Lindlof / Taylor | Qualitative Communication Research Methods | Buch | 978-1-4129-7473-8 |

Buch, 400 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Lindlof / Taylor

Qualitative Communication Research Methods

Buch, 400 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

ISBN: 978-1-4129-7473-8
Verlag: SAGE Publications

While many volumes discuss qualitative methods, only Qualitative Communication Research Methods focuses on the history and diversity of their use within the communication discipline. This volume is written by, for, and about communication scholars. It introduces readers from any background to every step of the qualitative research process, from developing research topics and questions, all the way through writing a final report. In addition to covering the scope of theories and methods currently used in qualitative communication research, this book also discusses important trends influencing the future of that research. Key features in this new edition include: - A more clear and direct writing style, suitable for use in both undergraduate and graduate courses. - Numerous practical examples and exercises designed to reinforce student learning of concepts. - A critical guide to the contexts of qualitative research. More than ever, qualitative researchers operate in institutional contexts that present new dilemmas. The book brings readers up to date on related ethical, political, and practical issues, including: the influences of globalization on the design and conduct of research; the appropriate use of recording technology in conducting fieldwork; the unique challenges and opportunities related to studying multi-media, on-line environments; and ongoing innovation and controversy surrounding genres and formats of qualitative writing. - An integrated "suite" of chapters on data-producing methods. In addition to updated discussions of participant-observation and qualitative interviewing, this edition includes a new chapter on the study of material culture and documents. Together, these three chapters help readers to learn how fieldwork methods can successfully combine in a flexible, integrated fashion. - Cutting-edge technological developments. The book informs and advises readers about the latest developments in technology for qualitative communication research. This discussion focuses on how "new" media - such as e-mail, texting, cell phone video, and blogging - not only form topics of research, but also the means of recording, analyzing, and textually "representing" data.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction to Qualitative Communication Research
Introduction: Working With (and Studying) Cops
Four Paradigms and (Maybe) a Funeral: A Brief History of Qualitative Communication Research
Feeling Corporate, Going Global: Two Trends in Qualitative Communication Research
Looking Closer: The Conduct of Qualitative Research in Communication
2. Theoretical Traditions and Qualitative Communication Research
Qualitative Research and Communication Theory
The Phenomenological Tradition
The Sociocultural Tradition
The Critical Tradition
3. Design I: Planning Research Projects
“My City, My Society, and My Life”: Renee’s Story
Sources of Research Ideas
Moving Toward a Commitment
Evaluating the Scene
4. Design II: Implementing Research Projects
Negotiating Access
Exploratory Methods
Human Subject Protections
The Research Proposal
5. Producing Data I: Participating, Observing, and Recording Social Action
Introduction: Fieldwork, Ethnography, and Participant Observation
Successful Participant Observation
Adapting Roles
Tactical Observing
Writing Fieldnotes
New Media and Participant Observation
6. Producing Data II: Qualitative Interviewing
Purposes of the Qualitative Interview
Types of Interviews in Communication Research
The Practices of Interviewing
Question Design and Use
Transcribing Interviews
7. Producing Data III: Analyzing Material Culture and Documents
Material Culture
8. Sensemaking: Qualitative Data Analysis and Interpretation
Qualitative Data Analysis
Tools for Analysis
Evaluating Interpretations
9. Writing, Authoring, and Publishing
Introduction: Going Public
The Crisis of Representation
After the Fall: Reading and Writing Qualitative Research
Institutional Contexts of Qualitative Writing
The Craft of Qualitative Writing: Three Types of Format and Their Related Strategies
Some Final Thoughts on Writing
Author Index
Subject Index
About the Authors

Lindlof, Thomas R.
Thomas R. Lindlof is a professor in the School of Journalism and Media at the University of Kentucky. His research and teaching interests focus on the cultural analysis of mediated communication, media audience theory and research, and qualitative research methodology. His research has appeared in numerous scholarly outlets, including Communication Research, Journal of Communication, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Journalism Quarterly, Journalism Studies, Social Science Computer Review, and Communication Yearbook. He has served as the editor of the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. He has written or edited six books, including Qualitative Communication Research Methods (with Bryan C. Taylor) and Hollywood under Siege: Martin Scorsese, the Religious Right, and the Culture Wars. In 2011 he received the Distinguished Scholar Award from the Broadcast Education Association. He currently resides in Austin, Texas.

Taylor, Bryan C.
Bryan C. Taylor is a Professor of Communication, and the Director of the Peace, Conflict and Security Program at the University of Colorado-Boulder. His teaching and research interests include qualitative methods, security studies, organizational communication, and technology studies. He has published in the Annals of the International Communication Association, Communication Research, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Management Communication Quarterly, Quarterly Journal of Speech, Rhetoric and Public Affairs, Culture and Organization, and elsewhere. He is co-author with Thomas Lindlof of Qualitative Communication Research Methods (Sage) and co-editor of Nuclear Legacies: Communication, Controversy and the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Production Complex (Lexington Press), which received the 2008 Christine Oravec Research Award from the Environmental Communication Division of the National Communication Association.

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