Locklin | Liturgy of Liberation | Buch | 978-90-429-2563-2 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band Volume 6, 327 Seiten

Reihe: Christian Commentaries on Non-Christian Sacred Texts


Liturgy of Liberation

A Christian Commentary on Shankara's Upadesasahasri

Buch, Englisch, Band Volume 6, 327 Seiten

Reihe: Christian Commentaries on Non-Christian Sacred Texts

ISBN: 978-90-429-2563-2
Verlag: Peeters Publishers

The Upadesasahasri or Thousand Teachings of the great
eighth-century sage Adi Shankaracharya is a distillation of the ancient Upanishads,
intended for use by teachers and seekers in the Hindu tradition of
Advaita Vedanta. It has been variously interpreted as a major
theological treatise, an elevated philosophical exposition, or a
guidebook to mystical experience. Liturgy of Liberation offers a
fresh reading and commentary on the Upadesasahasri in terms of
oral performance and sacramental practice, placing its sacred, scripted
dialogues into conversation with the Apostle Paul and other witnesses
from the Christian tradition. What results is not merely new
appreciation for Shankara and his radical message of non-duality, but
also a renewed sense of the scandal of the cross, the subversive power
of the word, and the mystery of Christian discipleship. Beyond this, Liturgy
of Liberation explores the potential of dialogue itself to disclose
the intimate, liberating presence of God at the heart of creation and
the core of every human being.
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