Mann | Study, Power and the University | Buch | 978-0-335-23685-5 |

Buch, Englisch


Study, Power and the University

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23685-5
Verlag: Open University Press

This book highlights the effects of power within the higher educational process, and argues that in order to understand the student experience we have to take seriously the institution as a context for learning.

It considers key questions such as:

- Why is the student experience of higher education sometimes negative or restricted?

- How does power operate within the institution?

- What are the forces that limit or enable student agency?

- How can institutions of higher education create conditions which best support more enabling forces?

Higher Education has its own particular culture, social relations and practices, governed by social and discursive norms. It is always implicated in relations of power through its function in society and its effects on individuals. This book considers how, for the student, these effects can be enabling and engaging, or limiting and diminishing.

In exploring the effects of the institutionalization of learning and the workings of power implicated within this, it sets out to add to more cognitive and pedagogic ways of understanding student experience in higher education.

Study, Power and the University provides key reading for educational researchers and developers, academics and higher education managers.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1 Introduction

Part 1 The Student Experience

Chapter 2 Student Approaches to Learning

Chapter 3 The Experience of Being a Student

Part 2 The Institution as a Context for Learning

Chapter 4 Context and Power

Chapter 5 The Economic and Social Function of Higher Education

Chapter 6 The Institutionalization of Time, Space, Activity and the Self

Chapter 7 Learning as Discursive Practice

Chapter 8 The Special Case of Assessment

Part 3 Possible Futures: Concentration or Differentiation

Chapter 9 Concentration: The Self and the Limiting Forces of the Institution

Chapter 10 Differentiation: The Enabling Forces of the Institution

Sarah J. Mann is Senior Lecturer in the Learning and Teaching Centre at the University of Glasgow. She is head of the Academic Development Unit and is responsible for the MEd in Academic Practice.

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