.”— Stephen J. Dubner, coauthor of the Freakonomics books, and host of Freakonomics Radio “As this book shows, simply and powerfully: to get people interested in and convinced by what you are saying, tell a story. But not just any story—you have to tell the right one. What to say and how to say it is what this book is about. Brilliant, entertaining, and powerful.”— Don Norman, author of The Design of Everyday Things, co-founder of Nielsen Norman Group, and Director of Design Lab at UC San Diego “Few people understand the power of storytelling; even fewer know how to make it work for business, education, or even just around a campfire. Esther Choy is one of those people. The tools she shares in her book can help anyone become a better storyteller, and meanwhile her book’s a lot of fun. Highly recommended.”— Robert Wolcott, Ph.D., co-founder, KIN; Clinical Professor of Innovation, Kellogg School of Management; Managing Partner, Clareo “In this book Esther Choy not only provides you with the fundamentals of storytelling, but also gives you very valuable examples for how to convert complex facts into compelling, interesting stories. A must-read book for all communications professionals.”— Andreas Schwab, SVP of Corporate Communications, Siemens “Esther Choy’s book is a great resource for anyone wanting to be a more effective communicator.”— Roxanne Hori, Associate Dean, NYU Stern School of Business “In Let the Story Do the Work, Choy lays out simple, practical tools for strengthening influence and persuasion skills. Whether one is just starting a career, looking to make a change, or taking on higher levels of leadership responsibility, this book offers fresh, actionable insights. In fact, I put some of those insights to good use in an executive presentation just a week after reading it!”— Dave Burdakin, President, JBT AeroTech “As a business, brand, or job seeker, being able to stand out from the pack in today’s competitive marketplace by articulating a memorable, purpose-driven story is more important than ever. With over a decade of experience helping others leverage the art of storytelling, Esther Choy guides readers through this process in Let the Story Do the Work—empowering them to craft their own narratives in a compelling, persuasive, and authentic way.”— Amy Ward, Emmy® Award-winning writer/producer
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Weitere Infos & Material

CONTENTS INTRODUCTION: Why Stories? How Story + Qualifications = Standout Success x PART ONE: ANATOMY OF A STORY CHAPTER 1: Master the Principle Elements of Storytelling 3 CHAPTER 2: The Five Basic Plots in Business Communication 23 PART TWO: BRINGING STORIES TO LIFE CHAPTER 3: Look Who's Listening 47 CHAPTER 4: Telling Stories with Data65 CHAPTER 5: Making the Complex Clear 89 CHAPTER 6: Combining the Power of Story and Simple Visuals 99 CHAPTER 7: Collecting Stories from Everywhere129 PART THREE: STORIES IN ACTION CHAPTER 8: Using Your Own Story to Build Credibility and Connection151 CHAPTER 9: Successful Networking Starts with a Good Story Hook 171 CHAPTER 10: Selling the Social Impact of Nonprofit Organizations with Story187 CHAPTER 11: Case Study: The Healthcare Industry 203 EPILOGUE213 Notes215 Index223

Esther K. Choy is founder and president of Leadership Story Lab, where she coaches managers in storytelling techniques. She is currently teaching in the executive education programs at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management.

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