Mangal, S: Learning and Teaching | Buch | 978-93-88028-18-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 592 Seiten, Paperback

Mangal, S: Learning and Teaching

Buch, Englisch, 592 Seiten, Paperback

ISBN: 978-93-88028-18-9
Verlag: PHI Learning

The book thoroughly explains various theories and concepts applied in the field of learning and teaching. It orderly describes effective techniques and methods by using descriptive analytical approach and methodology.

It covers in the intelligible form a wide spectrum of information inclusive of that required for the compulsory paper “Learning and Teaching” incorporated in the curriculum of B.Ed. courses of various Indian universities in accordance with the guidelines of National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE).

The book discusses the nature and importance of learning theories propagated by behaviourists, cognitivists and humanists. It also focuses on pedagogy, andragogy, models of teaching, tasks and process of learning, strategies of teaching, learning styles, and concepts of e-learning and m-learning in the applications of ICT.

Key Features - Full coverage of syllabi of all the Indian universities
- Diligently arranged chapters for the sequential learning
- Comprehensive explanation with illustrative examples and case studies
- Explicit figures, tables and diagrams for easy interpretation
- Summary at each chapter-end for quick review

Besides B.Ed. students, the book is also of immense value to the students of B. EL Ed., M.Ed., MA (Ed.), M.Phil., and teachers, training professionals and counselors.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Preface
- 1. Learning- Concept, Nature, Types and Importance
- 2. Factors Affecting Learning
- 3. Behaviourism and Behaviouristic Theories of Learning
- 4. Cognitivism and Cognitivistic Theories of Learning
- 5. Humanism and Humanistic Theories of Learning
- 6. Constructivism and Constructivist Learning
- 7. Cognition and Learning
- 8. Learning as Construction of Knowledge
- 9. Learning Strategies
- 10. Learning Styles-Concept, Types and Implications
- 11. E-learning and M-learning
- 12. Transfer of Learning or Training
- 13. Motivation in Teaching - Learning
- 14. Teaching- Concept, Nature and Importance
- 15. Phases and Levels of Teaching
- 16. Variables in the Teaching Process
- 17. Principles and Maxims of Teaching
- 18. Theories of Teaching
- 19. Teaching Strategies
- 20. Simulated Teaching
- 21. Team Teaching
- 22. Models of Teaching
- 23. Micro-Teaching
- 24. Interaction Analysis
- 25. Pedagogy and Andragogy
- 26. Role of Teacher in a Teaching – Learning Context
- 27. Teaching Effectiveness and Effective Teachers
- 28. Teaching Profession and Professional Ethics
- 29. Information and Communication Technology
- 30. Diverse Teaching Strategies for Diverse Learners
- Bibliography
- Index

S.K. Mangal, Ph.D. (Education), has been Principal, and Professor and Head of Department of Postgraduate Studies at C.R. College of Education, Rohtak, Haryana. Dr. Mangal has authored several books, including Essentials of Educational Psychology, Advanced Educational Psychology (Second Edition), Educating Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education, Essentials of Educational Technology, Emotional Intelligence: Managing Emotions to Win in Life, Pedagogy of Social Sciences (Second Edition), Research Methodology in Behavioural Sciences and Statistics in Psychology and Education (Second Edition), published by PHI Learning. Professor Mangal has been a distinguished administrator and researcher. He has devised various educational and psychological tests and has published extensively in reputed journals.

Shubhra Mangal, Ph.D. (Education), is the Principal, Professor and Head of the Department of Postgraduate Studies, C.R.S. College of Education, Noida. She has devised an Emotional Intelligence Inventory for the measurement of Emotional Intelligence of School Teachers. She has written a number of books in the field of Educational Psychology and Teacher Education, including Research Methodology in Behavioural Sciences published by PHI Learning. The areas of her research interest are emotional intelligence and teacher education.

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