Longnecker / Zapol | Anesthesiology, Second Edition | Medienkombination | 978-0-07-178513-6 | sack.de

Medienkombination, Englisch, 1748 Seiten, Format (B × H): 221 mm x 281 mm, Gewicht: 3873 g

Longnecker / Zapol

Anesthesiology, Second Edition

Medienkombination, Englisch, 1748 Seiten, Format (B × H): 221 mm x 281 mm, Gewicht: 3873 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-178513-6
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

Keep pace with current anesthesiology practice—with the new edition of this standard-setting guideThis classic text—-written and edited by an internationally renowned author team—-defines today’s anesthesia practice for residents and practitioners alike. The book features crisp, readable prose that focuses on the most relevant topics in anesthesiology, perioperative medicine, critical care medicine, and pain medicine. Features - NEW Increased focus on perioperative medicine, including outstanding sections on pre-op assessment, critical care medicine, and pain management - NEW Expanded information on regional anesthesia reflects the best of current anesthesia practice, including ultrasound-guided techniques - NEW DVD with video clips of common procedures - Complete coverage that spans the entire field, including all of the anesthetic considerations, preparations, and procedures for the surgical patient, the pain patient, and critical care patient - Ideal for anesthesiology residents and practitioners preparing for the Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology (MOCA) exam - Balanced presentation surveys clinical information, practical clinical procedures, and the molecular and basic scientific foundations of anesthesiology practice - Timely emphasis on safety, quality, and patient-centered care - Learning aids such as key points, numerous tables and algorithms, and key references - Engaging full-color presentation
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Weitere Infos & Material

PART 1 The Specialty of Anesthesiology
1 The Evolution of Anesthesiology as a Clinical Discipline: A Lesson in Developing Professionalism
2 The Scope and Future of Anesthesia Practice
3 Safety and Quality: The Guiding Principles of Patient-Centered Care
4 The Role of Genomics in Anesthesia Practice
5 Ethics and Confl icts of Interest in Anesthesia Practice
PART 2 Preparing for Anesthesia
Section A: Approach to the Anesthesia Patient
6 Overview of Preoperative Assessment and Management
7 The Anesthetic Plan for Healthy Patients
Section B: Preoperative Evaluation of the Anesthesia Patient
8 Appropriate and Effective Use of Consultants
9 Evaluation of the Patient With Cardiovascular Disease
10 Evaluation of the Patient With a Diffi cult Airway
11 Evaluation of the Patient With Pulmonary Disease
12 Evaluation of the Patient With Neuromuscular, Skeletal, or Motion Disorders
13 Evaluation of the Patient With EndocrineDisease or Diabetes
14 Evaluation of the Patient With Renal Disease
15 Evaluation of Patients With Hepatic Disease
16 Anesthetic Considerations for the Patient With Anemia and Coagulation Disorders
17 Evaluation of the Patient With Perioperative Malnutrition
18 Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy
19 Preoperative Assessment of the Newborn
20 Evaluation of Children
21 Evaluation of the Geriatric Patient
22 Evaluation of the Pregnant Patient
23 Evaluation of the Obese Patient
24 Evaluation of the Patient With Alcohol or Drug Addiction
PART 3 Safety and Risk Reduction in Anesthesia
25 Anesthesia Risk
26 Approaches to Quality Improvement in Anesthesia Care
27 Positioning of Patients for Operation
28 Environmental Safety
PART 4 Managing Anesthesia Care
29 Perioperative Information Management Systems
30 Hemodynamic Monitoring
31 Intraoperative Transesophageal Echocardiography: A Systematic Approach
32 Monitoring Respiratory Function
33 Intraoperative Neurologic Monitoring
34 Monitoring and Managing Neuromuscular Blockade
35 Monitoring and Managing Perioperative Electrolyte Abnormalities, Acid–Base Disorders, and Fluid Replacement
Section B: Managing the Airway
36 Airway Management
Section C: Anesthesia Drugs and Drug Delivery Systems
37 Mechanisms of General Anesthetic Action
38 Pharmacology of Inhalational Anesthetics
39 Anesthesia Delivery System
40 Principles of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Applied Clinical Pharmacology for the Practitioner
41 Pharmacology of Intravenous Anesthetics
42 Pharmacology of Opioid Analgesics
43 Total Intravenous Anesthesia
44 Cardiovascular Drugs
45 Pharmacology of Local Anesthetics
Section D: Regional Anesthesia
46 Incorporating Regional Anesthesia Into Anesthetic Practice
47 Neuraxial Anesthesia
48 Paravertebral Anesthesia
49 Peripheral Nerve Blocks
50 Managing Adverse Outcomes During Regional Anesthesia
Section E: Specialty Areas of Anesthetic Practice
51 Neuroanesthesia
52 Cardiac Anesthesia
53 Anesthesia for Surgical Treatment of Congenital Heart Disease: A Problem-Oriented Approach
54 Thoracic Anesthesia
55 Anesthesia for Major Vascular Surgery
56 Anesthesia for Gastrointestinal Surgery
57 Anesthesia for Liver Surgery and Transplantation
58 Anesthesia for Heart or Lung Transplantation
59 Anesthesia for Kidney, Pancreas, or Other Organ Transplantation
60 Endocrine Surgery and Intraoperative Management of Endocrine Conditions
61 Anesthetic Considerations for Genitourinary and Renal Surgery
62 Anesthesia for Obstetric Care and Gynecologic Surgery
63 Aesthesia for Newborn Surgical Emergencies
64 Anesthesia for Children
65 Anesthesia for Orthopedic Surgery
66 Anesthesia for Ophthalmic Surgery
67 Anesthesia for Otorhinolaryngologic (Ear, Nose, and Throat) Surgery
68 Outpatient Anesthesia
69 Monitored Anesthesia Care and Anesthesia Outside the Operating Room
PART 5 Postoperative Care of the Anesthesia Patient
70 Recovery of the Healthy Patient
71 Pos

Longnecker, David E.
McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide

Zapol, Warren M.
McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide

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